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Everything posted by Sabot6

  1. Hi, Steve & Phil-- I hate to be an ongoing problem :^) but based on everyone's input (please see the discussion here: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=105519) I just purchased the Mac version of CMFI and installed it. Everything is working great, except that I'm unable to load the majority of large scenarios (can't load the huge one, either). I have the error message when the game crashed if that would be helpful? It's quite long, so I hesitated to post it here.... From my earlier thread, here are my iMac spec's: 3.4GHz Intel Core i7, 8GB 1333 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB and running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4. Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated; thanks! Best, Sabot6
  2. Thanks, poesel71 & Steve! Remember, I told you I was a technological idiot! :^) To answer your question as to why I didn't purchase the Mac version of CMFI in the first place: my entire family is on Apple and I was saddled with Wintel to run a few applications that aren't available or don't work particularly well on Apple, so the "perfect" solution was to get a screaming new iMac with Parallels. Since I already had CMBN as well as CMSF and pretty much all of the CMSF follow-on modules--not to mention about three versions of "Strategic Command" and of course CMBB and CMAK--I thought going the Parallels route with the iMac made sense (I also checked out the forums and stuff and it seemed as if no one had any issues with running Combat Mission with Parallels). Perhaps in hindsight not my most brilliant consumer decision :^) but the good news is that there's a solution (purchase the Mac version of CMFI and of CMBN 2.0 when it comes out, as well as all future iterations of CMSF, etc.), and that the money all goes to a very worthy cause. Thanks again everyone for your very timely response, and I'll be placing my Mac order shortly. Best, Sabot6
  3. Thanks, poesel71! I just tried it. Ifired up CMFI in the Parallels window of my iMac, brought up the medium scenario "Alvano Anvil" and hit CMD-Shift-3, then went over to my iMac window where I have this forum open and tried to paste the screen shot into this window by hitting CMD-SHIFT-3 again, but alas no luck. I'm sure I'm missing obvious steps.... :^) Thanks again! Sabot6
  4. Thanks, Steve-- I really appreciate it! I'm sure it's some operator error on my part :^) and I can happily provide any info to Phil when he has a moment (I'm sure everyone is quite busy right now). And again, thanks to you and the team for continuing to provide such a great gaming experience! Sabot6
  5. Hi, Everyone-- I downloaded CMFI last night and quickly loaded up a tiny scenario, and all looked well (very smooth process, BTW; thanks, BF!). Anyway, upon loading larger scenarios today (from "small" on up), all of the foliage (not just the vineyards, but trees and bushes as well) appear as totally white with no details. Often but not always the ground is also white, and at first I thought this might be a winter scenario and I was seeing snow.... :^) I have a brand spanking new iMac with top of the line everything: 3.4GHz Intel Core i7, 8GB 1333 MHz DDR3, AMD Radeon HD 6970M 2048 MB and running Mac OS X Lion10.7.4. I've got Parallels installed and am running Windows 7. Just FYI, I have absolutely no issues running CMBN with about 100 mods (all of Aris's vehicle and terrain mods, JuJu's interfaces, etc.) with all of the options set to "best", up to and including the largest scenarios. I've taken all of the options for CMFI down to "fastest" but no joy; tiny scenarios are still fine, and anything bigger than small have much of the foliage and terrain as just white cut-out areas (I'd post a screen shot but I'm basically a technological idiot...). Anyway, doe anyone have any thoughts or suggestions, or should I place a service ticket? Thanks, and thanks to BF for another great game! Best, Sabot6
  6. Rake, How do you like the Tiller PzC series? Thanks!
  7. I guess what I was thinking of were things like ambushes, which can be very difficult to execute without the cover armor arc and the fact that the "hide" command really constrains spotting--that sort of thing....
