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Everything posted by Arngrim

  1. Jersey, Trapp: LOL Thanks for the kind words too, and well, in boardgamed I'm competent, even good. so yes, I'll figure it out eventually... :cool: Time for shuteye, 01:50 here, work tomorrow.
  2. Separate, new, different divisions.. I'm happy either way, I just like the game and want to be humiliated in all sorts of new and interesting ways so I can improve my own game!
  3. Jersey: But.. but... _I'm_ Swedish too...
  4. Jersey, that would make me the fourth Euro Pbem.. no chance for a spot then :-( Ah well, I guess I support the European team more by not participating :cool: I'm getting my butt kicked by Kossuth right now, but he promised to give me valuable feedbach i.e. chew me out for my poor game I'll display my humiliation in an AAR later. [ April 20, 2004, 07:29 PM: Message edited by: Arngrim ]
  5. Well, How about this: TCP/IP starts at the same time as the Pbem games, which have to do a minimum of three turns a day (average) ande when the Pbem are drawing to a close, the TCP/IP players get a rematch with same bids, but reversed positions. The there will be a climactic end. Everyone happy?
  6. roman uk: Actually the germans cut off in the baltic fought out the war there, and were destroyed / slipped into the countryside when the end was obvious. I'm a bit hazy on the details, haven't brushed up on my WWII history in a decade or so... But they were surrounded for quite some time.
  7. Hmmm, If you dismantle the HQ for MPOP's, is it lost forever as a combat result, or could you buy it back later? The finite number of HQ's is one of SC's shortcomings in my opinion btw. there should be (poor rated) generic HQ's for all countries. Air is strong enough as it is without the ability to forever cripple a major's offensive capability....
  8. Team Europe: I'm a complete newbie, but if there is need for reserves, consider me drafted. preference is Pbem, due to my need of a life.... Furir Arngrim [ April 20, 2004, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: Arngrim ]
  9. WEll, Being Swedish I'm actually European. At the moment Pbem suits me better, since I have an... interesting social life and work 9-17:30. But hey, if there are anough players I guess i should sign up, at least I can be a backup player for team Europe
  10. Egypt before Sweden? Guess I have to consider that one for a moment or two...
  11. Give me a couple of hunred games Hvh and I might be ready fo this level of challenga, 'til then, I'll read the AAr's.
  12. Hmm, in which order is that?
  13. Just signed up for the list, so if you want to kick some newbie butt, just mail me throuh this forum.loking forward to being thrashed
  14. Well, I think that the new system will be great, but I might continue to play SC1 because: I dislike 3d graphics hiding features or being distracting/confusing in startegic games. I like the graphics in PG, but that's as far as I go. This is mostly because the top-down view is superior in clarity. And since I feel that the squares are perfecty for chess, but obsolete in wargaming I have a very bad feeling about SC2. Finally, _we_ shouldn't make the system work, merely providing the developer with our honest feelings about it. I hate to see good games dissolve into poor secuels with good graphics but destroyed playability.
  15. Physical movement diagonally will apparently be *1,5. Fine ( if hexes are not to be used.. *grumble*), but the spotting ranges, will they be: a) *1 *1,5 c) *2 ?
  16. I just realised something: Physical movement=*1,5 diagonally, but what about spotting: will it be *1, *1,5 or *2? I twill make spotting/hiding units _rateher_ different.
  17. I absolutely agree with you Bill101, I have always found it strange that the free french units are not coordinated with either Britain _or_ France. I mean, they benefit from neither tech nor HQ support of either country, rather odd if you ask me. On a similar note I would like to see minor allies benfitting from say, 1 lvl lower tech than the controlling major in each field.
  18. I seriously dislike the squares. Hexes are a more flexible system, and works a lot better. Don't forget that there was a reason to start using them when wargames evolved from chess. Actually, the squares means that I won't purchase the game until I have first played it myself. If I like it, fine, if not I'll just have to wait for SC Pacific /SC Total war
  19. OT To kelly's Heroes: You mentioned in another thread that Matrix were releasing EiA as a computer game. Is this Empires in Arms, the Napoleonic boardgame that will be converted? If so: Pretty please will you mail me a link, can't find Matrix via google. Cheers Arngrim Edit: typo's due to drooling
  20. I'd love to try that scenario.. any luck with finding a host?
  21. Thanks for the replies! rambo; Actually... that's what I was abot to ask you
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