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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. The way casualties are tallied in the final score right now, there is no difference between wounded vs KIA, making buddy aid really only for ammo (which sometimes disappears according to other threads!) and for your own humanistic pleasure of helping your fallen soldier.

    It may be hard-coded, but is there a way we could be able to set parameters to distinguish what threshold for # of KIAs-only affect score outcome?

    I think this would provide A LOT of added incentive to go back into that house and patch up a fallen comrade, and this would really change/add to gameplay, because now you'd have to decide should i just risk the 25% KIA chance, or risk having more men wounded/KIA by trying to help the guy?

    KIA are worth more points to the enemy if I remember correctly, although my memory is a bit vague on this. Where does it say that it doesn't matter, don't have the manual on hand?

  2. Hi Steve!

    Very interesting description, i have been very curious about the CMx2 targeting/aiming model.

    Have you had time to consider my "original" question?

    Is a 40% weapon hit chance against a hull down panther at 700 meters, from a regular 57mm AT gun crew, something you might expect and being "by design", or is it not intended to be that high?



    Sorry I have not been following the thread, but is that 40% first hit chance, based on your estimates? Or 40% of the all the shots?

  3. I see, so generating a variation in the projectile path from dispersion by using a random number(s) as (some of) the input(s) to an algorithm that models a probability distribution is not in fact generating a random number, but a number influenced by random variables. I guess you could spin it that way, sorta ;)

    :). My point is that is more involved. There is picking a random number and there is picking a random number :P .CMx1 modelled the outcome, i.e. the hit percentages, a target is hit before the shell leaves the barrel, whereas CMx2 models the input, i.e. the vector of the shell. Once it's loose, it can interact with the game world. So yeah, it is more than just picking a random number, at least compared to CMx1. Of course general outcome will be the same.

  4. Surely some elements are random, such as variation in projectile path from dispersion?

    Most definitely I would guess, although not uniformly distributed but according to some probability distribution. If done well, it would give you the same variation as in real life. So although you end up with a number that is influenced by random variables, it is not the same as "picking a random number".

  5. So tell me, statistically, is a larger target easier to hit than a smaller or not? There are always benefits from being hull down: even if it only gives a marginal benefit, on the battlefield that can be critical.

    But if for some reason you must stay in one position and the enemy is distant, I see no benefit to taking a hit in the hull - which is easier to hit - than taking one in the mantlet, which is a smaller target.

    Are you talking about in-game? I would reckon so, seeing that hits are determined by intersecting the polygons of the tank with the path of the shell. For most tanks, the mantlet is better protected than the hull, the difference now is that the subsystems of a tank are better modelled and tracked and you can lose any of them. Getting hit is always a bad idea, but you can minimize the risks by going hull-down.

  6. Yeah, I have to agree with this. It has been my experience that many of the earlier missions made by the mission designers had the Red forces so handicapped in terms of experience and morale you really couldn't do anything with them...you just tried to make it as hard as you could for your blue opponant who had that big advantage in weapons, experienced troops and morale. Of course this was probably very realistic as we've seen in the recent wars.

    With the later modules, there were more scenarios which had come out where Red forces became more on par with the Blue forces. The maps or terrain the scenario was based on was better, more defensivable, the Red forces better quality weapons and equipment, better experience and morale. I've fought some excellent battles to a standstill, if not eek out a victory in PBEM playing some of these as Red forces commander.:)

    If you simply edit some of the old scenarios to make the red forces more resilient, you get a whole different fight.

  7. In several ambush type scenario's I have been frustrated that even with the hide command units will not hold their fire:mad:. There need's to be a actual hold fire command which allows your units to observe without firing. Also this would be useful in doing a recee on enemy forces as at the moment once your within rifle range scout squads will engage the enemy which is pointless and just causes friendly casualties.

    Use a small covered arc.

  8. Agree with this. Also, accuracy and effectiveness of the AK rifles at very close (~50m) range seemed undermodeled when compared to the U.S. M4s as well. Seems like any automatic weapon putting out enough suppressive fire from a skilled shooter should be roughly equal at that kind of range, yet BLUE forces in CMSF seemed to always win suppression and get the upper hand, even against veteran+ RED guys.

    RED artillery support, too, seemed inept in CMSF where in CMBN we are going back in time almost 70 years and BOTH sides have similar arty response times and accuracy that seem closer to BLUE capabilites in CMSF.

