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Everything posted by Aces_and_8's

  1. Zero is a zero is a zero. Why would you need a utility for that?
  2. Reserved a room already have ye? Plastic sheets, walkers (complete with one leg shorter than the other three), burley assistants with poor attitudes but an interesting perspective on your chances for lingering longer than necessary. Should be nice. Good luck, we'll miss you. Well, maybe not miss, more like celebrate.
  3. Nope...sky happens to be pleasantly blue with a slight breeze out of the Southwest. Haven't noticed any bloodlike celestial bodies, hoardes of insects, or gnomes falling from the skies. Think you missed your chance killer. Oh well, nother 60,000 and you can try again I suppose.
  4. For fu.. sake! It was Janet Jackson! They aren't even real! </font>
  5. My everlasting hatred and contempt of all things Axe and Axe - like. :mad: :mad: :mad: [ February 21, 2004, 09:02 AM: Message edited by: Aces_and_8's ]
  6. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDD Morning MAGGOTTSSS!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: Its 0630 here on the East Coast of the US of A. Today promises to be exciting, a little motor march followed by some gunnery training. Hopefully we don't run anyone over. Yes, its going to be a great day. I'm onto my second cup of coffee and everything seems right in the world. Wonder which knucklehead will be first up to the plate to attempt upsetting this Zen-like balance I seemed to have achieved this am.
  7. Well, some of us older generation don't mind copping a glance either. Mace </font>
  8. Is that a seizure or a stroke? Maybe a little of both? :concerned: and :mad: </font>
  9. ...and besides, it was printed on the internet so it must be true! </font>
  10. Too difficult...We just take everything at face value around this place.
  11. What the hell are you doing surfing at work? Shouldn't you be storming the shores of Tripoli, or stampeding up the slopes of Mt Surabachi or something? Mace </font>
  12. Have to wait until I get home...work comp no likey the link, classified it as extreme. :mad: :mad: :mad:
  13. Yes, now change your signature back to something that celebrates my glory. :mad: Kitty </font>
  14. Yes, now change your signature back to something that celebrates my glory. :mad: Kitty </font>
  15. AMAZING!!!...10 posts and not a single :mad: ta boot, and, to add insult to injury, someone from that most glorious of threads has to point it out. See all the edginess normally associated with this dark corner of the forums becoming rapidly rounded...truly sad.
  16. Nope, but am always on the lookout for new victims... MUWAHAHAHAHAHAH! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  17. Agreed...Camel fellatio sounds disgusting. Another hobby perhaps?
  18. GRARGRARGRARGRAR!!! :mad: :mad: Feh!..it would have been an insult to the sheep! :mad:
  19. Or, they did but exercised good judgement choosing not to interrupt a Special Boo moment.
  20. Were you ever here? Who are you? Where did yuo go? WHY did you come back? Please go there again - don't come back this time. </font>
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