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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. In a recent game, I noticed that my platoon leaders' radios seemed to go though occasional periods of not functioning. I wasn't trying to call in artillery, so that wasn't effected, but they were out of C2 for a while. I just took it that this was intentional modeling of the sometimes unreliable behavior of radio sets of that time.


    Did the platoon HQ just moved? They need time to set up the radio.

  2. Whenever I have a unit in hide mode the display tells me that at least one of them keeps sticking his head up to spot. I would have thought that this spotting task would be to look for threats/opportunities and that would mean looking over the wall. Maybe the problem here is rather more fundamental.

    The game says that they stick their head up, and they *do* stick their head up, just not over the wall. Remember, there are less abstractions now, spotting is calculated from the head from the soldier to the target.

  3. To the best of my recollection you just described how an ambush worked in CM1. I noticed, in 1.0, that when I hid some Germs behind a low wall with a Cover Arc and the enemy walked right up, stepped over the wall and close assaulted them. In CMBB they would have sprung to life when the CA was broached.

    It seems the Ambush/Hide capability now exists only in real time where the- detail minded- commander can intervene and lift the Hide order at the critical moment.

    How are your guys to know just how far the enemy was, if all they can see in front of them is a wall? It still works like in CMx1, but your guys must be able to spot the enemy for them to spring the ambush.

  4. Sure I should know this or should be able to work it out but have failed to find how to modify, in setup phase, the orientation of trenches etc and cant spot relevant info in Manual.

    Any brief hints for the afflicted much appreciated......

    Just place the pieces of fortification next[\b] to each other in the shape that you want. They will adapt automatically and rotate to the correct facing.



    At the risk of giving conflicting advice, what I did was set up my mortars in the courtyard of the farmhouse near the US setup zone. I then placed the Company CO up in the top floor. He spotted for the mortars right below. That allowed effective spotting and firing on the far German positions.

    In each of my play throughs, on Elite vs. AI, wego, I pushed on the US left. I would fire on "?" German locations with the mortar and MG's. After sufficient suppression, I would advance 1 up with 2 in support.

    Hope that helps.


    What I did was setting up the mortars in the courtyard, made sure they were commanded by an HQ unit with a radio and use the HQ Sherman tank to call in fire missions from the front line. As long as you keep away from AT threats and buttoned up this is a safe way of calling artillery. I also used a ninja platoon HQ (with short cover arcs) as additional eyes.

  6. I could not find a patch comment thread, so I am loggin my problems here. Sorry if they are covered elsewhere.

    I am playing a pbem game, scenario Hussar.

    Updated the game, received a file, ran the file. Went ok till I came to the end of the replay and wanted to re-view it. Hitting the back to start button (<|) caused a CTD. Tried the << button, after restarting the turn. Did the same.

    Don't knowif my opponent updated, but as I do the computing, this file should run ok, as per patch notes.


    Did you update the PBEM file as well? You have to save the game in 1.00 during the command phase (so first watch the movie), then load that save file in the 1.01 version of the game and finish playing the turn.

  7. Hmmm we are trying that now. Jim can watch the video of the V1.00 game I sent him and he is now seeing if it will take orders and save / send to me... Doing it the other way produced a corrupted file or something that kills the game. I am hoping it will work as you have just described....

    I just tried and my opponent confirmed that the method I typed works (in our case).

  8. Could someone from BFC please explain if and how one can make the transition of a PBEM from v1.00 to v1.01?

    In CMSF this what you do (and since it's the same engine this will work with 99% probability for CMBN as well).

    You open the 1.00 PBEM turn in CMBN 1.00; then you watch the movie and click the red button to go the orders phase; save the game in orders phase. Move the save game to the save game folders in 1.01 CMBN, load it and play it and send the resulting PBEM turn to you opponent.

    A nice trick is that you can keep different versions of the game on your HDD by simply copying the whole CMBN folder.

  9. I didn't know that, thanks, I think I must use large smoke screen to cross this bridge, 'cause I think my soldiers at lower speed will be decimated , what's happen for tanks and vehicles lower speed too?

    Haven't tested that. Information was from the manual :).

  10. I'm wondering what the engineers do in the game if they cannot remove the mines?

    I know they can blow walls, buildings, hedges & bocages, some obstacles too but only to mark mines!

    I don't know if this has been already discussed before, but I'm very desapointed by the issue.

    It's hard on small maps to try encirclement if all ways, roads & rows are blocked by mines that's almost unplayable!

