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Roosevelt45(the 2nd)

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Everything posted by Roosevelt45(the 2nd)

  1. What about a 'reinforce all units of this kind' button? Or in SC2 a 'upgade all units of this kind' button? This could be very usefull when you're controlling huge armies like the Russian or German armies during(and after) Barbarossa.
  2. I didn't do this, but now that you mention it, yes I would like this funtion.
  3. All right, but still, why is Iraq represented independant? And how do you guys think it should be represented in SC2.
  4. I don't get why Iraq is presented as an independant nation in SC1 while Syria is still presented as a French colony. I think I have found the reason for this but according to this source(BBC,RAF report) the 'coup d'état' didn't happen until 1941 and even then the British were fighting against them because of the valuable oil recources in the area.And I read somewhere that in the end they prevailed in taking control over the oil derricks.So maybe this would be a nice event to include in the game, like the Yugoslavian partisans. BBC, RAF report
  5. Retreat all Polish troops to a defensive perimeter around Warsaw, send the Polish air fleet to France/the UK and start a massive French-British offensive in the west,use all troops(including the french unit in N-africa and the ones guarding london, paris,Canada and the maginot line),hope Italy doesn't join too early and that the USSR comes to the rescue before you're completely anahialated. A way to gain some recources and experience in the Mid-east while doing this is to invade Iraq, occupy the oil derricks with the Syria and Alexandria corpses and if you have enough long range aircraft, bomb Baghdad with the carrier and you might even take Baghdad(I did,though this was mainly because of the stupidity of my human enemy not to reinforce this unit)
  6. This has been adressed before but no conclusion came out of the discussion then, so let's see if Bill can answer some questions about this subject now. bill?anyone?
  7. you're not threathening me are you? Ok,I apologise about my first reaction but you know how first reactions can be. It just all sounds so unbelievable to me. I can see you're well-informed(though some of the links brought me to some very strange sites but my computer has been acting strange all week so it's not neccesarily the link) but I hope that you site doesn't claim those pictures(with the purple UFO on them) to be real because then they've wasted the last bit of credibility they had. I can imagine that the US army could very well have gotten away with keeping these things secret and it would explain a lot but I'm still not convinced and doubt I ever will be.
  8. If I understand correctly,you guys have been fighting over a subject that you actually all agreed on. Nice way to spend your free time,guys .
  9. Have you been drinking again? Or are you just another poor victim of the X-files?
  10. Can I pre-order the game as well?living in Europe and all. And will the European version of the game be different from the US version?(like the Australian version now seems to have different graphics).
  11. I would have to disagree with you on this one, just look at what the Germans had and you'll notice that 400.000 men doesn't look like that much anymore. Found a pretty good,non-political site about the German army(1919-1945). Feldgrau.com
  12. So you do acknowledge(or whatever) the fact that compared to the democratic armies Germany was pretty though? I'm not disagreeing with you on the fact that the Germans are way overrated but if you look at the state the armies of the UK and France were in, don't you think that Germany looks a lot better.
  13. 1.more functions for units. e.g.:-hunt mode/run silent mode for subs(already included) -Intercept mode/anti-recon mode/.. for air fleets. -Sub hunt mode/block mode(to recreate the continental bloccade of Napoleon or the naval economic bloccade of Germany in WW1)/.. for naval units. -and many more if it was up to me 2.increased maximum number of minor and major countries. 3.The diplomatic options to propose a peace treaty and give/receive an ultimatum from/to neutrals 4.option to name your own HQ's and/or promote them.
  14. Will we be able to edit the dates to before 1939? Like create a scenario where you start the game in 1914 or even earlier?
  15. I'm pro, though I would just make this a new type of unit that can still attack but has lesser defense and attack than a normal sub and is more expensive.
  16. In Eastern Europe?you mean Arabia. They already lost all of their territories in Eastern Europe during the balkan wars(excluding Istanbul). after WW1 they lost Iraq, Syria, and Saudi-Arabia. the two Balkan wars Balkan war against Turkey. Of course, if you were already talking about these wars I'm sorry but I just want to make sure nobdy thinks they lost these territories during WW1
  17. Reasons why Blitzkrieg in W-Europe and Poland succeeded : -it was a new, revolutionary technique, never used before, the allies didn't expect this kind of attack and in those days had no means to stop it. -Western democracies had been sleeping for years,French war factories were terribly behind on technology compared to the German ones.And the British armed their troops with wooden guns used in plays(the home guard) due to metal shortage. -Von Manstein's brilliant idea to attack trough the Ardennes. -the constant changes in command by the French. If anyone want to correct one of these or add one please do so but explain why.
  18. @seamonkey, Gee,eeuh.. good question.I don't have any experience in posting campaigns. Where can we post campaigns?anyone?
  19. Yes,you're right I may have overestimated the effect when I said 'heavy' but I still think that this was by far the most effective air attack during the war.Despite the fact that it was mainly just a morale boost. An elite unit of the RAF attacked with a new type of bombs called 'bouncing bombs' designed by a man named Barnes Wallis. Barnes Wallis RAF history section. Dambusters
  20. @xwormwood : exactly, that's what I thought too. the blitz, the bombing of Londen by the Germans, should have thought the allies that bombing cities doesn't bring down the morale, it does the contrary. but still 'bomber' Harris decided to bomb cities like Lübeck and Keulen(The name of this city might be different in english),where industrial capacity was back to normal after a week,while the allies lost a lot of bombers and killed loads of civilians. Only the bombing of the dams in rheinland-Pfalz had a pretty heavy effect on German industry. Also the bombing of French infrastructure,before D-day helped a lot but killed a lot of civilians too.De Gaulle,btw, always claimed that the same effect with less casualties could have been reached by using the French resistance to do this. But Churchill and Leclerc were afraid of German represailles against French citizens.(Von Rundstedt's system of 1000 dead French for one dead German, and 500 for a wounded one)
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