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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Car analogies. I haven't seen one in a while , but Steve used to explain how the world works by giving us car analogies. He did a good job at it too.
  2. Brain in the Jar. Alleged condition of incomparable Battlefront programmer Charles Moyan.
  3. Ah, a good one MeatEtr. I don't know the origin of that one, but its certainly still around.
  4. Borgspotting. A term mainly referring to the issue that, in the CMX1 games especially, if one unit on a side spotted something, all units on that side instantly became aware of it. It's a reference to the hive-mind Borg culture of Star Trek- The Next Generation.
  5. Pixeltruppen. A common term for the soldiers in Battlefront games. Thanks to an old CMX 1 mod there is also the term Hamstertruppen.
  6. When will we see horses and/or motorcycles? An often asked question by newcomers. The short answer is adding horses, even if they are only pulling carts, would require an enormous amount of new code and animations, as horses would be something between a vehicle and a soldier. It is also my understanding that animating horses and making it look realistic is difficult. As for motorcycles, sure they were is use, but in the time periods developed so far, they were primarily used by couriers. Steve indicated if they ever got to developing earlier periods of the war, we may see them. There would remain the problem of players using them in recon by death however. p. s. I suppose recon by death is a Battlefront forum meme as well. It means sending something, especially an unarmored light vehicle, quickly forward until it's destroyed.
  7. Hi Mom. I don't see this one often anymore, but when a thread drifts into heated arguments, posters would often take the opportunity to greet dear old mum before the thread was locked.
  8. Steve Time. This is a reference to the relationship of time Steve Grammont of Battlefront estimates something will be released, to the actual time it will take. Basically one can convert Steve time to actual time by multiplying by pi. To be fair, I work in software development as a large part of my job, and this seems to be the case with most programming.
  9. Whose grass mod is that? Used to be this meme would accompany any good screen shot of a Battlefront game in play.
  10. Space Lobsters of Doom. Probably the most continuously used meme. It is a generic reference to a hypothetical science fiction land warfare game developed directly by Battlefront as opposed to a third party game such as Drop Team was.
  11. I joked about making a glossary, but decided to actually go through with it. Some of these memes I don't think I've seen in years but am recording for posterity's sake.
  12. Locked in a basement? My dear sweet summer child. All the old timers here know Steve keeps Charles head in a jar.
  13. Yeah I admit I'm old, but here I am talking about playing with G.I. Joes. :). I'm sure I'm nowhere near the oldest though. I'm not even sure Mike Emrys was before he passed away.
  14. I have this memory from back in the mid 60's. when I was about 6, and G.I. Joe first came out. I had two younger brothers 2 and 3 years younger than me. G.I. Joe was not a present any of us got, though I don't recall if we ever asked for one either at that time. About then, my mother was also baby sitting after school for some of the neighbors kids, one of whom was a boy about my age. He had a G.I. Joe and brought it with him. My father was furious when he learned about it, and forbade us to play with it. I am certain it wasn't a anti-war issue. 4 or 5 years later, he was fine with buying my younger brothers G.I Joes when they asked for one. I never asked my dad about it, but I wonder if there was an initial backlash about buying G.I. Joes as it was "doll play and would turn boys into sissies"? Any one else have a similar experience? Thanks
  15. In my time in the US Army 1977 to 1980 (except for training, all in Germany) virtually every NCO above E-6 and officer above Captain was a Vietnam veteran (along with a few E-6s and Captains as well). I always reasoned this would have been a significant factor had the balloon went up. Of course after 1979 Soviet forces would start receiving Afghanistan veterans. I want to ask those who have lower rank combat experience, how they believe that experience would have assisted them in another war at higher rank?
  16. True, but Greece and Turkey do too, not to mention everyone having made up with Germany. Opps, ninja'd on that quite some time ago I see now.
  17. Thanks to all for the information on why dual gauge won't work as a quick solution. However, please don't overlook my question about converting just one line to wide gauge by moving one rail (no dual gauge) to, say, Constanta. As I said, I'm sure smarter people than me have been thinking about such things. I'm just trying to learn if it won't work, why. Thanks
  18. I'm sure smarter people than me have been putting thought into this, so I'm not trying to suggest this is an original idea, but could perhaps just converting one line that winds up in Constanta by moving the rail over (no dual gauge) be temporally feasible?
  19. I'm mostly ignorant on the subject, but I do know there is such a thing as dual gauge lines. For most of the route, you just put down another rail 4 inches over on an existing track bed. Any one know if this is feasible as a temporary solution?
  20. If that's the case, I apologize. I assumed by his location in Ontario it was.
  21. Uh, empathizing with people and being told to not think like a criminal strike me as two different things, but you do you.
  22. Hopefully our intelligence sources will continue to keep the Free World powers that be alert to something ominous.
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