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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sabot6

  1. Hi, ChrisND-- Thanks for hosting these sessions; I took a several year sabbatical from CM but am now back with CMFB, and yesterday's live stream was very helpful and informative. It definitely got me motivated to jump back in and start playing. I did have a quick question on the JagdTiger's deployment by the AI, though. If you were managing the German defenses, would you have allowed the JagdTiger to move up and into the town? I would have thought that it might be a better use of this asset to keep it as far away as possible from enemy forces (particularly those in a built up area), perhaps in an overwatch position up on the ridge behind the town (I missed the first 20 minutes of your live stream when I suspect you overviewed the terrain, so perhaps there wasn't as good of a LOS from there as it seemed...)? Anyway, thanks again for a very entertaining and educational session (BTW, don't drop the soap in Leavenworth...)! :^)
  2. I know that everyone has been hanging on the edge of their seats about the resolution of this problem, and it can be found here: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/topic/16173/Re-HTH-and-MP2?page=-1#.UPsYgugYLmE. Thanks!
  3. Hi, Kip-- Thanks very much for your help! I have gone in and verified that the game name ("Attack on Verrieries Ridge (H2H)") and the game file folder name ("/Users/myname/Dropbox/Attack on Verrieries Ridge (H2H)") all seem to match and to be accurate. I've also gone into "Game > Edit" and used the browse function to ensure that H2HH is going to the right Dropbox folder for the CMBN game in question, just to be sure. Additionally, I've verified that my CMBN 2.0 installation in H2HH is pointing to the right game version of CMBN ("/Applications/Battlefront/CM Battle for Normandy/CM Battle for Normandy.app") as well as the correct installation executable ("/Applications/Battlefront/CM Battle for Normandy/CM Battle for Normandy.app"). Moreover, the CMBN installation in H2HH seems to be pointing to the proper Dropbox location as well ("/Users/myname/Dropbox"). As you suggest, I can go in manually to my Dropbox folder and copy and paste my game files and manually put them into either my incoming or my outgoing folder so I can see them in the game, but for some reason H2HH 2.4.3 has stopped working, at least for my most recent game. Lastly, as I alluded to above, the only real change I've made recently is to have both CMBN 1.10 and CMBN 2.0 side by side in H2HH, so I can finish some ongoing PBEM games but start my new games, such as "Attack on Verrieries Ridge (H2H)", with CMBN 2.0. Interestingly, my existing 1.10 games show up both under the CMBN 1.10 installation of H2HH as well as the CMBN 2.0 installation, but this new game only shows up under the CMBN 2.0 installation of H2HH. It's not updating to show when new files are added, even manually, and oddly enough the "number of days waiting" section started at 15714 days, and just incremented today to 15715 days. Of course, I have no idea what any of this means or if it's relevant in any way.... :^) If you or anyone else has any suggestions, I'd greatly appreciate them as H2HH is a phenomenal tool and makes the whole PBEM experience far superior to playing without it. I'm very tempted to go in and "end" my 1.10 games that are showing up under my CMBN 2.0 installation to see if that helps, but I'm afraid that this will end those games completely. Anyway, sorry to ramble on but I'm desperate for any suggestions to get my H2HH 2.4.3 iMac installation up and running again. Thanks! Sabot6
  4. Hi, Kip-- I've seemed to run into some difficulties with H2HH recently as well, and I was wondering how you were able to see your game files? I've recently created two installations of CMBN on my iMac, one for 1.10 for ongoing PBEM games and another for 2.0 for new games. From what I can tell, all of the directory paths seem to be correct but now H2HH 2.4.3 doesn't seem to be pulling game files from Dropbox; instead, I need to go into my Dropbox folder, copy the turn and then paste it into my incoming folder to be able to see the turn when I load CMBN. I also need to do something similar for my outgoing turns: it seems as if I need to manually copy and paste them into my Dropbox folder for my opponents to be able to see them. Thanks!
