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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I am in the midst of a CMBN tournament that will likely not conclude for at least two more months, and I also have a couple of casual PBEM games going. If I install the commonwealth module upon release, will I be able to continue my current games, as well as start future games with opponents who choose not to install the commonwealth module (for whatever reason)?

    If not, what would you suggest? Perhaps a second install of CMBN + Commonwealth in a different directory?

    You can still continue playing CMBN with your opponents. You cannot play Commonwealth games with opponents who don't have the module. The only problem (from my experience from CMSF) is that the module will most probably come with a patch. Games started in an older version of the game may not work when you patch.

    Luckily you can copy the whole Combat Mission and keep two differently patched versions of the game.

  2. I've got the CMSF and NATO module and on the US side I have a preference for using Bradley based forces. I have Task Force Narwick which is HBCT based and am aware there is also Forging Steel which is a USMC Bradley orientated campaign.

    Generally I'm not that much of a fan of moderns and play much more CMBN but as an occassional change it's OK. I'm just wondering what the major differences are in pros and cons between using the marines v army in terms of the modules? I've scoured the site to see if there are any headline descriptions of units/IFVs etc available in Marines but can only find purchase links.

    From what I gather the Marines campaign is not great fun and I'm wondering if it's worth getting the module now, esentialy just for a Bradley based campaign, or whether there are lots of other factors that make the Marines more enjoyable to use.

    Because of their nature I'd expect USMV to be more lacking in heavy support but packing more intrinsic firepower with not so much in terms of AT, unless vehicle based.

    Any comments appreciated.

    Marines platoons have so much more firepower. Watching them light up a target is a blast!

  3. Other means..are you sure? I though people have complained that troops with a cover arc only shoot at anything in said arc?

    Still I'd use hide and a small cover arc to set up an ambush.

    The game at present (especially for WEGO) is missing two or three much needed commands. Target AP only, Target AP only cover arc, Hold fire and I'm sure there is one other but I can't remember it. Those three commands would be superb, and I can't really see that they'll be some sort of nightmare to programme either.

    Squads will ignore cover arcs depending on experience, morale and perceived threats. And also they have to be able to see, so your squad is facing a hedgerow and hiding, they won't see anything to shoot.

  4. Pay attention to your force's stats because they can provide you important hints for how to play them. Russian rank and file troops tend to be low on morale and not too greatly trained either. The Spetnaz and Airborne, on the other hand, are better motivated and trained. Try to adjust your play style accordingly - don't press the basic grunts too hard!

    Use any heavy weapons and AFV's you have - PKM's, BTR's, BMP's - as much as possible to cover the infantry advance. Save blood, not ammo. Get the rifle squads to within 300-200 metres of the enemy, beyond that the enemy's numerous bolt-action rifles and Brens have an edge over your assault rifles.

    I have noticed in the campaign battles I have played that the Soviets are quite limited on ammo. A PK only has around 200-500 rounds, which for me is not enough to provide sufficient cover. And unless there are enough BMPs around you can't resupply.

  5. There's a work-around for this now. It's fiddly, but just move your tank a waypoint, put a 15 sec pause there, and a smoke target from that waypoint. Then either a reverse or another slight move forward to another waypoint, with no smoke target. That will limit the number of smoke rounds your tank fires so at least it won't spend an entire turn shooting them off.

    You have to give a rotate order at the second waypoint for this to work.

  6. Im querying this because I am trying to find a balance between the two forces for a H2H game I plan on having. I want to two forces to be roughly balanced in skill so it is more up to the player than the AI fleeing or refusing to fire.

    Make sure you don't use the "typical" settings for the troops, but set your own motivation and morale. Also remember that a typical Syrian platoon has a lot less firepower to its disposal than any NATO one and you need to adjust for that somehow.

  7. Just a quick question. Are OPFOR forces coded to be really cowardly and inefficient? And are "elite" Syrian troops not as "good" as "elite" US Troops both on the same skill?

    Probably reiterating what everyone already said:

    * NATO: better body armour, optics and communications -> better morale and efficiency

    * Syrian: high experience, but typically low modifiers and low motivation and bad communication equipment

    * Syrian vehicles worse all except BMP-3s and T-90s.

  8. stikkypixie..well in the CMSF modules there was always a couple of goodies...nothing major like UI changes just the odd new animation etc..

    So I believe there will be some new bits and bobs.

    The only real "features" (or at least what I would call features) were the enhanced LOS system, where height was taken into account and maybe the return for the blue bar. I'll be happy if they prove me wrong, but right now even small UI changes seem very unlikely.

  9. After playing through the two tutorials (and being a CM1 veteran with a long hiatus from the game), I set up a quick battle, gave a bunch of orders, and then watched as my infantry ran 1,000 meters tangent to the objective I gave them that was 50 meters directly in front.

    I've gathered based on the ridiculous reactions to all my move orders that the tree-lined hedges between the infantry and the move objective was impassable. Fine, I understand hedgerows, but the problem is that I can't tell the difference between what is impassable and what is navigable. I'm a little bit colorblind, though I doubt that's really the problem.

    In CM1, you could check your LOSs and (IIRC) the game told you what type of terrain was what. How can I tell, short of an obvious break in a hedgerow, whether something is navigable? In the campaigns of the tutorial, you could navigate any hedgerow (with infantry) so I wasn't expecting this.

    How can I tell what types of terrain are what, any cover values they have, and the transit movement penalty that might be incurred in crossing? I am searching the manual, but all I can find is icons of terrain amongst the editor pages, which isn't meeting my needs.

