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Everything posted by Sabot6

  1. Hi, I'm just finishing up Ian Daglish's three books on EPSOM, GOODWOOD and BLUECOAT (which comprise his "Over the Battlefield" Series). I am spatially challenged and have always struggled to visualize the terrain, the movements of the combatants, the distances involved, etc. This series, with wonderful maps and aerial photography of the battles, often while in progress and showing tanks on the move, has been exceptionally helpful to me. It also doesn't hurt that the author (IMHO) is an excellent writer.... I've also tried to complete the two volume set on the 12th SS from Stackpole (Hubert Meyer, author), but I found them rather opaque. Having completed the "Over the Battlefield" Series, however, I may try them one more time. I'd love to hear from others who enjoyed Daglish's books and who can recommend similar volumes....
  2. Thanks, Fuser & Erwin--I really appreciate the quick response! Not to flog a dead horse, but I do want to make sure I get the full benefit of these fantastic mods (the game is so much more immersive and realistic with them), as well as to increase my understanding of how to properly install mods. So, my quick follow-up question is do I have to "unpack" the separate files within the "Options" Folder (e.g., crater; ground dirt) and copy and paste them into the "Texture Pack" folder, or will it work to simply move the entire "Options" Subfolder into the "Texture Pack" Folder? And Erwin, does your method work because the folder is named "ZZZ" and therefore will be the last mods recognized by the game, and thus will overwrite all previous files? Thanks again for your help here!
  3. Hi, Fuser-- I hate to ask another noobie mod question, but will it work if I load the entire "options" folder in the following manner: Z Folder--> Aris Terrain Mod v.2 Folder-->Options Folder (that is, the "Options" subfolder is at the same level as the "Doodads" subfolder, the "Texture Pack" Subfolder and the "Trees, Bocage and Bush" Subfolder", which are all contained within the "Aris Terrain Mod v.2 Folder...)? Or, do I need to load all of the files contained in the "Options" Subfolder into the "Texture Pack" subfolder? Thanks for all of the great work, and I hope that this question makes some sense!
  4. With the M4A3 Sherman Mod Pack from Aris (which is great, BTW!), can you simply install the unzipped Mod Pack folder into the Z folder, or do you need to "unpack" the subfolders (e.g., Aris_M4A3 Sherman Early; Extras) and bring them up to the same level as the Mod Pack Folder? That is, can you have it as Z-->Aris_M4A3 Sherman Mod Pack-->Aris_M4A3 Sherman Early (and the other subfolders), or to properly work does it need to be Z-->Aris_M4A3 Sherman Early (and the other subfolders)? I hope that this question makes some sense; thanks & Merry Christmas!
  5. I'm sure I must have this wrong, but I thought that the main point/advantage of a TRP is that the location is preregistered, and therefore no LOS is required, either from the mortar itself or a spotting unit? Granted you'd need LOS to see if there are any targets on the TRP, but if you wanted to fire blind (trying to catch the enemy in an assembly area to break up an attack, for example), I thought TRP's were the way to go...?
  6. I'm a non-German speaker playing as the Germans in a current game; how do I know when my artillery is "firing for effect"? If it's not too difficult, is it possible for someone to post the sound file here for me to listen to when the HQ or FO says that (or its German equivalent), or direct me to it in the game files? Thanks in advance!
  7. I'll be playing a QB and will be on the defensive, and I'm trying to figure out what to do with my last ~75 points to bolster my AT capabilities. Would purchasing a Schreck team be a better solution than a Pak38, or would the Pak38 be the way to go? Thanks in advance!
  8. I did a quick search of the forum and didn't find anything on what most folks find to be a safe distance when calling in an artillery strike (particularly U.S. 105MM howitzers), so I thought I'd ask here. I know it likely will vary depending on the competency and quality of the FO/HQ calling in the fire mission, but in general does anyone have a rule of thumb about how many meters away to keep your troops from the targeted impact area (I guess I'm asking for the "danger close" range...?)? Thanks in advance for any and all responses!
  9. Great program; thanks for all of the hard work! I'd like to update to the latest release: should I delete 1.0.03 from my system and then install 1.1.3? Thanks!
  10. Sounds great--thanks! I'm assuming that this sound mod may be run in conjunction with Vein's sound mod, right? Thanks in advance!
