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Everything posted by Roosevelt45

  1. The way it is now seems silly as well, doesn't it? It's like you could only fight in the south of these countries. And finland only has like 1/10 of their country available.
  2. For the record Lapland is that very,very,very cold piece of land that connects Finland,Norway and Sweden. I don't know if there were battles or even troops there but it would be much more realistic to connect those three countries than pretend that they're floting pieces of land. The germans would also be forced to fight for Finland if they don't want to see Soviet Troops running all over Scandinavia(Norway in specific)
  3. AND he was appointed by Hitler to be the next Fürher(of course this was useless because at that time the Russians had already laid siege on Berlin). After that he was put on trial in Neurenberg but I don't know wether he was executed or not.
  4. Would this Naval HQ work like a normal HQ? it looks pretty vulnerable to me without fighting capacity. How many of these HQ's would we be able to make? I know of Karl Dönitz for the germans but that's all.
  5. The original plan was a total disaster but because paratroopers from different divisions teamed up and improvised they still were able to achieve most of their objectives.
  6. Personnaly I hate the idea of movement costing money. I know that it's more realistic but still... I don't see why moving to an enemy square should cost more?
  7. I think this would be veeeeeery nice. But it would be even nicer if you could set some of the conditions of the operation like time frame.If you think you can complete your objective in 6 months than you have the option to set the timeframe to 6 months.The reward will of course be bigger than if you set it to 12 months but the chance of failure will be bigger as well. For example: -42 months: 1 diplomatic chit -12 months: 2 diplomatic chits -6 moths: 4 diplomatic chits or somthing like that. Also I don't know about the Baghdad objective it seems to me that, even though you have to cross the Medditerranean,it's a lot easier than the UK or Moscow objective.
  8. You will be able to buld fortifications in SC2. Not only in the editor but in the game as well.
  9. Greeeeeaaaat link. It would be Perfect if indeed the German list was complete.
  10. That would be Eben Emael. It was the biggest fortress in Belgium(which doesn't mean anything of course but anyway) and was supposed to stop the germans for a few months until the French or the British could send reinforcements. Well.... Eben Emael was indeed attacked by German paratroopers and was under full German control after 6 hours. Tsss, the pride of the country, my ass
  11. They didn't ban the Iron Cross because in WW1 the Germans were just imperialists not fascists. And if all imperialist symbols are to be banned from games we might just as well ban the US and UK flag as well. Appearantly most governments think it is safer to allow shooters and tabletop wargames with the swastika in it than a strategic computer wargame
  12. Will all countries have weather predictions or none? Will they always be accurate or will there be some surprises in the weather system? With this new weather system it would be nice if Greenland was included because the UK had some very important weather stations there that could pretty accurately predict the weather conditions. So then Greenland would have a great strategic advantage and there would be another reason for Germany to fight in the Atlantic.
  13. Agreed. The iron cross was also a symbol of the Weimarre republic that was installed after WW1 and was one of the most progressive governments in the world.Too bad Hitler turned up because otherwise it would probably have stayed that way.
  14. Very unlikely Spain would have joined the allies ,or even that the Axis would have invaded it, since they were actually a German ally behind the scenes.But as said before the diplomatic stats of the countries are completely adjustable. And that's together with the editor what I'm most exited about: the diplomatic system.
  15. I think they will be able to cover great distances and probably water(seas).It would be logical if they could land behind enemy lines but I'm not sure they can.
  16. Luxembourg? did that exist already? and did it have an army? anyway, I don't see the difference between the low countries of SC1 and the Benelux of SC2.(besides the name of course) I think that you should be able to choose if you want the countries united(Benelux,Baltic states) or seperated in the real countries that existed at that time. Have you noticed that a lot of discussions in this forum end with the suggestion that the player should have the choice. I hope the game will still keep some of its simplicity that made it so accessible and won't give me an enormous option screen at the beginning of the game.
  17. I agree that it would be less irritating than moving your airplanes there and back again all the time. But supplying the troops on for example the Greek islands just was near to impossible during WW2. That's why they mostly attacked there with airborne units which will be available in SC2.
  18. I don't think the swastika would reduce profits in Europe(on the contrary..) but it is forbidden in some large countries( Germany,France,..)so the game simply couldn't be legally sold in those countries wich would of course reduce the profit of the game. If you really want a Swastika in the game there's a mod for the orginal game(and I'm sure there will be one for SC2 as well)that makes all flags historically correct .
  19. Never invaded Turkey before?No problem. I wouldn't call myself a veteran but I'm not a rookie either and I always invade Turkey when I'm playing as the axis. Turkey has, as you'll probably have noticed, 3 cities with in each of them a corps protecting it. The rest of the Turkish army consists out of 2 corpses( starting in the 2 hexes at the Greek-Bulgarian border if you're invading them as the Axis and at the Russian border if you're the allies)and one army. The fastest way to defeat the country is indeed a tank assault from the Middle East.Don't bother with conquering the 2 other cities, just destroy the army and head straight to Ancara.Try to avoid the mountains as much as you can because they'll slow you down like hell and are a disaster for supplying.If you can,(If you have an air fleet available)take Ancara with air support. Like this I've conquered the country in about 5 or 6 turns. Also, if you are already at war with Russia there will be a cruiser in the Black Sea that will now have acces to the Medditerranean.And you should look out for an attack out of the Caucasus in the Middle East while your troops are taking Ancara. If you don't have control over the MidEast, try an amphibious landing because otherwise taking Istanbul will take a very long time.
  20. I was short of HQ's quite a lot actually. Especially the Italians had too few HQ's in my opinion. But even if this wasn't the case it's not very realistic to limit HQ's now is it? for example: When Germany was running out of recources at the end of the war, they still had HQ's of course, because they needed them. They probably didn't work as well as when the Germans invaded France but they existed. So in these cases a low-budget HQ( ) with a low rating could come in handy.
  21. I hope that not only Germany but all Major countries can help each other economically.In the first game when I was trying to stop the Russian advance on Germany, I was really irritated by the fact that the germans didn't have enough recources while the Italians had plenty. You can of course transport troops from Italy but then you would probably have an allied invasion there. . forum leaders, keep up the good work ! [ May 05, 2004, 10:02 AM: Message edited by: Roosevelt45 ]
  22. On the page where the probable features Of SC2 are displayed, it says that there will be an expanded N-America in the game. But when I looked at the screenshots I saw that is was not much bigger than in the 1st game.Was this the complete map on that side of the Atlantic or only a part? Also, Will Mexico be included?
  23. I think it's a better idea for the gameplay to let Canada become a US minor,let the Brits who are on allied territory become Free Brits,declare independance in Egypt. But not to let Gibraltar or Malta be annexed since they are vital fortifications and it is very unlikely that the English would have given them up even if their homeland was conquered. As for the MiddleEast I would let Turkey join the Axis If the Germans agree with declaring war on Iraq,Iran and possibly with them annexing Syria.These things would really give an exiting new turn to the game. But If you want to be more realistic I think that it is most likely that the UK government would have moved to Canada or the US with as many troops and ships as possible and continued fighting in all of their colonies.
  24. Sorry for my mistake with the name Mannerheim(Mannheimer ) earlier. I absolutely agree that minor countries should get more independence from their major.Especially Finland because(please corect me if I'm wrong here) I thought that Mannerheim refused to attack Leningrad together with Germany and that although they were at war with Russia they didn't actively help Germany. For spain of course Franco would be nice but I don't know any for Sweden or Turkey. p.s.: If the minor HQ's are included will Canada have one?
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