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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. Hello all, hoping someone can give me some tips on where i am going wrong. i have downloaded the 2 flaks and a bridge too close but they have appeared as a CAM file (2 flaks) and a BTT file (Bridge). I've tried the rezexplode but nothing appears in the exploded folder. Do i have to change the file format or something?

    Thanks for any help.

    P.S. This is the first time i have tried to mod anything

    I don't know what you are trying to do, but the files you downloaded are a campaign and a scenario. You the .cam file in the "campaign folder" and the scenario in the "scenario folder" of your CMBN installation after which you will be able to select them to play. If you want to edit them, use the scenario editor.

    The rezexplode tool is only for unpacking mod files which have the brz extension.

  2. Hi all. BFN is excellent but I am having issues with anti-tank guns.

    Whilst I do not have a problem with their anti-infantry lethalty (every nation had effecive HE rounds for their ATG's by 1944) which is huge, I am finding that anti-tank guns can often shoot several times without anyone spotting them.

    Against armour only, this is understandable (although still seems too generous- unengaged elements of the same unit being attacked seem to have big issues spotting anti tank guns which are firing)

    It also seems to happen against infantry which does seem strange.

    I have seen instances where a gun has fired several rounds, basically decimating a platoon without anyone spotting where the fire is coming from.

    I do not doubt that they are more difficult to spot in real life than a vehicle, but in BfN they seem to have somewhat of a 'cloaking device' effect.

    What units have LOS to the gun? Are they under fire?

  3. This is from an old post, I'm copying it here (not mine).

    1) Friendly vehicles never block LOS/LOF for other friendly vehicles.

    2) Operable enemy vehicles block LOF, but not LOS, from friendly vehicles.

    3) Non-smoking KO'd vehicles do not block LOS/LOF for friendly or enemy vehicles.

    4) Non-smoking KO'd vehicles block LOF, but not LOS, from any unit as long as the targeted unit is not a vehicle (ie: tank shooting at infantry or infantry shooting at infantry)

    5) Smoking vehicles block LOS and LOF.

    6) "Vehicles" means tanks, SP guns, and AT/Anti-personnel guns.

  4. Interesting, I always thought that units would generate their own <?> icons regardless if they were in C2 or not.

    I mean when you don't have any unit selected, when you have the aggregated knowledge of all the troops. I find that when playing as red in CMSF, it is very hard to accurately judge where blue forces are, when playing as blue on the other hand you usually have a fairly good idea.

  5. They're the central hub to all C2 between units. If a battalion commander gets killed (and the XO does not take over), units from different companies won't be able to communicate with each other.

    This means longer spotting times, i.e. time to see an enemy unit that has not been spotted yet, even if another unit already located that enemy unit.

    Also if an enemy unit is spotted twice by two different units without a C2 link, that enemy unit will generate two <?> icons, making it much harder to judge the enemy's disposition.

    Calling in on-board fire support will also not be possible if the link passes through the Btn HQ.

    Calling in off-board artillery might also suffer delays, depending on whether the spotter is a subordinate of the Btn HQ or not.

    And lastly all units suffer morale penalties because the C2 link is not as strong (they don't feel part of a greater whole so to speak).

    Except for points 1-3, to me it seems all the other "uses" are actually a very bad way of using those units. The way HQ units work is one of the biggest changes from CMx1 although the one that is the least noticeable. You don't see the benefits unless they are actually gone.

    Of course this also depends on the level of fog of war you are playing on.

  6. Nope; no soldier with a "commander" tag.

    It is possible that the Coy HQ was unable to establish distant visual command -- once I got him up to the platoon's location, I mostly had him close enough to the squads to maintain voice and/or close visual contact, so I couldn't really say.

    Apparently higher HQs are not allowed distant visual.

  7. Hmmm.... I appears that there's some sort of inconsistency here, because this does not jibe with my recent play experiences.

    I just finished playing through Closing the Pocket from the German side (having originally played it from the American side). Early in the fight, one of my platoon commanders was KO'd by an (un)lucky encounter with bullet that I actually don't think was aimed at him at all - he just happened to be in the wrong spot downrange.

