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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I don't have CMBS but I would have thought the Shilkas in that game did that already.
  2. I know there is the possibility of new animations but I don't know how animations work. Does just updating the engine bring them in? I'm ignorant of where graphics stop and the engine begins.
  3. I had some of this in another thread but here are some other features that will be new to CMSF with the updated engine: Water, Bridges, Weather, Troops Surrendering Kill stats AA fire Barbed Wire Ammo caches Now flame throwers are no longer used, but does CMRT or CMBS have Molotov cocktails? If so we might see small fires. Just have Molotov cocktails would be a new feature. There's also many UI changes we'll see. Am I forgetting some other major feature?
  4. Well, I do hope maps in scenarios/campaigns that come with the purchase will be tweaked a bit from the originals in order to use all the new features that became available since. One aspect I know that will have to be tweaked is trenches as they changed after CMSF to allow fog of war. One small wish, I already mentioned giving us flavor objects from CMBS. One additional one I'd like to see is satellite dishes. Putting them and AC units on buildings would add to the immersion.
  5. Task Force Narwick was another I really liked. It filled my Heavy Infantry itch. Good times ahead. Do I assume correctly though that the old graphic mods probably won't work properly?
  6. Besides AI items such as triggers that Ian mentions, it will be tempting to add terrain features available with 4.0 to existing scenarios. Water, bridges, etc. Besides those what are other possibilities am I missing?
  7. Yes, that's fantastic news. There are some awesome "fan-made" scenarios and campaigns out there. I put fan-made in quotes because one of them is ChrisNDs Task Force Panther campaign.
  8. Let me posit this question, which I don't believe has been asked as yet. This may indeed be asking for a feature, but will the old CMSF scenarios be able to be imported into the new editor in order to be able to update them? I'm thinking the answer is no, but if it were yes, it would allow for many more scenarios to become available with hopefully not too much work. P.S. Or am I wrong again, and this quote : " Most importantly, Charles had to delicately code Engine 4 to understand the old scenario file format so everything that was made for CMSF1 works without modification in CMSF2. " mean what I'm asking for is not only possible but was a requirement for the whole thing to work?
  9. I may be wrong, but I believe one can only make one weapon look like another weapon, but the in game affect of the weapon remains the same. Check out this thread for more details:
  10. Yeah, I'm really, really grateful they're updating CMSF after all these years, but I don't think lobbying for small (I won't use the term easy to do, since I don't know what it actually would take) additional content such as Sgt Squareheads Uncons with NATO weapons, and the Afghan looking 3d troop models from CM:A, and some of the flavor objects from CM:BS, is out of line (wow, that was a run-on sentence). They would allow scenario makers to more easily adapt the game beyond the original Syrian scenario to other situations I'm sure many people would be interested in.
  11. Right. We won't have Syrian squads fighting to the last man anymore . I'm thinking this will make a major difference to how the scenarios play out, thus a different experience to what we had in the original game. As I understand it, many of the original scenarios will be reused. I have confidence the playtesters will balance them well as needed. I think, however, the possibility of individual surrender will add realism to the game overall.
  12. Seems to me just having this feature in the grand update will make every scenario a whole new experience.
  13. Brummbar All kidding aside, about the Schwimmwagen, if CMBN added amphibious vehicles, and we know CMBS has the code, one could bring in several other vehicles, one of which, the LVT was a significant combat vehicle. One problem though, if they did bring in the Schwimmwagen/SEEP is players would probably use them ahistorically. I suppose though, players are already using jeeps/Kubelwagens ahistorically as recon by suicide.
  14. I seem to recall Steve saying the CMBN Vehicle Pack sold well*. I, like you, and probably everyone else, do wish there were more scenarios with the vehicles in it. But then I have never made a scenario of my own so I can't complain too much. Maybe more Battlepack's would solve the scenario problem. Scenario Battlepacks strike me as low hanging fruit for Battlefront, but I don't know what goes on behind the scenes so my assumption may not be accurate at all. *Disclaimer: Over 55, so memory may be faulty.
  15. Thanks for mentioning there's a Wiki page if I want more detail on various weapons. I'm not surprised the info is there. Is it found under each vehicle individually or is it summarized together at a particular page?
  16. But the longer barrel on the Tiger 2 required a bigger turret, hence a bigger and heavier vehicle right?
  17. Sounds then my choosing the Jagdtiger' s gun as my WWII weapon of comparison was not the best choice but I needed something with a gun diameter comparable to today's tank guns. Let me approach this at a different angle. The 88 on a Tiger 2 had a greater penetration and range than the 88 on a Tiger I as I understand it. Now I know the Tiger 2's barrel was longer but that wasn't the cause of the difference I'm sure. Would this be a case of a different round type perhaps due to superior or more propellant?
  18. I'm hearing you say their are no comparable shells between 1944 and now . I assume the increased velocity is due to superior propellants in the casing?
  19. I can understand the newer vehicle has the improved ammunition over what was available in 1945, but would 2 "vanilla" AP rounds (if there is such a thing) from the 2 vehicles have essentially the same penetrating power, and if not, why? I'm looking to be educated. Thanks
  20. He was employed just as a general laborer and interpreter.
  21. I just became aware of this photograph yesterday. According to my mother, this is her father, my grandfather Ewald Wruk somewhere near Zhitomyr Ukraine in 1942 or 43. He was a Ukrainian born Volksdeutch civilian German Army auxiliary. I'm not sure if that's a German Army uniform or not he has on, though it appears to be. Is the vehicle some kind of Horsch? I think I can make out SS plates on it. It's entirely possible too I suppose that my mother's information is incorrect or what he told her or what either of them remembered isn't true. Any one feel qualified to comment on the clothing and/or vehicle? Thanks http://s1152.photobucket.com/user/Bearkatz72017/media/Omr_zpsia9stfme.jpg.html
  22. If they wanted to add a new nation I'd vote for France. Another that might generate decent sales for BFC is Australia.
  23. I assume Gothic Line or whatever you will be calling it will be 4.0. Will it require a separate update for Fortress Italy to 3.0 before installing? yeah I know I'm being cheap, but if I don't have to pay the $10 why not.
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