    Part of this problem is that often the motivation level of Blue forces are set really high, while the motivation of Red forces are low. Even when you select the Syrian Spec Ops. It evens out once you a) change the bonuses of the leaders to be equal B) keep your forces in command c) set every attribute (experience, fitness, morale AND motivation) to equal.

  9. Hi all,

    I would really like to request that BF please redo the .pdf manual with a darker font. I downloaded the .pdf manual to my Kindle and its almost unreadable. I have the paper manual that came with the steel box version but the print is pretty light there as well. My eyes aren't getting any younger so its a bit hard to read. I understand you can't go back and re-print all the manual but it can't be THAT hard to redo the .pdf manual with a darker font or something with more contrast so its easier to read electronically. PLEASE????



    Have you tried using the print friendly version?

  10. I confess that I don't understand C2. I've seen people say that it is important, and I've done the tutorials and read the manual, so I get it a bit. But there's a lot I don't know.

    Is there a link that talks about C2, why it's important, and how to maintain it? I feel like I need to learn a lot more about it.

    As it is, I have guys running everywhere. I've tried keeping their HQs close by them but have lost a few. I guess they are a particularly juicy target? Or maybe I've just been unlucky.

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

    C2 is important because it lets your units share information about enemy locations. Units can "know" where an enemy is hiding before the spot it themselves, if they have this knowledge they'll spot the enemy faster.

    Units in C2 also get a morale bonus, because they know they are still part of a major force. And of course C2 is important for the artillery.

    Also worth noting is that it takes a minute or so to set up radio's. So once an HQ unit stops, it will take some time before it reestablishes radio contact.

  11. It does look odd. How long did you have to wait before they fired? Keep in mind that it is a green crew with a bad leader. And they are nervous. All of this will be detrimental to their fighting ability. Any way, if it is a bug, it would be good if you have a save game. I know the people of BFC like to have these things to have a better look :).

  12. And I'm still trying to find an answer to the question "How do we, the player, know if the spotter can or can't see the spotting rounds ( any of them ) ?"

    If anyone knows this, please tell me, thanks.

    Select target tool, check whether there is LOS to the spot where the spotting round landed? It is important to check not only whether the spotter can see the target you want to hit, but also make sure he has a clear line of sight to the surrounding area. Dropping arty is an art.

  13. I have noticed that for quick battles there is no random map generator like in CMx1. There are a few canned maps of different szes that one can chose from or have randomly selected for you. Is it possible to make more maps and add them to this canned listing? How detailed does the new battle map have to be? Do I need to add set-up areas and AI scripting?

    It is possible to make more maps. You just put the in the QB folder. The maps can be as simple or intricate as you like. I don't know about setup areas, but AI scripting is only required if you want to be able to use the maps for single player.

  14. Leadmeister is right. I won't go as far as calling it fraud, but it definitely was misleading advertising. It's like having one microgram of gold in a coin,and calling it a "gold coin". Who had the brilliant idea of putting tiny tan letters on tan pages? The game itself is fine, but this sort of stuff will keep me away from future preorders and taking their word for anything.

    The put up a video of the BOX, I don't see how this is misleading in any way.

  15. Yes; one purchase gives you 4 installs, which you can use however you see fit. You get one additional install per year after purchase.

    Keep in mind that you might need to use an install if you significantly change your hardware on an existing machine (upgrade a video card, etc.).

    But unless you change hardware fairly frequently, your allotted installs should allow you to install and play the game on two machines without problem.

    BFC has also said that if you have a hard luck story where you end up using up all your installs while repairing your computer or something, you can contact support and they'll re-set your installs. Nice folks.

    To be more precise. The game gives you 4 ACTIVATIONS and legally allows you to install on two PCs (see the manual page 9 I believe :)). You can reinstall the game on a PC that has been activated as many times as you want, as long as you don't change the OS or hardware.

  16. Their future is based upon sales, and very often sales can be thwarted by poor quality incidentals, i.e., a sales pitched poorly designed "steel box" and an equally bad hard copy manual.

    They posted a video of the box so everyone knew what they were getting. I am sorry your box got damaged, you can try to contact the sales people to get a replacement maybe. The paper envelope is not that flimsy seeing how mine got to me in mint condition. This bodes very well for the future and their loyal fan base.

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