    This immediately put the entire platoon out of C2, and it stayed out of command for 3-4 minutes (no visual or auditory command symbols at all for any of the squads), even though the rest of the Plt. HQ unit (a radioman and a generic soldier) were OK. I don't know German command protocol as well as American, but I would think whomever is the equivalent to the Plt. Sargent in the German command structure would take over command the platoon eventually... but this is rather a different subject.

    Anyway, while no one within the platoon stepped up to take command, eventually I was able to move the Company HQ up to the platoon, and as soon as I did this, the squads showed both visual and auditory command connections to the Company HQ.

    I have these turns saved and just double-checked them, and the above description is definitely accurate to what happened.

    So, based on this incident, it appears that at least under some conditions you can take command of a leaderless platoon with a more senior-level HQ unit. If it is the case that you can do this under some conditions, but not others, I have no idea what the specifics are.



    Page 97 of the manual says that higher HQs can only make voice and close visual C2. Did any of the out of contact squads had a soldier with a "commander" tag?

  8. "Anything less than a .50 cal will cause suppression only."

    R U sure about that? I hope so. It's a pain to keep changing my supporting inf from TARGET to TARGET LIGHT every time friendlies are near the target area.

    However, what makes me cautious is that with a TARGET order, inf will fire rockets, throw grenades etc. Am pretty sure it's easy to cause friendly casualties like this.

    Try it out in the editor.

  9. so now i have a half track that has '7.92 ap >1k' in white, '7.92 ap 500' in gray and '7.92ap 240' in yellow.

    gray and yellow??????

    why can't one get a simple explanation?

    at some point, will one be able to move ammo around, at least at the bigging of the scenerio?


    The ammo in white is what troops riding in the back can acquire, the halftrack also has access to this ammo.

    The ammo in yellow, is the ammo for the machine guns on the halftracks it self.

    The ammo in grey is spare ammo for machine guns on the halftracks I believe (not sure).

    You cannot shift ammo between vehicles.

  10. ;1303835']I started a thread some time ago about the warrior mith the same capability. somebody did some testing. IIRC the vehicle did call in arty faster but it was a rather marginal effect. I think the range where these specilized vehicles really come into their own is way outside the size of CM maps.

    On the top of my heard for larger calibre artillery the difference of not using a FIST vehicle and one can be about 6 minutes. The fire mission called in by the FIST will also be more accurate, requiring almost no spotting rounds.

  11. Like he said, you should switch to TARGET LIGHT whenever friendlies are within (say) 20m of the target. However, note that friendly casualties can even be caused if they are anywhere along the flight path of a TARGET line.

    The assaulting squad which is actually entering the building can TARGET the building as they enter, and I AFAIK they do not suffer from friendly fire from their own weapons(?) Certainly engineers can BLAST right next to friendlies with no ill-effects. (So much for those who ramble on about "realism". This is a game after all.)

    But, you probably should give the assaulting squad a 360 arc at the waypoint inside the building so they start searching for enemy all around them and above.

    So the sequence of assaulting a building is roughly like this (adapt as needed):

    1) TARGET the building with as many units & vehicles as you can - ideally for 2+ minutes. (And ideally destroy the building unless it's a "protect building" situation.)

    2) Switch to TARGET LIGHT with all units except the assaulting squad which can continue to TARGET.

    3) Once inside the building, unless there are obvious targets to kill immediately, set the waypoint to give a 360 arc, so your assaulting squad can search for hiding enemies and engage at their own discretion.

    Note that generally I find that one should not assault with more than one squad as that creates a target rich environment for enemy grenades etc.

    Hope that helps...

    Anything less than a .50 cal will cause suppression only. So it is "safe" to have a squad fire their rifles while another squad crosses their line of fire (an abstraction/engine limitation). It is surprising though that the blast command does not cause friendly casualties.

  12. So the tactic mentioned at the beginning of this thread does not work now?

    How to do it now?

