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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I used pop smoke with one of my squads. The pink line appears, but what I don't understand is:

    - Can you cancel it? It seems that you can't as the line refuses to disappear even if clicking the button again.

    - Can you change the direction in which the smoke will appear? If so, how?

    You cancel it like cancelling a fire order, i.e. using the delete button.

  2. actually i repeated the test with tiger crew regular and veteran and both times all the shots, after the optics were gone, were hits. also the tiger sighted tanks after his optics were gone that he havent spotted before, shot at them and hit them first time. so the range finding could not be done for this tanks before the optics were gone.

    but i start to believe that after those strange "upper hull front" behaviour of the tiger this is another issue about this tank because i`ve also tested it with the jagdpanzer IV and the moment his optics were gone all targets, that he saw before this moment, were instantly "?" at 1000m range. Just like it should be. but on the other hand maybe this 88mm gun is really better at fighting targets even when the optics are gone dont know...

    But to get back to my original question i would read out of your comments that it is official that optics damage include the gunner optic !?

    Don't know, was just offering my uniformed 2 cents :). Do make sure that the new targets are not near the old ones, because of the memory effect.

  3. Maybe there is some oddity going on with the C2 system. Another possibility is that you are calling off-board fire support which does not require C2.

    A "explanation" for the four minutes is here


    I have no personal experience with this stuff, but 4 minutes does not seem that long. Even in CMSF with all the fancy equipment 3-4 minutes is about as fast as you can call in a mortar strike.

    Make of it what you will :).

  4. I don't have a huge amount of experience with CMBN but, from what little that I do have, there appears to be some oddities with artillery.

    It seems that most, if not all, platoon HQs have acces to onboard assets, irrespective of their C2 condition. In a recent game, such a unit was over 500m from mortar units, had no sight to them, no radio and had no C2 to any higher HQs but was able to call in fire from them. Is this a hang over from CMSF? Just dosen't seem correct.

    By the same token, mortars attached directly to platoon HQs - and deployed - within 50m of them and in sound and sight contact, still take four minutes to start firing, which seems way to slow. Surely they should be able to commence fire in less than a minute.

    Overall, the artillery system 'feels' a little too 'modern' for WW2, at the higher command level but too slow at the lower command level.

    I have not seen this at all. You're not playing at a lower difficulty level are you? As for the four minutes, the game doesn't take into account the type of communication the mortars. The four minutes can be "explained" by the fact that the spotter needs some time to determine information such as range, location on map, etc... before the mortars can fire. There was a recent thread about this.

  5. hm, in my setup, after the optics of the tiger were destroyed, he missed not a single time. he fired 5 shots at 3 targets and each shot hit (one sherman even on the move) at 1000m away. my guess now is that optic damage only makes it harder to spot enemys while buttoned but doesnt affect the aiming optic !?

    Just some thoughts. a) Obviously, what is the experience level of the crew? B) Did you move the Shermans around? What could also explain what you are seeing is that when the optics were still functional, the tiger had already determined the range to the Shermans. Since units in CMBN have a memory of spotted units, it could very well be that by the time the damage had been done to optics, the range estimates were accurate enough to produce the results that you saw.

    You can check this by presenting the tiger with new targets, far from known Sherman positions.

  6. The graphics are very impressive, although I wonder whether it would be more suspenseful to use plausible real-world tactics rather than just charging in like that. Going hull down against an enemy that does a bit of shoot and scoot. Having to shoot and scoot as or the stress of an ATGM rushing towards you.

  7. I need help with my tactics in this area.

    Even my two-man scouting teams get spotted and killed . . . even at night or dawn!

    I set them to short covered arc, I have them crawl/Slow towards to point needing recon . . . it doesn't matter, they still get spotted first and killed.

    One specific scenario/campaign that gets me is the German campaign where Panzer Lehr must conduct recon in the first scenario. My poor scouting gets me defeated fairly handily.

    Helpful comments, suggestions and tips are most appreciated !


    Troops that are "moving" will have worse spotting abilities than troops that are standing still. Also you scout team is only two guys, whereas the enemy has probably 12 guys looking for enemies. This means that they have a greater chance of seeing your guys. Of course two guys are harder to spot, but still.

    For this particular scenario, I don't know what's best. It's not an easy task. I guess the key is to be patient.

  8. Note: this particular game is using the demo... its a game that started before the full version came out. But I haven't seen anything better in the full version.


    Oh! A tank! Quick Shoot!


    "Hmm - missed, better reload, now where did I put that ammo?"

    "Oh th ...."

    Why didn't this guy duck down into the foxhole before reloading?