  8. Hi, All-- I love CMBN and really enjoy reading WWII accounts and trying to understand and then apply the tactics described. With my very limited knowledge, CMBN seems to be a great simulation and for the most part gives us the opportunity to employ the tactics that were used, with the appropriate or likely results usually occurring (e.g., pinning a squad with fire and then maneuvering to outflank it; putting a TRP on your defensive position with a reserve nearby to immediately counterattack if the position is lost). Anyway, I'm curious what real-world tactics have you found which don't work well in CMBN? Thanks in advance!
  9. Sounds great! Are they available only for "Gold" or will they be compatible with SCGC as well ? Thanks!
  10. Hi, General--Yep, they have a full ammo load (though you're right: it's always good to check the basics)! I think that Womble is correct and that my LOS is tenuous at best. Too bad, though--there could have been a fair amount of carnage.... :^) And thanks for giving me the correct name for the motivation modifier--I had forgotten the proper term!
  11. Hi, I have a question on a 2" light mortar detachment that is currently occupying a series of fox holes 424m from a location which I'd like to area target (the maximum range for this mortar is listed as 457m). The mortar team has -1 leadership, is green and is in a rested state, and its general status is "OK". The mortar is deployed and has been in its current position for about two turns, and the mortar team hasn't moved in about 2 1/2 turns. It is also within both voice and close visual command of its platoon HQ, which is 56m away and has -1 leadership, is rested and is a veteran unit with -1 for general status ("-1 OK"). Two turns ago when I first chose "target" for this unit to an area ~445m away, nothing happened (no mortar rounds, no shots). Last turn I cleared the target and retargeted the mortar to an area target 424m away but along the same general LOS/LOF, and I finally got some rifle shots to the targeted area (but no mortar rounds). The LOS/LOF does go through two small groups of trees.... Does anyone have any thoughts as to why the mortar detachment is reluctant to use its main weapon? My only thought is that the LOS/LOF is somehow obscured (perhaps only 1--2 members of the mortar team have a clear LOS/LOF, while the soldier actually on the mortar itself is obstructed)? Thanks!
  12. Hi, George MC--The scenario in question is "The Mace" from the CW module, and so far it's a lot of fun! c3k--I just didn't think it would be fair to unleash my uber tank crews on my unsuspecting opponent; just watching them grab the Panther's gun barrel and bite through it with their teeth is such a morale hit.... :^)
  13. Hi, Everyone-- Thanks for all of your suggestions and ideas; they were greatly appreciated! Unfortunately the outcome was somewhat anti-climatic, as I explain below. First, some additional background which factored into my plan was that the TC of this Panther is recently departed, having been taken out by my crack sniper team about three turns before this encounter with my Firefly and Sherman III. Additionally, my plucky Sherman III slapped the Panther silly right after the TC's untimely demise with a 75mm shell to the turret, so I figured the combination of these events might slow down the Panther's overall reaction time enough so that having my tanks stick around for a bit wouldn't be completely irrational. I realized, though, that going toe-to-toe with the Panther for any extended length of time would be the equivalent of signing my own death warrant, so I ultimately came to the same conclusion that some of you suggested: a 10 second pause to enable me to get two shots off, and then to retreat to safety. I also decided to keep my Sherman III in the mix for these 10 seconds, as I thought he could be helpful as a distraction to the Panther, and also he might get lucky and hit the Panther's shot trap or maybe mess up its optics a bit (wishful thinking, I know...). So what happened (drum roll, please!)? Basically, not much! :^) Each of my tanks got two shots off, and again managed to bracket the Panther high and low (in fact, the first shot from my Firefly screamed inches over the Panther's cupola: had the TC still been alive instead of crumpled in a lifeless heap in the turret, he surely would have gotten a new part in his hair...). The Panther quizzically swung its turret back and forth, but could not seem to acquire either of my tanks (in the interests of full disclosure, I should also add that we're separated by ~800m of undulating terrain as well as numerous copses of trees, so getting a LOS let alone a LOF is no mean feat). After 10 seconds, both of my tanks dutifully reversed out of trouble, or so I thought. Given my questionable leadership skills, however, I actually put my Sherman III into the LOS/LOF to a second Panther that had come up alongside the first. Never one to back down, it managed to get two quick shots off and hit the second Panther's weapon mount/gun mantlet both times. Then, mercifully, the turn ended. Two hits but no runs, so to speak.... So, I think I'll count my blessings and get my Sherman III out of harm's way for sure this time (interestingly, this second Panther is also having a hard time acquiring my Sherman III, as there were no return shots in the ~35 seconds that I had LOS/LOF). I think my next move will be to see if I can sneak around for a flank or a rear shot, as I don't want to tempt fate again head-on, particularly with two of those beasts out there....
