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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I went and bought a friend a copy of CMBO. Do I get some credit?
  2. I wonder if they'll give us the Pz IIIF back so it can be used in the Sealion Mod? [ September 22, 2004, 02:11 PM: Message edited by: Sequoia ]
  3. Thanks, Andrew. You know, I'm trying to look at your late war US Airborne, but I can't find what month(s) those units are available.
  4. Is there a chart that identifies when a unit switches from its Mid-War bmps to late-war? I'm specifically curious about infantry uniforms. Thanks in advance.
  5. J2, No I don't think it's too much. Certainly not as far fetched as a Turtledove mod someone was suggesting. On the other hand, I think your Korea stuff is more interesting.
  6. I recall that SPI's 1970's game Seelowe had a July scenario that was at once both the "least likely and most likely" to occur. Least likely because it would have presupposed that the Germans would have had to have made plans to invade Britain right after France fell, yet in reality they had anticipated a much longer campaign in France. But most likely in that such a move "could have caught the Royal Navy with it's pants down".
  7. Greetings, May I ask why the invasion is taking place in July? Seelowe was scheduled for September, not that there really was much chance of it ever taking place as long as there was a Royal Navy.
  8. It seems that Paint Shop Pro is the product of consensus, but I saw this on ad and was just wondering. Any opinions?
  9. Actually I tried, but it got bounced back as undeliverable.
  10. This subject now exists in all three game threads. I'm wondering what the differences are between DD's Grass and Steppe Mod and DD's Terrain mod that are available in the CMHQ CMMOS section. The Grass and Steppe Mod is twice as large, although by its name you would think it covers less terrain types. I only have dial up and 26 megs would take a while to download so I'd be thankful to anyone who can provide info.
  11. Yes, I've been using it already. I have CMMOS too but as far as reverting to the original bmps I only remember seeing one button on the cmmos cmbb section for battlefront defaults and thought that if I hit that, *all* my mods would revert. I probably need to look at it more closely. edit: on cmmos cmbo I don't remember seeing a revert button. Like i said, I'll look closer. [ August 24, 2004, 09:50 AM: Message edited by: Sequoia ]
  12. MCMMM. I have dial up only and didn't want to download another 4 mgs for the CMMOS terrain ruleset after getting the 11 mg terrain Mod.
  13. Got the Mod, looks great, exactly what I was hoping for. Thanks J2 and thanks, of course to Strontium Dog.
  14. I haven't as yet loaded the cmmos ruleset for terrain. If I do use it, do you know if it lets me revert to my default grass?
  15. Thanks J2. Looks like I've got some large downloads to do tonight.
  16. The grass Mod thread on the Afrika Korps board leads me to ask if anyone can recommend a grass mod for wintertime when there is no snow but the grass is dead/dormant and brown?
  17. Tom, your backgrounds look photo realistic. Are they taken from actual photos?
  18. Looks great. Just wondering, would it be possible to Mod Free French as Greeks?
  19. I know motorcycles are not included in the game because, as the manual states, "to prevent them from being used in an ahistorical manner". Now it doesn't bother me that there are no motorcycles, but I'm curious; I assume the ahistorical manner would be to use them as scouts and spotters to find your opponents units. My question is, why would this be ahistorical? Is it because motorcycles didn't carry radios?
  20. Here it is: http://www.combatmission.com/mods/newmods.html
  21. Actually I heard that Hogan's Heros was shown in Germany.
  22. Well, it includes the Greek campaign, so maybe it will have Trojan Horses. I wonder if it will have Greece as a playable army.
  23. I'd love to get this version, but I guess it won't be commercially available.
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