    What do you do when you must cross an only minen bridge under fire of MG42, 81 mm & 120 mm mortar? (I've seen that in campain scenario) I'm desperate (sigh)!

    Thanks for you reply!

    If mines are marked, they can be safely traversed at lower speeds.

  11. I believe the patch changes this so that the line emanates from the selected waypoint now.

    In regard to a) you are correct but surely if your unit, in moving to that point, spots an enemy unit -especially if you use target arcs - it will fire anyway.

    In regard to B) again, true, but still gives the player a lot more information than his real-life counterpart would have and seems to me to be against the spirit of limited information inherent in Iron and Elite levels in particular.

    In regards to

    a) I use it mostly for suppressive area fire. It also allows you to see if you are hull-down with respect to a location. If you are playing WEGO like me, this is important because adjustments are not possible for a whole minute and it doesn't seem realistic either.

    B) No real life experience, but I assume that an order such "try to get a good view of that house" is quite common. Again playing WEGO, this would be extremely cumbersome.

  12. You still cannot target or check LOS from a waypoint, only the range from the selected waypoint is displayed, the line still originates from the current position of the unit or am I missing something? At least I did not succeed to do so, which complies with the patch description:

    "When attaching targeting orders to a waypoint, the range display is calculated from the waypoint, not the unit's current location."

    The line starts from the unit, but is actually showing the LOS from that waypoint.

    It would be a bad idea to remove this feature, because

    a) you won't be able to stack fire orders

    B) it is not such big deal, as you can only get a rough idea of the LOS in practical terms (unless you want to scan every pixel on the map with the target tool)

    additionally the target tool only tells if LOS is possible from one action point to another action point, but depending on the situation the ACTUAL LOS a unit has can vary

  13. I would like to fiddle around with CMBN too, if I could :)

    Changing units in CMBB and CMAK was very easy by just renaming

    the *bmp-files or by repainting them - but in CMBN I don't know how

    to get to the unit's files. :confused:

    Would someone of you be so kind to tell me which programme (extractor?)

    I must use, please?

    Again I must say that I'm very grateful for all your time and your findings

    that you've reported here so far and for your interest in this mod.

    Maybe - allthough I'm unable to look at the refering files yet - I can give you an idea too:

    As a matter of fact the German soldiers that belong to a gun crew or mortar crew do never

    have a zeltbahn (only breadbag, water flask, gasmask canister) and the sappers (engineers) and

    officers are having no equipment gear at all.

    So maybe as some kind of a "quick solution" it would solve the problem by just giving the "equipment code"

    that exists for gun crew soldiers to just every soldier that belongs to a rifle group, grenadier group,

    panzerschreck, tank hunters, sharpshooters etc. - just everyone who might "receive" a zeltbahn.

    Maybe this is a way - what do you think?

    If you are running windows, the extract programs are in the Mod Tools folder. There is a readme as well.

  14. Friends,

    well done on the new CM. Some initial observations/questions:

    1) it is not obvious what defense, if any, is possible against aircraft. In actuality mounted .50 cals were a deterrent- is that a factor in the game? Can planes be defended against, at least passively? Is an infantry unit in a halftrack with HMG any different to a passing fighter than one in a truck? Could not find reference to this in the manual.

    2) have continued to have situations in which I command a tank to open up and move, which is interpreted by the game to mean that the crew opens up then move out of the tank.

    3) antitank guns are a headache to place and point. It takes several minutes of game time to get them facing in the right direction. Could be related to limbering. Very hard to move them into trees, so they become sitting ducks in the open. In reality few forests are too dense to stash a small AT gun.

    4) the visibility of small infantry units to tanks is unrealistic to a degree that alters the quality of the historical simulation. I was noticing that tanks easily spot and kill small units hiding in trees and buildings, seemingly moreso than in previous CM editions. So I gamed several scenarios with german armor advancing through forest paths into towns that were infested with numerous (like 20) sniper and bazooka squads, hiding in dense forest and buildings, with target arcs set to ambush tanks from the side or rear as they passed by. In reality a tanker's nightmare. In the game a turkey shoot- as soon as a bazooka squad 'unhides' in order to fire (or even while still hiding), it is spotted and destroyed by every tank within LOS, even though they are buttoned up by the sniper fire. In the last one I played the Germans (AI) laid down a thick smoke screen to cover their advance- US bazooka teams could not see a thing- which did not prevent the tanks from seeing them and destroying them. Furthermore, as pointed out in other comments, the courageous but dimwitted rifleman accompanying the bazookaman usually starts firing his carbine at the tank being ambushed as soon as the team unhides, needlessly giving away his position. Historically there are numerous examples from WW2 and Korea of tankers having no idea where they were receiving bazooka fire from- its not easy to spot 2 guys under cover from the inside of a tank from that era. This is more than a niggling point since it strongly tilts the balance of power between tanks and infantry to tanks, even in close quarter urban combat and forested environments which historically favored infantry over unaccompanied armor.