    Prepare the building with suppression fire, then stop the shooting and enter using "assault" command?

    And Inside, during floor clearing, move just using "assault", do not use it with fire command?

    It does work, but you need to stop shooting .50 and explosives before you enter a building, otherwise you will hurt your soldiers. The small arms fire will not harm your forces but will add to their suppression. If you can manage to time everything so that they stop shooting just before your forces enter the building it is better.

    The key thing is before moving into a known enemy location is to put down enough suppressive fire for a long enough time. If you are not sure, shoot some more. And you will have to accept that you will take casualties. There is no "formula" to avoid all casualties in urban fighting in my experience.

  13. "I park Strikers at the front, pepper the structure with their 0.5 and use assault order combined with "Target" order. But still, some of my soldiers are killed/wounded during entry."

    You know that using TARGET anywhere near friendly troops can cause significant friendly fire casualties? (Just in case that is what is happening.)

    .50 cal causes casualties, everything smaller will suppress your forces.

  14. Hi,

    i have a quick question. How i can set a pause order for shooting? eg. When i want to shoot some smoke shells from a tank no matter how much second of pause i set, the tank start shooting from the very beginning of the turn. That's particularly annoying since usually tanks don't have many smoke shells and one or two would be enough most of the times.

    What you should do is the following (although the timing might be a bit tricky). Move your tank to the location from where it has to shoot smoke. Click that waypoint and highlight it and give a short pause order (e.g. 15 seconds) + give a smoke order. Then add another waypoint (e.g. reverse 5m) then highlight this waypoint again and give a FACE order. The tank will then first go the first waypoint, shoot the smoke rounds (the number depending on the number of seconds) then reverse, the face order will then cancel the smoke command.

  15. Yeah, after playing around for a day or so it seems I was maybe moving a little too quick at times .. and in number .. :) .. me setting the circle target arc has helped too ..

    But it still seems like I'm picking my way through a maze at times. One wrong move (or fail to spot a MG nest) - and bang .. the last 2 hours of creeping around is wasted as a squad or platoon gets wasted. Ok, part and parcel of the whole thing I suppose .. but its frustrating.

    Another query - can be linked to scouting but its mainly for my MG Teams - is there any way in the game I can see the elevation of the terrain? I'm getting tired of going over a map with a magnifying glass looking for a good place for a base of fire, spotting one that looks great .. getting my MG Teams / Mortars to it .. only to then find they can't see further than the end of their gun. Looks flat to me .. As such, my MG Teams are quickly becoming my most useless assets.

    One way of checking is highlighting the a waypoint and select the target tool. A target line will be drawn from the unit, but what it actually shows is the LOS from that waypoint. However keep in mind that the target tool does not take the stance of your unit in to account. Prone units will have worse LOS than standing units for example.

  16. It sounds to me like you want to know, ahead of time, exactly what battles you're going to be fighting, what you're going to be fighting them with, and exactly what's going to happen between battles. Is that about right?

    It would be nice to know what assets carry over or what the general supply situation is, so you can at least get a feel of how frugal/generous you can be when calling down artillery.

  17. Several times I have noticed that a squad seems to be out of command (red dot near formation name), but when I check the corresponding HQ unit's unit tab, that squad is shown with a green flag, indicating that it is in command. Which is correct in these situations? Is this a bug?:confused:

    I think there is some confusion.

    Whether a squad is in command is displayed above the suppression meter. If there is an icon there (an eye, a radio, etc...) then this means that the squad is in command (not necessarily it's immediate superior).

    The green and red dots show the status of the chain of command. If it is all green, that means the squad can relay information all the way to the top. If there is red dot somewhere this means that the squad can't get information to that particular HQ (and hence not all the way to the top because that broken link).

    So solve this, click the name of HQ next to the red dot and make sure it's not moving and has enough time to set up its radio.

    Finally, the green flag (I'm assuming you are checking the HQ "flags" tab) indicate how much damage the unit has taken and has NOTHING to do with C2.

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