  14. Hi-- I currently have a Sherman VC Firefly 860m from a hull down PzVG Panther (early), and have fired and missed two shots at it. In support, I have a Sherman III 829m from the same hull down Panther, and it too has fired twice and missed. The Panther's turret has just swung ominously in the direction of my Firefly and my Sherman III, and just at this moment the turn ended. Talk about timing! :^) So, do I stay put and try to outgun the Panther or should I instead pop smoke and try to get out of the way (I figure if I pop smoke I might be able to get one more shot off from each of my tanks...)? My understanding is that the Firefly should be able to take out the Panther, and I'm hoping that the Sherman III will serve as a sufficient distraction to give the Firefly a chance to do its thing. Given this, I'm inclined to stay and duke it out (I guess I'm also hoping that the two shots from each of my tanks--each tank had one shot high and one shot low--will give me the targeting edge and that the third shot will be the charm, and will be on target before the Panther can establish the range). What do other more experienced folks think? Thanks in advance! Sabot6
  15. Hi, GaJ-- I believe that there's an Aris "Panzer IV Mod_Pack_V2" which may be found in the Battlefront Repository (CMBN base game). It was posted on 9/19/11 and I believe may be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=1515.
  16. Hi-- Not to be too dense :^) but what are the advantages to dropping paratroopers deep into the Soviet Union (to deny MPP's?)? Thanks!
  17. Has anyone read "September Hope: The American Side of a Bridge too Far" by John C. McManus? It was just released earlier this month and is about OMG from the U.S. perspective, and I'm thinking of picking it up....Thanks!
  18. Hi, Marco-- I inadvertently posted this question in Juju's thread, and at his suggestion I'll post it here (thanks, Juju!). I'm updating my game to include your outstanding mod (V. 1.1), and I can't seem to find the CW files for "defense" and for "suppression". When I originally installed your mod for CMBN I loaded into my Z folder the following: zmb-defense.brz, zmb-silhouettes.brz, zmb-special-equipment.brz, zmb-supression.brz, zmb-viewpoint.brz and zmb-weapons-cal.brz. I've found and installed the corresponding CW files for all of the above except for "defense" and "suppression". Any idea why I cannot locate these CW versions (or perhaps I don't need them...)? Thanks in advance for any and all assistance you may be able to provide!
  19. Apologies, Juju--You are of course correct! Trying to keep all of these mods straight is starting to take its toll :^) but they are all so good and add so much to the game.... Marco, any chance you might know what I'm doing wrong with my installation of your CW mod (I seem to be missing the "defense" and "suppression" zmb files for the CW module...)? Thanks!
  20. Hi, Juju-- I'm updating my game to include your fantastic mod, and I can't seem to find the CW files for "defense" and for "suppression". When I originally installed your mod for CMBN I loaded into my Z folder the following: zmb-defense.brz, zmb-silhouettes.brz, zmb-special-equipment.brz, zmb-supression.brz, zmb-viewpoint.brz and zmb-weapons-cal.brz. I've found and installed the corresponding CW files for all of the above except for "defense" and "suppression". Any idea why I cannot locate these CW versions (or perhaps I don't need them...)? Thanks in advance for any and all assistance you may be able to provide!