  5. Hi, Mac Users-- I'm still relatively new to the Apple environment, and am not particularly technical (at all). I want to upgrade CMBN to 2.0 (after first upgrading to the 1.11 patch, which I believe I have to do), but I do have a few games that are still going on under CMBN 1.10. I know that I can play these games in CMBN 2.0 if both parties upgrade, and if I save my PBEM turn during the "Command" phase (I think). Rather than try and do all of this coordination, though, I believe I can also copy my CMBN 1.10 folder and rename it to something clever such as "CMBN 1.10", and then patch my base CMBN game to 1.11 and then upgrade it to 2.0. I also understand that H2HH will be able to support this as well, and will show the multiple instances of CMBN (which is very cool!). Assuming that this makes some sense, is it as simple in the Mac environment as using the "copy" function (right click to bring the "Copy" function up when my CMBN folder is highlighted), paste it to my desktop, rename it to "CMBN 1.10" and then move it back to the "applications" section of my hard drive? Then, I patch my original CMBN game to 1.11 and then upgrade it to 2.0? Sometimes when I try to move files back and forth (for example, when I'm trying out new mod's in my "Z" folder), I end up with something which I believe Apple calls an "Alias" file, which never seems to be the file itself but some sort of place holder. When this happens, I'm never able to find the original file, even when I use the "Finder" function. So, I'm a bit reluctant to just jump right in without some adult supervision. Anyway, if some one could verify that this is the right procedure to follow (or alternatively, provide me with the remedial steps to have both CMBN 1.10 and CMBN 2.0 residing on my Mac), I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
  6. Hi, Stephsen-- I'm running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5, and it looks like all of my software updates are current. I'll keep my eye out for the patch; thanks! Hi, Phil-- I actually cannot hear either the incoming "whoooosh" or the resultant explosion, which gives a whole new meaning to the colloquialism "silent but deadly".... :^)
  7. Hi, Stephsen-- I downloaded your sound mod of GAJ's CMMODS site, unpacked it and installed the master folder entitled "SFX_1.2.5" into my Z Folder (I also removed my existing sound mods--AKD's v2.01, Dietrich's German Voices v1.0 and Vein's sounds v1.0--but kept Mord's Immersive American Voices v1.0A). Anyway, the sounds I heard sounded great--many thanks for the hard work! Unfortunately, though, for me the sound would periodically cut out completely, and would fade away rapidly as I moved away from the action. In fact, if I'm observing the action from "Level 4", I'll often not hear anything. Lastly, mortar explosions are silent.... Any thoughts on what I might have done wrong, as it sounds like a fantastic mod...? Thanks again for your hard work!
  8. Is this mod compatible with "Mords_Immersive_American_Voices_Mod_V1.0A"? Thanks!
  9. I'm curious why a German 81MM mortar team cannot directly target a TRP to which it doesn't have direct LOS, but instead needs an in-contact HQ unit to successfully launch the mission through the "artillery support" window (i.e., going into the HQ's artillery support window to schedule the barrage with the mortar team, rather than having the mortar team itself target the TRP directly without intervention or support from the HQ unit)? I'm not complaining or suggesting that there's a bug or anything; rather, I'm just curious as to what the RL reasons are for this. Is is something like only HQ units have the coordinates to the TRP and the mortar teams do not (and if so, would the reason for this be the need for higher command intervention before an artillery mission is launched at a location out of LOS)? Thanks! Sabot6
  10. Here's an update for anyone who might have an interest: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/24/world/europe/code-found-on-pigeon-baffles-british-cryptographers.html?_r=0. Best, Sabot6
  11. Sigh...Yep, that's exactly what happened. I finally direct-targeted one of his squads at a range of about 200 meters, and my HMG let go a burst. The rangers took off perpendicularly to my LOF, and while I believe they were within my LOF for about 40 seconds or so and multiple bursts were fired, I was just able to eke out one KIA before they escaped into some woods. Most unsatisfying and not the result I had hoped for! :^) And to add insult to injury, now my HMG is under withering incoming fire. Ah, well--I should have stayed with the dream rather than pushed my luck for the reality; at least that way, I'd have had a good excuse if the game doesn't go my way.... :^)
  12. Thanks, All! I should have mentioned that I did indeed try a "face" command, but no joy. Perhaps I've been too impatient (these were really, really juicy targets and they'll soon be in cover...), so I'll try another "face" command and will wait. If nothing else, I can consider the weapon jammed a la CMBB & CMAK. :^)
  13. I'm sure I've seen something on this in the past and my worthy opponent has mentioned that it's been discussed in the forums, but I'm coming up empty when I search. Apologies for not being able to locate the pertinent thread! Anyway, I've got a HMG that I had set up and deployed at the start of a PBEM game, but one of the soldiers in the crew constantly shows "deploying" and the HMG will not fire (sadly, I've missed several golden opportunities to gun down teams of Rangers who have been moving up on me; it's enough to bring one to tears...). :^) Without giving too much away, the HMG is behind a wall/looking out a window; I've tried moving the team to another location and redeploying the weapon, but unfortunately this has resulted in the same outcome: the HMG itself shows deployed, as does all of the crew members but one. He's still deploying and the HMG still won't fire. Any thoughts on how to get the weapon to fire, or should I just consider it to be jammed and move on to Plan B? Thanks!
