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Everything posted by ClaytoniousRex

  1. We're looking into including a second executable built without SSE. If you're up to it, I would love to give you this build for you to test. If you're willing to do that, then please email me. Otherwise, stay tuned for news about a non-SSE build in an upcoming release.
  2. Fixed for the upcoming 1.0.2 update.
  3. Waiting until the end of deployment to drop close to the objective is always a good idea. I usually even order the bots to do this: during deployment, order them to drop near the enemy flag and then extract them. They will now wait until deployment ends before dropping close to the enemy base just as you're doing. This way you can organize a massive attack as soon as deployment ends. Just be sure to leave a few of them back at your flag for defense. There's no penalty for doing this because it's the sensible thing to do. The enemy should be smart enough to deploy sufficient air defense to prevent you from dropping directly on his flag, so you're going to have to fight your way in. But this doesn't mean you have to drive across the entire map to do it. You might think this means that all of the action will take place near the two flags with lots of "dead space" in between. This isn't true, either, because it often pays to position yourself at extremely long range from the enemy base for optimal use of long range weapons like mortars and ion beams. In this case, the enemy is going to have to come out into that "dead space" where you're positioned in order to root you out. There are also often useful facilities out in that space and of course in the end someone's going to have to take the flag across all of that terrain.
  4. Is everything else just as horrible (e.g. vehicle control, issues orders to bots or teammates, etc.) or is this specific function laggy while everything else is basically OK?
  5. That explains a lot, hardail. We need to get Catalyst or a derivative of it installed in order for you to proceed without problems. Hydravision is just an ATI utility that lets you do fancy multi-monitor stuff, isn't it? As far as I know it doesn't provide OpenGL driver support beyond what the base driver is already providing. I understand the problem of getting the latest Catalyst drivers installed on a laptop. ATI and NVidia both have agreements with the laptop vendors to not allow their drivers to install on your laptop - they want you to go to your laptop vendor for drivers. But vendors like Dell never keep up with the latest video drivers so users are stuck in the middle. The first thing would be to check on the latest video drivers from Dell. I tried to look for you but the only "300m" I can find on dell.com is an Inspiron that doesn't have ATI graphics at all (it uses Intel Extreme). If you want to email me the complete model name of your laptop, or even better, the service tag number, then I will go look up the latest drivers from Dell for you. They will probably be ridiculously old but you never know. The next thing I would try is to use something like this: Omega Drivers if you haven't already. This guy basically wraps up the latest Catalyst from ATI, tweaks them a little, and repackages them so they can be used on laptops. Worth a try! If that doesn't work, then we can try manually installing the Catalyst drivers on your laptop. Let's go that route only if the Omega drivers don't work, though, so post again if/when you have a chance to try those.
  6. This is almost certainly caused by the video driver; you *need* ATI Catalyst 6.2 or higher (the current Catalyst from ati.com is 6.5). Is the ATI Catalyst control center installed (you should see an ATI icon in your systray)? What version of Catalyst does it show is currently installed? Can you please email me the Dropteam.log file from your \bin directory? That will allow me to see what the video driver is doing among other things. Also, does this happen with default settings (before turning on shadows, HDR, or any other options on the Settings tab?) You can reset to the default settings by deleting the file called DropTeamSettings.dat in your home directory under Documents and Settings. Finally, is this a laptop?
  7. It's in your home directory, Smith (e.g. /Users/Smithcraft or just ~/). It's created when the game starts (based on your screenshot, you are already far enough along that it should be created).
  8. Please email your Dropteam.log file to me so I can see where it's getting stuck. Thanks!
  9. The demo server was down temporarily but it's back up again.
  10. Smithcraft, we've never seen this problem before but maybe running it in your native resolution of 1360x768 would help. To try this, you can edit the file called DropTeamSettings.dat in your home directory. Change the entries for DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight to 1360 and 768, respectively. Then try running DropTeam again. If it still doesn't work then you can try running in a window instead of fullscreen, at least as a test to learn more. To do this, edit that same file and change your DisplayWidth and DisplayHeight back to the default of 800 and 600, then change the entry for Fullscreen from 1 to 0. If, while making these kinds of edits to the DropTeamSettings.dat file, you get truly hosed at any point, you can delete the file and run again to have a default one created for you. [ June 10, 2006, 09:40 PM: Message edited by: ClaytoniousRex ]
  11. You can grab this one if you like. You might also see this thread for resolutions to this and similar problems.
  12. Can you please email your DropTeamSettings.dat to me, Lyonel? It's in your home directory.
  13. OK, Jung, Gnostic Ascension is now exclusively Objective games. If you connect while it's on IceField and you're sick of the ice, just vote to end the scenario and move on to the next one.
  14. A couple of them are switched over to objective, but here's the rub: some scenarios do not support the objective game type (each scenario defines its own game types including CTF, objective, territory, and whatever new ones a scenario author cares to create). So when a scenario in the list gets loaded, if it does not support the objective game type, then the server falls back on CTF as the default. So what you really need is for us to take all of the CTF scenarios out of rotation on one of the servers, which I am doing for you right now.
  15. Yes, along with the fact that it's ridiculously top-heavy with tracks that are simply too small. This is the price we pay for having an artist create the chassis and then applying the physics to match. So, I think the added horsepower will have to go along with a more general cleanup of the vehicle's physical layout which is already overdue.
  16. The english and typing don't matter because those are good ideas. Everything's waiting on infantry to be completed first, but please continue to post good ideas so we can get to them after infantry is released.
  17. The same as what's listed for 1.0.1 in the main forum.
  18. Poesel, IMHO, vim is the best choice by far. Snazzy GUI tools just slow things down.
  19. We haven't seen this problem yet, but it sounds like it might be similar to what Poesel71 was reporting in another thread. He's also a Linux user, but I don't know if it's AMD64. Does this also happen to you only when you start to move into the northeast, Max?
  20. That's correct on Windows, Kurtz, but Toby doesn't see that box because he's running on Linux. In your case, Toby, it doesn't dump core because the SDL_Parachute deploys (without which your X Server would be left in a sorry state after the crash). If you're interested and willing to run a build without the parachute, which will produce a core dump when it crashes, then please email me. I'll send you a build like that and whenever it crashes you can give me the core dump for debugging. Thanks a lot for taking the time to try to help identify and fix the problem!
  21. When you run the updater it should be creating a file called update.log in the DropTeam directory. Email that file to me and I'll try to see what's happening.
  22. You can update without a GUI by running the game from the command line with the -update argument. This will do what the external updater used to do with zero GUI (good for a dedicated server).
  23. Update again, Poesel, or just try to run and it will do this for you. Then you'll be at 1.0.1.
  24. Yes, predefined formations are already about 80% implemented but we took them off the table for this release. Like everything else, it will probably have to wait until after infantry is finished.
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