    From my limited perspective as a player, it seems that where in the old days foxhole cover was entirely abstracted, it has now become something that is soley modelled by the physical obstruction of the mound. This is proving not enough, because the AI troops aren't smart enough to make proper use of the cover.

    It seems that a solution would be "easy" (easy to say :) )... like houses, foxholes could provide abstract cover: roll a dice to see if actually the guy managed to duck.

    Failing that, guys have to _actually_ duck much better.


    Foxholes *are* abstracted in the game. Otherwise they would not be influenced by the fog of war. In CMSF trenches were "physically" in the game, but that was undesired.

  9. ?? And what generates the text description? Some random thing? No, I'd surmise that it's generated as a by-product of determining which actual armour plate gets hit. Personally, I suspect there are fewer spots on the target which can be used as the origin of a 'boom' graphic than there are places which can be hit, and I'd trust the hit text (as far as it goes) over the graphic representation.

    Now, someone was fiddling with Panthers and 'Gun Mount' hits, and they came to the conclusion that where there were two layers of armour, the outer thicker than the inner, the hit on the outer layer was not reported in text. And because the inner layer was thinner, generally the round had enough oomph left to be a pretty much dead cert penetration. I wonder, given the complexity of the armour modelling, whether this is somehow the case here, and some sort of ricochet off the gun mantlet down into the top of the forward hull armour is

    a) not being reported as a 'gun mount' hit


    B) meaning a mostly unslowed round is hitting much thinner armour and therefore always penetrating.

    The text is imprecise because it is limited. I.e. upper hull, lower hull, etc... It can't make any other distinction. The hit effect gives you much preciser information on where exactly the tank was hit.

  10. I ran the test 10 times. There were 9 hits on the "Upper Front Hull" resulting in 8 full penetrations and 1 partial penetration.

    There were 8 hits to the "Superstructure Front Hull" and I stopped counting hits to the "Left Front Hull" at 9. None penetrated.

    One other thing I noticed is that the graphical representation for where the round hits does not match the hit description text.

    I never once saw a hit on the right side (from the Tiger's perspective) of the hull, although with the graphical representation being unreliable there is no way to tell for sure.

    I would say the text description is unreliable. The hit penetration is calculated using what is shown on screen.

  11. I looked for help on the mods.

    1 - I downloaded a mod devil's descent and it comes up as a cam file, i guess I just drop it into this folder?

    2 - i down loaded bill's bases mod and couldn't find the "Z" folder, its for graphics


    Devil's Descent is NOT a mod, but a campaign. You drop it into the campaign folder.

  12. Just wanted to bump this back up. Not sure I'm clear yet. Is it true the only way to determine the range of a bazooka or faust, etc is by installing a mod?

    Look at page 169 of the manual, there you can see pictures of where the max range of the weapon is displayed (under the outline of the weapon). The only exception to this is the Panzerfaust (30m) and rifle grenades.

  13. How much of Penetration do these MG34, Broning 0.50cal and other Guns have?

    And how are the Shots calculated? Is every Bullet calculated like with the AP Shots of Tanks? Angle of the Armoured Plate etc?

    Yes :). You can clearly see it when shooting rifle rounds at tanks. Wikipedia list the the energy of the .50 at around 19000J, the 7.62mm of the MG34 only around 4000J. There is some difference there. It is no surprise your scout car got killed, especially if the rounds were hitting the SIDE of the car.

    Right now it seems to me "More Guns" is better then "Better Guns". Like you see the 2cm KwK misses and the good ol Fifty hits right on the Spot and has higher overall ROF and more Guns pointed at the Target then this single 2cm KwK

    If the big gun is not hitting anything than it's not use :). Remember that when the .50 were shooting at you, they were NOT moving and your car was NOT moving either and your guys were very, very scared.

    Was "Light" fire really that effective? If so i have to completly rethink of my Tactics. You cant use the German Halftracks then for Fast Firesupport for your Troops. They can transport your troops then but hav eto stay waaay back and help you as backup in Defense.

    In Cmx1 i could use the Halftracks to bring Troops in one Place let them hop of the Vehicle and the Vec. supports them with Machinegun Fire and supresses the enemy while the Infantry get in Place.

    What where the Reallife Tactics of those Mechanized Infantry units?

    I dismount everyone and attack on foot. I use the halftracks are a base of fire.

  14. If words cant express (in English) what you mean.

    Take a look at those 2 Files:




    Pw = Mistery

    Tell me what you think.

    I still like this Game. But in some aspects its screwed. It just dont feel right. Sometimes some real wired things happen.

    Like "How on Earth can 3 Halftracks pass and Hatch Opened SCOUTcar in 80m Distance INFRONT if him and kill it?"