  14. Do CMBN mod's, such as Veins_explosions_v2, work in CMFI or is it more of a trial and error approach? Thanks!
  15. An interesting article from today's NY Times about the skeletal remains of a WWII carrier pigeon with its coded message still tied to its leg; the article speculates it may have been used during the Normandy invasion. The link is here: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/02/world/europe/world-war-ii-pigeons-message-a-mystery.html?ref=todayspaper&_r=0 if anyone is interested. Best, Sabot6
  16. Thanks, Baddawg-- I was looking to get everything set for our next grudge match, in case you chose CMFI.... :^) I'll keep playing around with it and perhaps try some other mods (and maybe in the mean time someone else might have some suggestions as well). Best, Sabot6
  17. Hi, All-- I'm hoping someone can help me with the installation of mods for CMFI on an iMac (I'm a new iMac user, so this could be a big part of the problem). Anyway, I searched the forums to figure out where the data folder was for CMFI on an Apple (right-click on the CMFI application and toggle "Show Package Contents" and then drill down through "Resources" to the "Data Folder"). I then created my "Z" Folder within the Data Folder and then unzipped and installed my first CMFI mod, Bil's CMFI_Gridded Terrain ("Bil_CMFI_Gridded_Terrain.brz"). I then loaded the game and clicked on a scenario, but did not see the terrain grid. Any thoughts on where I went astray? Thanks in advance! Sabot6
  18. I'm struggling with getting adequate squad firepower from my Commonwealth troops against German squads, who always seem abundantly equipped with MG34's & MG42's. I've had some particularly embarrassing moments against SS troops who simply would not cower, let alone break, after several minutes of sustained area fire against their foxholes with up to a platoon of CW troops (the Germans in question were two and three man squads with at least one but often two machine guns). Are there any suggestions for helping the CW troops in general and the Bren gunners in particular be a bit more effective? Currently I split my squads, but perhaps keeping them intact would produce better results? Thanks in advance for any suggestions! Sabot6
  19. I've noticed several times that when one of my 2" mortar teams is right next to another unit, the mortar team invariably can see farther than the unit next to it (by "farther" I mean it can see over small crests in the terrain that seem to block the other unit's LOS). I just had a situation when my mortar team was next to a HQ unit, both equipped with binoculars, and the mortar could see over the crest of the hill that both units were behind (reverse slope position), while the HQ's LOS was blocked. Any thoughts on why this might be, or am I imagining it (via selective memory when the mortar team actually does have a better LOS than the adjacent unit)? Thanks!
  20. I've seen this happen a fair amount in CMBN when my mortar team is under some trees and/or does not have a clean, unobstructed LOS to the target (area or unit), particularly when the target is under trees as well. I believe what the graphic is attempting to show is that the team is moving around trying to be able to fire the mortar (at least, that's how it was explained to me a while ago). Of course, I've never had them find a better spot :^) so when I see them moving around like that, I generally cancel the fire mission the next turn and try to find a better LOS.... Perhaps the same thing is happening to your AT unit as well?
  21. How'd you get so close with the soldier not hearing you? Put the armored car in neutral and coast down the hill? :^)
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