    5) had an amusing incident in which a tank crew dismounted under fire, rallied, and then I commanded them to re-enter their vehicle, at which point they hid under the tank, from which position I was unable to command them for the rest of the game, even though they were not panicked.

    1) No, they didn't put any AA fire in the game.

    2) Make sure you are not accidentally pressing the bail out order. This should not happen (at least in my experience).

    3) In my experience it's better to find a good place to put the gun from the start than to move them there

    4) Cover is treated differently in this game. You now longer have hexes/tiles which give a cover bonus. What you have now is more explicitly representation. So if you put your squad behind a couple trees, you are *actually* telling 11 men to hide behind two or three trees. In other words, those trees are no longer a representation of a dense forest. The game tracks every tree.

    Another factor is the undergrowth, the game now allows you to mix trees and undergrowth. Obviously more undergrowth will mean more concealment.

    So it might be the case that you are not getting the concealment you are expecting.

    Not saying that tweaks are not needed, but it is something to keep in mind. 11 guys behind two trees on a lawn is bad concealment as those two trees do not represent a forest, but are really two trees. It takes some getting used too. You can experiment in the editor using the most dense trees and undergrowth and you should see a marked difference.

    Also in my experience unless guys open up from a building, they are virtually invisible. What difficulty level are you playing?

    5) maybe they thought it was a safe place :)

  15. wasn't sure where to put this, ....all complaints, but here will do.

    in same QB, had a panther that start with 39ap rounds and ended the hour game with same. no matter what was going on, it would refuse to shoot at any vehicles, even if manually targeted to do so. it would shoot at infantry. during one tank target rich turn, i just watched it. gun would traverse left, then right, then left... but would never shoot, at anything.

    Having LOS and LOF are two different things. Have you tried moving the panther to a better location? It could be that the panther could see the enemy tanks, but not point it gun at it (i.e. only the commander can see them because he sits higher up)

    in same QB, i noticed, for an at gun placed at the forest edge, that right in front, that i hadn't notice a small rise during setup and that there was no los to the area i wanted covered. so it was a real big surprise when a sherman halted in that area and started shooting at the gun AND knocking it out. this was at 600 meter range. so how did the sherman manage to see it, in the forest edge at 600 meters, as well as manage to hit it when the at gun had no los to the sherman. i had several at guns, that never got any shots off, that were all placed on the forest edges and were engaged in ranges over 200 meters. and many of them were first shots.

    (why the loss of the LOS button?)

    had at infantry, in 'hide' mode, for ambush position on forest edge, but when the shermans show up, the shermans start shooting at the infantry at over 200 meter range. how are they being seen?

    had non-at infantry 'hiding' 100 meters into forest area and they too came under sherman fire at over 200 meter range. how the hell were they seen.

    Cover doesn't work like in CMBB or CMAK any more (in case you were unaware of this). The forest edge, really means the forest edge and not the edge of a forest "tile". Being in "forest" doesn't give a uniform cover bonus like in the old games. So basically there were only a couple trees in front of your guys (literally, the game tracks every tree). It doesn't make for the best of cover. Also depending on the difficulty level you are playing, the spotting rules are relaxed.

    As for the tank, the height of units is taken into account. The target tool does not take into account the height of the target when trying to see whether you have LOS or not. Because of the height of the tank it could see the gun (again the edge of the forest is not a good place to be) and shoot it because it is so tall. Have you tried targetting the tank?

    in set up, had mortars' so that they were in range of a command flag, but when game started, they were now 'out of range'.

    Did you move the HQs or the mortars?

    i had several tanks, (including some of my own), were firing on the run, and worse, hit something on first shot.


    can the amour be ordered just to concentrate on enemy amour and not their dismounted crews?

    what happened to several levels of sound. like being able to shut off annoying birds or crickets. or distant cannons.

    There is no armour only target arc unfortunately, and I believe there is a mod that lowers the ambient sound.

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