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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Could you confirm the Germans are getting air support besides the Bolkow 105 helicopter?
  2. And this is where I ask if there will be anti-aircraft fire in the initial release.
  3. I don't suppose anyone could tell us if we're getting any new scenarios with the Shilka vs the US Army or any new US scenarios with NATO?
  4. You only say that because you're a Cylon.
  5. Battlemechs are big obvious targets with too many weak spots.
  6. This may be me wanting it to work as well but here are some things to take into consideration: CMSF modules have sold better than expected. CM:Afghanistan non-Russian sales have been better than expected even with NATO right around the corner. They haven't mentioned how Russian sales have been, but I assume Battlefront knows, but it is Snowball running that show. There is a large subset of people who will buy WWII but not modern, and vise versa so it is not all the same customer base. Even though WWII Westfront is the most popular, Eastfront will have a large Russian fanbase already familiar with Battlefront games. So there's hope my friend.
  7. I thought I'd bump this since there's been a lot of questions about it lately. Obviously CMSF:NATO, CM:Afghanistan and CM:Normandy did not make it out in the first half of 2010.
  8. Actually there probably is. A likely module breakdown for the first Eastfront game would probably go something like this: Initial release: Operation Bagration -summer '44 First Module: Soviet winter offensive in Poland -through to Feb '45. Second module: Battle of Berlin through to May '45 Third module: Balkans and Budapest and other stuff not included in the first three including the '44 Finns and the Poles. In many ways '44 to '45 may be the least popular year, but it makes sense to start with it since you have half the work done already with Normandy.
  9. Commonwealth Module would take us up to but not including Sept '44 then another Market_Garden Module to cover, well, Market-Garden itself as at least the US Airborne TO&E changed between Normandy and Market-Garden. After that there were widespread TO&E changes and a requirement for winter features that will be in a "Bulge" game, but there will be a final module for Summer '44 to give us cool stuff not in the 3 initial modules.
  10. Each new game would be adding new features making it more than just different vehicles etc and were probably talking taking until 2018, but as I said, probably not one line of code has been written and things will probably change quite a bit. 8 years ago didn't CMBB just come out?
  11. Are we talking Eastern Front? I'm pretty sure then we're talking 4 games- '44,'43,'42,'41 and the Ostfront is big enough to handle it. For example, the talk was the initial Eastfront base game would cover only Summer '44. Later modules in the initial game would take us to the end of the War in Europe with the Finn's also possibly being included in a module. But remember, so far probably not one line of code has been written.
  12. There's been some discussion of this before which is the ability to put, for example, different numbers on each vehicle, but nothing of late and I'm curious if we might be able to dig up a bone and see if this feature made it in.
  13. Barbed wire, which to me is the single biggest feature missing from CMSF.
  14. CM:Not the beaches at Normandy but everything else in France the summer of '44 eventually.
  15. Hey, that's a bone! The Poles will be in the first module!
  16. I was doing some thinking and a bit of research and once NATO comes out, one could use the new Red assets to simulate Polish Air Force Su-22's (still their main ground attack weapon) or Romanian MiG 21's which still make up the bulk of the Romanian Airforce. It would seem reasonable these two countries would supply no ground forces but contributed some air power. Just some food for thought for scenario makers who want to add something different.
  17. I'm sure the 25lber won't appear until the Commonwealth module providing they include large calibre on map artillery. I'm giving my guess as to chance of each weapon being included. I think the recoilless rifles weren't introduced into the US army until early 1945, but the German airborne had them.
  18. Notice I didn't call it Combat Mission:Normandy. Anyway shall we discuss the likelyhood of having each of the following on map as direct fire units in the game? Yes I know mortars are never really direct fire. Some guesses 60mm mortars- 100% Antitank guns-up to 88 and 90mm 100% 81mm mortars-95% 4.2" and 120mm mortars 10%? 75mm inf gun-99 % 105mm how 50% ? 150 mm inf gun? 75%? 150/155 mm how 10%? others?
  19. M. E. I can't see your picture, but maybe I shouldn't want to.
  20. I'm not asking for cavalry or even motorcycles. Treat them as a vehicle. I know the animations would probably be a pain in the butt though and maybe dead horses would cause an uproar. You're right M. E. I'll just forget it.
  21. Thanks ND, I did just that and it's just what I wanted which is to give the "make due" Marines a "make due" look. I notice your 3 color desert uniforms came with a woodland green camo vest, your chocolate chip uniforms with a drab green vest and the woodland camo uniforms with a coyote tan vest. I used the coyote tan thinking the 2nd Marine div didn't have enough desert vests to go around and the coyote tan were the next best thing, but is there any particular reasons for your mix?
  22. It's possible that can happen since the British sold well and if NATO sells well too someone could take an interest. However in my opinion we're more likely to see the French in CMSF II if at all.
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