  21. And what about the new Aris CW M7 Priest mod: do I need it as well as the Aris M7 Priest Mod, or just the more recent mod?
  22. I have two questions on mod management: 1) I'm an avid consumer of all of Aris/Fuser's mods (thank you, Aris, for all of your hard work; you've increased my enjoyment of the game a hundredfold), but I'm getting a bit confused with the recent release of mods for the CW module. Specifically, I assume I should replace the original Panther G mod (which came out for the original CMBN) with the V.2 mod, which was released after the CW module; is this correct (my assumption is that if I were to play a U.S. v. German scenario with a Panther G, the game would pick up the V.2 mod)? I assume I do the same for The Tiger I Mid V.2 and the Tiger I Late V.2, and that these mods would be available in a U.S. v. German confrontation and not just a British or Canadian v. German battle...? Now, what about the new Aris CW jeep: should I replace the original Aris Jeep Mod or is the CW Jeep specific to the CW Module (note that I don't use decals), and I need both jeep mods to cover both Commonwealth and U.S. scenarios? Lastly, what about the new Aris Halftrack Lendlease V.2 versus the M2A1 Halftrack mod? Do I need both or does the Lendlease V. 2 replace the M2AI mod? 2) As you can no doubt tell, I'm starting to struggle to keep all of my mods straight (furthermore, the more mods I add the longer it takes for CMBN CW to load--it can now take over 20 minutes); are there any suggestions or tips which you more experienced players have discovered to ease the challenges of mod management? Thanks in advance for any and all responses!
  23. Perhaps, But there was never any issue loading 1.0.1 with 70 mods; then, it never took more than 15--20 seconds....My question is whether the number of mods impacts the loading time of CMBN 1.10 + CW, and if so can anything be done short of reducing the number of mods installed? Thanks!
  24. Hi, Everyone-- I posted an issue which I'm seeing with CMBN 1.10 (+ CW Module) in the support forum (original post: http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=103461), but then realized that the problem may be with my mods so I thought someone here might have some suggestions. I have loaded 70 mods into my Z Folder (52 of Aris/Fuser's vehicle and terrain mods and a handful of others such as Vein's sky, explosions, tracers & muzzle flashes, Mord's war ravaged faces and Rambler's weapons, JuJu's foxholes, trenches & bridges, etc.--all which are excellent, BTW!), and when I was playing CMBN 1.0.1 the game would load up very quickly, never taking more than 15--20 seconds. Now, however, with CMBN 1.10 + CW Module it takes over 6 minutes for the game to load. I uninstalled all 70 of my mods and reinstalled them one by one to make sure that there weren't any problems, but other than the load time increasing directly with the number of mods (1--5 mods: 15 seconds; 6--15 mods: ~1 min; 16--25 mods: 2--3 min; 26--35 mods: 3--4 min; 36--50 mods: 4--5 min; 51--70 mods: 5--6+ min, with the longest load being 6:40), everything seems fine. As an aside, one of my PBEM partners who has the same mods as I is experiencing a similar situation. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reduce the load time back to as it was with 1.0.1, or is this something that others are seeing with CMBN 1.10 + CW? Thanks!
  25. I've just started "A Bloody Ride" and am really enjoying it; thanks, Mr. X, for putting in the time and effort into this campaign! I do have a quick question about LOS during night in the campaign: I've played a bit with the scenario editor and searched the forums to try and answer my question, and thought someone here might have the answer. What is the maximum LOS during night? When I tried to figure this out with the editor, it seemed that my FO could see out to around 300m, which seemed rather far given the lack of light (I also seem to remember when I played "Devil's Descent"--another great scenario BTW--that my troops also had LOS over 200m...). I'm a huge fan of CMBN and love the game, but am curious if these sorts of night time distances for LOS are historically accurate, or am I not thinking about the situation properly? Thanks in advance for any thoughts others may have!
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