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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Elmar hates it when I say it but I don't think we'll get a Shilka in the NATO module because people will expect it to shoot against Blue Airpower and I really don't think they want to add that to CMSF for one vehicle. There have been hints we'll get something Red with the new NATO forces, but this is a Normandy thread that has since moved to the Ostfront, no need to discuss that here. I assume we'll get lend lease vehicles for the Soviets again. That's something else easily borrowed from the Normandy game. Edit: That reminds me, eventually we'll be able to get the Lend\Lease Lee\Grant which wasn't in CMBB. For the 1941 game we'll be seeing some of those big multi-turrented monsters as well. Some one help me with the names. Any thing else missing from CMBB we might see?
  2. I don't recall reading that -of course it looks like I don't recall lots of things lately. Is that from Steve or were you just using it as a possible example?
  3. Yeah I should have put a smiley after my last post.
  4. I just thought of something ( I know, it does hurt when I do that.) If they're working backwards chronologically on the Eastern Front, it would make sense to do so on the Western Front as well so you could use your Germans on either front. Therefore, the third Western Front Family (after Normandy and Battle of the Bulge) will be Tunisia and Italy 1943 to 1945, am I right?
  5. I imagine you'd get the Hungarians and Romanians together but thats a good idea. IIRC CMBB didn't have Soviet Airborne. That would be a nice sweetener. But you won't see horses ever. It's an old Combat Mission running gag to ask for horses by the way. That and motorcycles. You probably won't see those either.
  6. Except we'll see the Finn's almost for sure at least once right? And as Sergei ponted out, they weren't really an Axis Minor.
  7. Nope, no Rumanians or Hungarians. They don't buy Combat Mission. Finns do.
  8. Wow, so eventually the whole war on the East Front will be covered again. Major bone. Besides Finns iirc there was a chance the Italian's might make if back into the game since they might be done already for another North African game.
  9. ****, I should edit that but then it would ruin your joke, so I'll leave it .
  10. I recall a mention that the Finns will be included. However I also recall a mention the Eastern Front games will be mailnly done by a Russian team so they might leave out the Finns just to spite them. We know the First Eastern Front Family will be Bagration: Spring '45. I will guess the second Family will follow the Western Front model and go to the end of the war. Kursk Summer '43 is a must of course, and the last game is likely to be Summer '41. There are my guesses, what's yours.
  11. Since this title hasn't been announced yet either I thought I'd ask if Battlefront might decide to push this one back as well so they can enjoy the Holidays in peace. That way they won't have to include the feature where the Bundeswehr troops sing Stille Nacht on Christmas.
  12. Who cares about the flowers. As long as they get the cows right! Can cows cross bridges? Will you have fences that humans can pass through and cows cannot?
  13. They may be hesitant to post a new screen shot because last time the one image started comments like this: "Something wrong with the Tiger. It has its travel tracks on and not the wider combat tracks, allowing its transport on a railway flatcar, without getting outside of the width limit. That is why, the outer rim wheels are removed and it looks like it is a version, beginning from late 1944, with metallic band wheels replacing rubber, if my eyes aren't fooling me."
  14. Well that's a bit of an exageration. It's more like your chances of winning this weekends lottery. The wildest things I can remember people asking for is the EFV http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expeditionary_Fighting_Vehicle and some Swedish vehicle and, of course, motorcycles and instead of horses, camels. P.S oh and I asked for this http://www.supacat.com/products/atmp/ but I wasn't really serious.
  15. What I meant was alliens would take over the brains of the Blue Force of your choice thereby providing all the reason you need for a backstory for a blue vs blue campaign. I agree more blue vs blue scenarios would be a good thing. I'm sure we'll get others doing them once the Germans come in the next module and people will want to refight WWII with 21st century weapons.
  16. Now I really don't expect a ZSU type unit with the NATO module as if it were added people would want it to shoot at blue aircraft and I really don't think they want to spend the time putting an anti air element into CMSF. Elmar wants it just to shoot at ground targets but I think he'd be an exception. As he put it "people and their expectations are keeping us from getting things into the game!"
  17. So much for my pet theory! . Oh well, I can still hope for a Red Truck to play with in the NATO module. I am wondering about what happened to the "ahistoric section" of Syrian units that was talked about albeit that was years ago now.
  18. Sfhand. I think Dr Who type brain controlling alliens would make a funner campaign, but go ahead, have fun. Anyway any one care to comment on my anti tank gun pet theory since those are weapons the Syrians actually do have?
  19. It's not my data. I was quoting Rudel Deitrich from an old thread but for some reason I was unable to use the quote function. Rudel was a very useful source of information for Battlefront however and he is involved in the field professionally so I can only use the "authority" arguement.
  20. We have no confirmation any new Red forces will be added to the NATO module. However ther was a hint there could be. This allows me to again bring up my pet theory. Syrian Anti-tank guns. Hopefully enough work has been done on the Normandy game to import of anti-tank guns into CMSF. According to Rudel Dietrich in the old Syrian TO&E thread the Syrians have: AT-Guns Syria still fields a number of these. Most have outdated shells so little use against tanks but can slap around a IFV prettt hard. Militia and reserve units would probsbly field the 85mm D-44 gun. Almost completly useless this gun might have some short range use against APCs. Fire control system is Korean war vintage. 20 HE shells 20 HEAT shells 5 Sabot shells 30 AP shells The 100mm BS-3 would be a little more usefull but still almost a waste of time. A massive weapon. 20 HE shells 20 HEAT shells 5 Sabot shells 20 AP shells The 100mm T-12 would be the most usefull gun Syria would field. Might be able to damage a M1A2 from the front with a close range Sabot shell. 20 HE 20 HEAT 20 Sabot I have found conflicting and questionable reports that Syria fields small numbers of the 125mm 2A45 AT gun. If true then this would give Syria a major punch against US armour. It is a giantic weapon but has a good fire control system and can punch a hole is almost anything. Would have a good chance of killing an M1A2 from the front at medium range. I am also looking for more info that the Syrian 100mm T-12 can fire ATGN missles. One part of me thinks if they have the gun then it would be common sense that they would have purchased the missles. But I want to make certain. I will keep looking. Finaly the Syrian reserves and milita would be able to field the 107mm B-11 RR Ammo would be 20HE and 40 HEAT It could damage an APC that was stupid enough to blunded past it. Otherwise useless.
  21. It could be possible if Battlefront allows custom loadouts of vehicles. The bazooka team would split off like a US Army javelin team and resupply. This is more realistic than CMX1 where bazookas were seperate teams from the get go, giving an unhistorical advantage to the US player who already had big squads compared to the Germans.
  22. I'm thinking at a low unit level how much more realistic Bazooka teams and Panzerfausts will be handled. Bazooka teams will split off from a squad as anti tank teams do now in CMSF and Panzerfausts will be carried by individual squad members which (presumably) could also split off into an anti tank team. I don't think Panzerschreks were assigned directly to a squad were they?
  23. AFAIK however, Battlefront has never completely ruled out a Korean War game. Probably because it would be easiler for them to do because so much stuff would already be available from a late war WWII game. It would only happened if every thing else fell into place just right, but they've never said never. (Maybe that'll happen now shortly)
  24. There should be a sticky "Don Quixote" thread on the forum of games people keep asking for but Battlefront has said they have no plans of ever doing. These games are: Viet Nam IDF module for CMSF Any other Arab-Israeli War game. NATO vs Warsaw PAct in the 1980's. WWI (a recent addition to the club) WWII in the Pacific Now it is not impossible that a game on any of these subjects would happen but it would take something like a third party to come along and do it such as the Soviets in Afghanistan game.
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