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Everything posted by patboy

  1. double post sorry [ June 22, 2007, 09:48 AM: Message edited by: patboy ]
  2. Sorry for the belated reply, every day I receive hundred messages and I cannot open all of them! To answer cabe's question I'm not sure to have the mod you need yet!(I changed my PC) It would be great if you can post it at cmmods.com with my full permission. I worked some month ago on an early 251/9 not finished yet. Pat
  3. I can make a mistake, but it seems all CMAK Churchills present in game look like strangely MikeyD's stuff. Pat
  4. Thanks! About the mod show me some photos and I'll see what I can do! I enjoy your fabulous scenario, I just finished it today, very nice map, I got much fun with this operation. I won obviously with german side! Pat
  5. Playing "Peiper chariots of fire" scenario designed by george mc, I saw a couple of neglected stug IIIG early grau are driving around the steppe ; when I decided to look up through "photoshop" and see the result now : Discuss the modele ! Pat [ June 22, 2007, 09:46 AM: Message edited by: patboy ]
  6. Hey a big thanks for this one! gorgeous mod much needed! Pat
  7. Yes April for USA, but which date for Europa ? [ March 05, 2007, 05:12 AM: Message edited by: patboy ]
  8. patboy

    TOW Demo?

    Final play testing is being done on the current beta and is proceeding very well. We expect to announce a final firm release date later this month. Madmatt quote in General dicussion forum Pat
  9. If you want 1943 WW vehicles you ought to download only "gelb" or yellow WW AFV! Pat
  10. Downloaded, Installed, tried & deleted ! I had no idea what kind a **** was about to go down, now I know! Very awfull game. Pat
  11. Excellent ! Pat ps: a version of your Brumbar early with hasty WW is much needed.
  12. You can try "Fall Weiss" only 5 packs or SCW at www.cmmods.com but you need CMBB game install before to use them! Pat
  13. Hey! Gurra welcome back and thanks for your last mod welcome too! Pat
  14. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! They're asleep, what a pity! pat
  15. Thanks, they are beauties ! Pat * If you can do the same for the "Gelb" PzJag1b I released you are welcome.
  16. at our favourite site www.cmmods.com I try to give you an accurate model than the default you can find on CD for CMBB & CMAK, 2 folders, one for CMBB & CMAK Italy or CMETO and the second for CMAK only (DAK) a palm tree insigna on the vehicle front is added. Enjoy Pat
  17. Busy by the "Fall Weiss" release last month I forgot to upload this mod I try to give you an accurate model than the default you can find on CD. Before I upload the mod you can discuss the model as you like, I did two versions for CMBB & CMAK (Italy and DAK) Pat
  18. Good job as always MikeyD, I'm looking forward what's going on with the D and G versions. Thanks for the A anyway, great production! Cheers Pat
  19. Sorry if this has been answered before. I changed my 15 LCD monitor by a new one HP w20 it works nice but when I run CMBB, the game look distorted 'cause the screen is in 16/9 and CMBB is in 4/3. If I delete my CMBB prefs nothing is changing just the resolution screen. Is it possible to play with CMBB in 4/3 and come back with 16/9 for other applications? Thanks and Happy new year to all Pat
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