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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. Spitfire, In short, concrete bunkers are a bitch and you must either bypass them or be very clever. DavidI
  2. Believe me brother, I understand, I understand. Bring it on! DavidI
  3. Navy, Oh dude! A man after my own heart. Welcome to the Soupy Sales Club of Modding! I'm going to download now! DavidI
  4. Does anyone know how to get in touch with Makjager? He did some bitchin Lynx's for CMMOS I would like to convert them for CMAK and rerelease. DavidI [ September 27, 2005, 05:38 AM: Message edited by: David I ]
  5. Mikey, I rarily get AA autocannons in scenarios where enemy AT bunkers are present. Let me rephrase that - I have never gotten AA autocannons in scenarios where enemy AT bunkers are present. DavidI
  6. Stay out of their field of fire, they are acurate as all get out and can give the heaviest of Allied tanks a rough time. Get Infantry around it's flank (or a tank if possible) and start knocking on it's back door. When faced with AT gun concrete bunkers I resign myself to losing tanks. DavidI
  7. Lets see, it's Monday morning, I'm having my first cup of coffee at work, scanned the forum for what's new and...... Holy cow! MikeyD puts out some beauties! Another long Monday... DavidI
  8. Winertized Italians, Long overlooked, at least at CMMODs, Winterized Italians. Based on AndrewTF's (The Great and Powerful) great uniforms, these Italians sport closed collars, gloves and sweaters. They looked awfully cold to me without. Alternates include helmets without whitewash. They look like this: Where can you get them? CMMODs of course. Enjoy, DavidI
  9. Bluster, And sometimes they come in and bomb the crap out of your own side. I never buy them and I cringe when they appear in scenarios. DavidI
  10. jcikal, Welcome to the forum. For vehicle, terrain and uniform mods hide ye hence to CMMODs, tons of great stuff there. DavidI
  11. Mikey, I'm looking forward to you stepping up to the Stuart and Tank Destroyer plates. DavidI
  12. We got a kitten that had little boot markings on each foot, I wanted to name him "Caligula". My wife said "No f...ing way". So goes great ideas. DavidI
  13. Ahhhrrrrgggg....it's, sob, beautiful, sniff... DavidI
  14. My Dear Fellow CM'ers, Here is my latest effort. Compatable with CMAK & CMBB - recommended for CMETO & CMNormandy. It looks like this: Features MikeyD's excellent camo. David
  15. Stoat, Those ain't sashes! Those are Sam Brown type gear for officers - the universal officer leather gear from 1870 to 1945. DavidI
  16. Guys, I think I need a shave. What do you think? (turns both cheeks for your inspection) DavidI
  17. FredKors, Cool! That way if your tank is too light to ram the enemy tank succesfully, you could have your tank land on top of it. "Just try to shoot me now, you oversized badguy tank!" Maybe even have Stuart tanks leap down from the trees onto King Tigers like Merry Men onto the Sherrif of Notingham's hapless, tin clad, horse borne, good guy fodder. DavidI
  18. CMAK & CMBB The Total War series. Played alot of The Operational Art of War. Uncommon Valor from Matrix. European Air War. Looking forward to: Les Grognards Black Powder - Battles of Napoleon. CMX2 (I think - unless it is something other than Space Lobsters of Doom) DavidI
  19. Wittman, It's an ongoing email game. I am slowly being overrun but my Poles are going down fighting. The scenario is "A Rock in the Flood" and looks to be a challenge to both sides. More upon the end of the game. DavidI
  20. Dey, Compliment, indeed, coming from one of my modding idols. I can't white wash/winterize for ****! (Yet). David
  21. What you cannot see in the sequence I posted was that my opponent's infantry had been stripped away, that he never knew that those units (including the PIAT) were there, he was concentrating on destroying some known Shermans (which he did anyway) and that he was under severe time restraints. Terrain and staying hidden are the key to PIAT success. I posted that sequence because it was, without a doubt, the most successful PIAT attack/defense I have ever made in the game. BTW the PIAT crew got their decorations posthumisously (spelling? Note: put dictionary next to computer). DavidI
  22. "Charlie Company" had a very memorable line - "And the order came down the line to fix bayonets. I am sure it was meant to intimedate the Germans, but it sure scared the **** out of me". In it the guy describes how to take a dump in a foxhole, under sniper fire, when you are wearing six layers of clothes. It involved balance, an empty C-Ration box and a good shot-put throw motion. DavidI
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