    The new Combat Mission treats terrain more as what you see is what you get. So if there's no gap in the hedgerows, it's impassable. Same for forests, lots of trees and undergrowth means lots of cover and concealment. If you don't see any of that, then you're guys are going to be very exposed.

    As for finding "cover" values, they are kept under the hood. They also make slightly less chance to show because each individual bullet is tracked. If the bullet/shell/whatever intersects the polygons that make up a tree the game determines whether it passes or not.

    Bottom line is, you will have to gain a feel of the protection afforded by the terrain through experience and "common" sense. Good luck!

  10. I hope this is an appropriate place for this... I can't seem to figure out how to see which units are in C&C while playing WEGO in the command phase on IRON difficulty.

    The default view seems to be highlighting other units that are in the group. I would like to see highlighted all units within direct communication. (or C&C).

    In the game phase, I can click on the units and see what they see (flashing icons with question marks for both friends and foes). I would like to temporarily see what they can see, hear what they can hear, etc... I thought there was a button combination for this, but I can't remember nor find it in the manual.pdf.. any help would be appreciated.


    AND SHOUT OUT TO ARISTOTLE- I can't believe the stuff you create! Amazing!

    The only way to see whether a unit is in command or not is by clicking it and looking if it has visual/voice/radio icon on.

    Don't know what you mean with the second question.

  11. In company size battles, I usually advance my 3 infantry platoons from different directions (left, center and right). That leaves me with the problem of how to deal with my Heavy Weapons Platoons. I usually leave my mortars behind with the HQ for indirect fire, and split the MGs among the 3 platoons. However, I’m concerned with how this affect they performance since they lose contact with their platoon HQ. Am I doing it right or should I keep the platoon together? I know that a platoon organized in sections help maintaining C2, but that’s not always the case, and even in that case, they inevitabily lose contact with the platoon HQ.

    On a related issue, I leave my Company HQ far behind, presuming they will keep C2 by radio contact. Is that correct? Should they follow the Platoon HQ’s with no radio or is that just an unnecessary risk?


    What I usually do is keep my mortars with the Company HQ within visual range and send the weapons HQ with the machine guns. This way indirect fire is available and the MGs stay in command.

  12. I can not get past this "out of memory" crap in the TF Thunder campaign. I've read everything, im sure, there is to read through searches and still can not advance to the mission that is after either Night Stalkers and/or Dagger Fight. If I cease fire during night stalkers and advance to dagger fight and win, out of memory error. if i beat night stalkers, which ive done twice now.. out of memory error.

    I'm very upset because I am loving this campaign most and there is so much more. I bought the bundle w all expansions and am updated to 3.2. amd quad w/ 4gig RAM ,ati 6800 series, win7...bla bla bla...

    I just want to play those missions, id even be willing to use someones saved game if anyone has it. I noticed someone was able to create a program for CM Normandy to break up the campaign into individual scenarios. It doesnt seem to work with SF, would there be one compatible out there?

    Please help if u can because i do not want to miss out on the rest of this AWSOME campaign!

    Have you tried turning down the graphics settings? It works for me in *some* cases.

  13. Britain has an artillery support vehicle with a non-functioning mast too. From what I understand *unbuttoned* spotters in these vehicles will gain some added functionality but really maps are rarely large enough to make a difference. A soldier on one knee is just about as likely to spot the enemy from 600m as an unbuttoned M707. The difference is subtle and I've never been much good with subtle.

    The optics on the M707 not only helps with distance but also in low light, check previous post.

  14. Following the opening encirclements in Operation Bagratation the Germans moved Panzer divisions from Army Group South who fought through July and August to close the hole created by the initial disaster. Under the able command of Model they eventually succeeded in achieving that goal. But then the Red Army launched an offensive i the South (August 1944) that knocked Roumania out of the war on the Axis side and, indeed to join the allies. The Germans were never able to entirely stabilize the front again.

    However, for the Russian Front I think the three month model is too short. Indeed I have the same view on Normandy (which I would like to seee expanded to cover the entire NW European campaign) In the East I would wish to see the game start with coverage of Kursk or preferably 3rd Kharkov to Berlin allowing for many more scenario options.

    I believe the plan is that modules for CMBN will cover everything up to Market Garden. Then a new full game will be released covering the Ardennes (+ whatever the modules bring).

    So if the East front full game will initially only cover 3 months, the modules should extend that by quite a bit.

  15. Of course. I was hoping, though, that someone else might have experiences this and could give me a heads up as to what's going on.

    To reassure you, my dealings with BFC have been very positive. And in the very worst and very unlikely case, that can't you download from BFC: as long as you have legitimate license key, the installers are generic so if you can get someone else to send you that installer you can still play the game.

  16. Demo scenarios are not compatible with the full game. I believe this was to prevent people adding custom scenarios to the demo and play them. Whatever the reason, the only way to play them in the full game is for someone to re-make them in the full game (no matter what version).

  17. hi madmike,

    nice to see our pbem on the forums... :)

    the only explanation is that the stug hasnt spotted the tank right now (relative spotting)... it sometimes takes up to 1-2 minutes (sometimes even longer) depending on the circumstances. it helps to setup a target arc over the area so that the spotter is concentrating on this area.

    even though in the given situation its a bit wierd because i assume in real life the hmg crew would tell the stug crew (commander) that a tank is ahead... !

    how long is the tank standing in that position ?



    The Stug knows the Sherman is there (you can see the question mark). It just hasn't been able to clearly spot it yet.

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