    I know i know, its the Random and extraordinary Results that the New Engine Produces no more abstraction jadda jadda... but that was the thing i really likes in CMx1! The Random outcome. In Cmx2 i really hate it when it comes down to that apologys for satupid results the Gameengine Produces!

    I just watch the first turn. Indeed 3 halftracks went "FAST" across the scout car. The scout car tried to shoot them with the 22mm but missed because it did not lead enough or because the turret was too slow and when it had a stationary shot it chose to use the MG34 instead of the 22mm.

    However, the scout car was NERVOUS and was FULLY suppressed by after *something* penetrating through the side of its hull. After the scout car missed the US halftracks but killed a couple guys dismounting, the halftracks unleashed their .50 cal in the side of the scout car from about 150m.

    I would say you were unlucky not to be kill one halftrack and it was strange the scout car did not use the autocannon on the stationary target, but nothing out of the ordinary, especially if the scout car has a full suppression meter and was nervous.

  15. GaJ, this may be Steve's explanation, but it still does not answer why this is occurring in the first place. I never had this issue with CMx1, as unlike in CMx1, my troop's movements are now limited to a yellow grid designate, which is fine, but inevitably, there often times remain troopers who appear to fall outside the cover afforded by say, the woods, thus giving the appearance that they are now in the open, as the adjacent terrain area they are now standing on appears to be just that.

    I went with others suggestions and tried splitting my platoons into squads as well as using the face command but still am coming up with the same outcome. I suppose I will need to playtest this in a Hotseat battle and see if this potential exposure to the enemy is indeed occurring or simply a matter or perception based on the way the terrain is modeled.

    As for the mortar issue, I'm still not convinced that the small arms fire these teams engage in during the mortar salvo isn't giving the position of the mortar team away. In CMx1, this was not the case.

    Troops will try to spread out. Are you sure there are enough trees to hide a whole squad?

  16. AFAIK, yes. I had an AT gun crew abandon a working gun on me in 'Devil's Descent', and their gun did not show up anymore in subsequent battles. They carried along some ammo, though, so at least they made decent ammo bearers for the other guns :).

    They strange thing is, I had one of my guns knocked out(?) by enemy fire and the crew bailed out. But in the next battle the gun was back.

  17. I've got the pdf version of the manual, and I can't find that material in it. When I view the manual on-line, there's a big ?-mark in a square with rounded corners in the middle of each page. Printing the manual on my Epson color printer exhausted the Light Magenta cartridge after printing pages 91 to 200, so I'm missing the first 90 pages. (Fortunately, my printed material doesn't have those ?-marks.) As the ?-mark square covers a good chunk of each page, I can't find the info you say is there in my on-line file.

    Tell me what pages have that info, and I'll print them out when my replacement Light Magenta cartridge arrives. [i reported my problems with the manual in another thread.]

    That would be page 11 on the manual where all the keyboard and mouse commands are listed. I *highly* recommend for giving orders you either use the space bar for the pop menu or use the "alternative hotkeys.txt" to make the learning curve slightly less steep. Unless your reply was not directed to me of course.

  18. I'm not positioning my units all over the place. I'm positioning them at positions which appear reasonable and then I target from those positions to see what can be seen from the positions. Targeting scrolls the view, and, if I accidentally click anywhere, I have to spend a lot of effort getting back to the view I started with.

    I spend hours doing what I could do in a few minutes in CMBO-CMBB-CMAK.

    And, while we're speaking of maps and views, how do I find gaps in hedgerows my men can easily traverse? Large gaps are usually evident in views from above, but I can't spot smaller gaps when I scroll alongside a hedgerow. I've been completely unsuccessful in attempting to duplicate the posted "beat the demo scenario" instructions / suggestions.

    Use "tab" to jump back to the selected units. Use the preset camera views as a starting point to quickly find the camera angle you want. You can also use ctrl+click to jump around the map, and there is a button to reverse the camera 180°. You're probably still familiar with these as they were in CMAK/CMBB/CMBO.

  19. 40% of shots fired at a hull down tank seems to hit the weapon, with the parameters i used. regular 57 mm AT gun firing from aprox 700 meter.

    I wrote in reply 13

    Thanks, that wasn't completely clear to me. Have you take into consideration that once a crew find the right range to the target, the following shots will have very high probability of hitting? The initial shots will tend to miss because of inaccuracies in estimating the range, etc... but once the crew find the right "settings" to hit the target, the subsequent shots will tend to hit.

    [Edit] Oops, I should learn to read :(. Did not see that you specified weapon. I assume that's the main gun?

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