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Everything posted by Roosevelt45

  1. I see your point but I thought that since De Gaulle considered Pétain as kind of his Nemesis It would be nice to have both in. Now about the Vichy armies. I'm not surprised that you only heard of their performance at Dakar because that was I think their only decent battle throughout the war. They also fought in Syria and furher down Western Africa and were indeed mainly fighting other frenchmen(dumbasses)
  2. Ok, so De Gaulle fought in France in 1940 and was one of the better French generals.But as soon as Vichy France was created his role became much more political.I still agree he should be included but if he is in will Pétain be as well?
  3. I agree that it is a briljant idea to allow minor countries to build units and I really hope it's going to be included in SC2.It would also give more advantages to players who wait until the country joins them instead of invading it which is ,in some cases, way easier then waiting. p.s.:Mannheimer would be a good name for a Finland-HQ
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