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Everything posted by patboy

  1. The "Ford Motor Company AG" founded for the German market went into business in Berlin in 1926, purely as an assembly plant. In 1931 it was moved to Köln-Niehl. As of 1935 it's change into an independent German auto manufacturer was completed. The firm's name became "Ford-Werke AG" in 1939. The most important Wehrmacht trucks were the various three-ton types (about 5000) and the halftrack "Maultier" truck (15000). (Reinhard Frank, Trucks of the Wehrmacht) Here come a Ford v 3000 s rare color photo: Pat [ June 02, 2007, 08:17 AM: Message edited by: patboy ]
  2. After the Ford G997t I wanted to do the Ford V3000S for late war scenarios and he looks like this: Discuss the model ! I whish you a happy Easter weekend ! Pat [ June 02, 2007, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: patboy ]
  3. Mount Qassyoun and Abu Rummaneh Street in Damascus US embassy Damascus Pat [ April 07, 2007, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: patboy ]
  4. Use the PIAT, Red Devil at Arnhem have knocked out some Kingtiger II with it ! Pat
  5. What do you think about "Eurokorps" for next module ? Pat
  6. Alsatian thanks ! Is there the same handy map for CMBB ?
  7. Try Wicky Winter mod they are perfect for CMAK and ETO !
  8. 1939 song with interesting video : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ry9NjJJDoU Pat
  9. I think you'll like this one too Enjoy Pat
  10. For your futur scenarios with CMSF, here comes a pic of Syrian city : http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=fr&q=+syria&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=34.715927,36.725117&spn=0.006067,0.017692&t=h&om=1 Pat
  11. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=fr&q=Tobruk&sll=55.753498,37.620288&sspn=0.004154,0.014173&layer=&ie=UTF8&t=h&om=1&z=13&iwloc=addr Pat
  12. Isn't it Kremlin & red place ? http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=fr&q=Moscou,+place+rouge&layer=&ie=UTF8&z=17&ll=55.753498,37.620288&spn=0.004154,0.014173&t=h&om=1 Pat
  13. Kursk nowadays : http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=fr&q=kursk&layer=&sll=53.409532,36.5625&sspn=0.281601,0.907059&ie=UTF8&z=12&t=h&om=1&iwloc=addr Pat
  14. known as Volgograd now : http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=fr&q=volgograd&sll=47.489826,19.061762&sspn=0.004988,0.014173&layer=&ie=UTF8&t=h&om=1&z=12&ll=48.711353,44.499779&spn=0.155861,0.566139&iwloc=add r
  15. In Advance I wish you a happy first April ! (sigh) Pat
  16. Tanks Paul here comes the pic if you doubt! Pat
  17. Hey don't forget my trenches mod,(perfect for winter war too), you find it with "Fallweissterrainpat" mod pack at cmmods Pat
  18. CMBO CMBB and CMAK are a must. I'm playing some GeorgeMc scenarios very very interesting, if you like good and big map and semi historical scenarios. Ah and I'm waiting for CMC. Pat
  19. Lol!!! What's up Paul ? Are you waiting for TOW ? Pat
  20. You don't need to email me some screenshots but it will be interesting that you post them here on this forum, like that, everybody can see I'm right ! Also dan, Bess Demnähx Pat ps: Flesh said : "Bicolour StugIV" mod for CMBB. This is a replacement for the StugIV textures in CMBB. Be sure to back up your files before installing it. Description: "Bicolour StugIV" CMBB StugIV (BMP 15280 - 15295) Note: I used some of the textures from the excellent StugIIIG pack by Mike Duplessis for this mod. I also used some of the textures from my PzIVH mod, which were based on the default PzIV textures. Instructions: To install, just extract the BMP files to your CMBB "BMP" directory. BTW there are three BMPs with "_no_markings" in the filenames - just rename these files by removing this suffix and use these BMPs instead if you don't want any markings. Mod Manager Support: Not yet. I'll look into it, if anybody requests it... Author: Flesh dave@dave.zirconiumdns.net "Bicolour StugIV late" mod for CMBB. This is a replacement for the StugIV late textures in CMBB. Be sure to back up your files before installing it. Description: "Bicolour StugIV late" CMBB StugIV late (BMP 15300 - 15315) Note: I used some of the textures from the excellent StugIIIG pack by Mike Duplessis for this mod. I also used some of the textures from my PzIVH mod, which were based on the default PzIV textures. Instructions: To install, just extract the BMP files to your CMBB "BMP" directory. BTW there are three BMPs with "_no_markings" in the filenames - just rename these files by removing this suffix and use these BMPs instead if you don't want any markings. Mod Manager Support: Not yet. I'll look into it, if anybody requests it... Author: Flesh dave@dave.zirconiumdns.net In all case "Flesh" used the only present bmps available in game, to know (BMP 15280 - 15295) for the early & (15300 - 15315) for the late. Exactly what MikeyD used for his StugIV mods. May be have you a CMBB special copy with a new bmps number for the stugIV mid ? [ March 24, 2007, 03:31 PM: Message edited by: patboy ]
  21. http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A9G_RtoBfQVG0w4BAySjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12vdfil3o/EXP=1174851201/**http://www.around.spb.ru/variety/kv/neva19042002/gallery.php?ID= rcs&N=6 Incredible!!! Pat
  22. sorry double post. [ March 24, 2007, 11:43 AM: Message edited by: patboy ]
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