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Everything posted by Roosevelt45

  1. I've seen France declaring war to the low countries when they were trying to invade Germany(me) but I've never seen the LC declaring war on the allies.
  2. Another small question. On the SC2 features page it states Now in the past few weeks there hasn't been much change to this page nor have there been new screenshots I'm not trying to criticize HC for not giving more info, I'm sure he has his reasons.But Desert Dave and Pzgndr have made me very curious with their posts on the new features they have seen. So pleeeeeeeeease, give us some more info on these new features.
  3. Just a small question. Will the game be available in the Benelux from the beginning this time or will I still have to order it online?(not that I mind but I'm just curious).
  4. Waaaauw, people really are getting lazy! But it would indeed be a useful improvement.
  5. In general, I think the list is very good and historicaly correct. But I would have given Zhukov a nine.
  6. A.who says that Germany wouldn't have already been defeated at that time. B.nobody ever said that the US contributed NOTHING to the allied victory. There was just some protest against the statement 'the American spirit won WW2'.
  7. Then how did they win the war? Von Paulus was certainly not a better general than Zhukov. I think that both sides had their good generals and their bad generals.
  8. Because I don't want to insult anyone,I'm not going to respond to that. FDR,gotta love this guy. Liam, yes I have heard his speeches and for a while there even I considered joining the NAVY . Churchill was a war leader. The kind of man you need during a crisis like the Battle for Britain. He was equally if not even more stubborn than Hitler.He was always pushing his generals to start more offensives.Too bad for him the people felt the same way and he wasn't elected after the war. Stalin was a murdering brute. But that's just what the USSR needed to stop the Germans at that time. And without him, god knows what would have happened. Mussolini was a very weak politician and stepped into the war while nor his country nor its economy were ready for it. his only victories were achieved before the war started, Albania and Abessinia(Ethiopia) and let me sketch that last one. Ethiopia. spears,swords and a whole lot of courage. Italy. airplanes,tanks,musterd gas,etc.. Also Mussolini soon became nothing more than Hitler's puppet. Last but not least, Hitler himself a talented speaker, a maniac, a brilliant politician,etc.. But in the end, nothing more than an opportunist who happened to be on the losing side. Germany was so poor after what was decided at Versailles that eventually it would have gone wrong with or without Hitler, he only made it happen sooner and in a more inhuman way( the holocaust).
  9. On one of the other threads the possibility of a naval HQ was discussed, and someone said that if the navy got one the AF will want one too. Now I don't know if HC is going to include this AF HQ but if he does the germans will be teribbly disadvantaged, since all they had was Goering who was a drunk and an idiot who flew the Luftwaffe straight to its doom. So are there going to be AF HQ's and if so whose name will be on them?
  10. When troops are completely cut off from supply, their morale will of course go down but I don't see why expirience should go down. :confused:
  11. I dunno. It certainly would increase realism but I think the game would lose its simplicity that way.of course you can always have this as an option or simulate it with the editor.
  12. Tanks won the war for the allies at the Western front. But indeed there weren't very much of them. Maybe you could write a script that only allowed the building of one tank unit per major country after a certain amount of time.
  13. Well, you have to have some ports there The point is that you do not want an overdose of ports in the Medditerranean.
  14. But what are the historical facts here? Tripoli was vital for Rommel's Afrika Corps, agreed.But it dindn't have much economical value so if HC does decide to bring it in then how much MPP will it have?
  15. You can alreay do this. If you play a cd or mp3 and then start SC1 the music will just play on of course you'll have the explosions flashing through the song
  16. I read in the interview with HC that uniforms, camouflaged or not, would adjust to the seasons and to their location(cooooool!! )
  17. I don't know about Cherbourg. It was a very important port from a strategic point of view(especially after D-day).But it's a lot less important than Tripoli if you look at it economically.
  18. I'm sure you will be able to make this kind of map as a mod with the editor,no?
  19. I've always wondered why only the Russians get the scorched earth option. The germans also destroyed their own cities and industry in 1944-1945 when the allies started to take in German cities.
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