  11. Got it-- Thanks for the prompt response, and the great game!
  12. Hi, I purchased SC:GC and received both the downloaded software as well as the disk (great game, BTW!). I was traveling to my parent's house where I plan on spending a fair amount of time, and brought the disk to install the game on their computer so I could continue playing. I had no trouble installing the game off of the disk, but when I went to install patch 1.04 I was prompted for my license key. I was a bit surprised by this as I did the same thing with CM:BN (installed the game off of the disk and then downloaded patch 1.01), and was not queried for my license key. My question is if I download the patch for 1.04 to my parents' computer, does this count as one of my downloaded installations of SC:GC (I would think/hope not, as this is one of the reasons which I purchased the game disk in the first place...)? Lastly, if it does count as one of my downloaded installations, will deinstalling the game when I leave effectively "return" the installation so that I can use it again? Thanks in advance!
  13. Hi-- I'm having difficulty using your grid mod in conjunction with Vein's desaturated terrain mod. If I just have your grid mod installed in my Z folder, all is well; when I add the desaturated terrain mod, however, I lose the grid....Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  14. YankeeDog, That would be great; thanks!!!
  15. All, Thanks for your replies! Phil, where would I find the Mac Performance Guide? And do folks who have run CMBN in both a Wintel/Bootcamp environment and native on a Mac have any observations about which platform provides better performance (assuming comparable configurations)? Thanks!
  16. Hi, Everyone-- I'm thinking of making the switch to Apple (but will need to run Bootcamp due to some other, nongaming applications) and I've been looking at the new 27" iMac with 2560x1440 resolution. I'm certainly no power user and but for some some basic office applications, it's pretty much email and web access--no web design, no graphics or CPU intensive applications or anything like that. Now, assuming I can make the sale on the home front, does anyone have any thoughts or opinions about whether the following configuration would be worth the incremental expenditure from a game performance perspective: 1) 3.4GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 ($200 more than the 3.1GHz i5, and $500 more than the 2.7GHz i5). 2) 8GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x4GB ($200 more than 4GB, and an additional $400 to get to 16GB). 3) 1TB Serial ATA Drive + 256GB Solid State Drive ($600 less without the solid state drive, and $150 more to add another 1TB ATA drive). 4) AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2GB GDDR5 ($100 less to get the 1GB GDDR5 card). As you have probably already ascertained, I'm extraordinarily nontechnical so I'm really not sure if some of these features are worth the price; on the other hand, I'd like to keep this system for a good 5+ years before having to replace it. And lastly, it probably goes without saying that I'm most interested in great experience with CMBN.... :^) Thanks in advance!
  17. Hello, Vein-- I finally took the plunge and have been downloading mod's, and the quality of work like yours makes it very worthwhile; the game is that much better, if possible! :^) Thanks! One quick question, though: I have also downloaded Bil's ground-gridded mod (which is also outstanding), and when both mod's are in my Z folder I don't see the grid (but when I move your mod into a second folder entitled "Unused Mod's" which resides in my data folder, the grid reappears). May you only have one mod for terrain, or is something else going on? Thanks again for the stellar work!
  18. Ah--I see it now; thanks, AKD (and thanks, Baneman, for the great info from your testing)!
  19. Well, I couldn't find any reference to off-map ammo loads in either place; for example, p. 191 of the manual talks about the German 81mm mortar and mentions its ROF, but it doesn't seem to say anything about how many shells it has at its disposal when off-map. And, when I check my FO's in the game and bring up the off-map mortars for a fire mission, I also don't seem to see how much ammo is available....Thanks!
  20. Thanks, Baneman! So, it sounds like the ammo loads aren't published anywhere but you need to figure it out via testing, right? I'd be very interested in your post on this topic (I'm assuming that it's not elsewhere on the forum where a link would get me there..?)! Thanks for your help!
  21. Hi, Everyone-- What a great game; thanks to Battlefront for providing me with yet another distraction from work and family! :^) I've checked the manual and searched the forums and I apologize for missing this (I'm sure it's out there), but where do you find the ammo loads for off-map artillery? Specifically, I'm curious how many rounds off-map mortars have...? Thanks!
  22. Is Nupremal's World 1.14 compatible with patch 1.04? Thanks in advance!
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