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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. I get it all messed up. Norton thinks it's a virus a file called A390 or something like that. When I exclude that file all gets messed up. I can choose troops from CMSF and there is Light gun tactics in QB and mauser k90 when I choose troops. What is this?

    Have bf put up wrong version so we update CMBN with a CMSF module so all get messed up?


    Do you have Vin's animated text mod? You probably want to remove that.

  2. I had to do everything quite quickly, but I threw together a city street and sent a Veteran Panther with High Motivation down it. The Amis were a "Typical" assortment. -Quite a lot of 'em and on both sides of the street. This was just a first run, but it's fun to watch, so I thought I'd post it. It's my first time on YouTube! I uploaded it as HD, but it seems to have been down-sampled. Anyhoo, I gotta' log for the day, but here-'tis:



    It would be interesting to see how much infantry the panther could spot, seeing as you always hear stories about infantry being too easily spotted.

  3. In one of the earlier discussions it was mentioned that the Fausts had a weaker propallent charge than the "starter" charge of an RPG7. That realy makes me wonder why BFC allowed RPGs to be shot from realy overcrowded buildings in CMSF but dissallows the same for a 2 man team in CMBN.

    Could it be that propellant technology has changed over the years? Just saying stuff that comes to the top of my mind.

  4. Are you sure that this 1 in 10 occurance isn't the C&C engine kicking in (i.e. your infantry is out of contact?).

    Also, there are cases where *some* soldiers may spot a vehicle, but others may not be able to see it, and it takes time for it to actually "appear" to you, the player (so you can react and issue orders to the unit cohesively). Individual soldiers *may* react to the vehicle already earlier, though (TacAI).

    Contrast this with the quick C&C for the vehicle crew. Once one crew member has spotted just one infantry soldier (out of how many?) through vision ports, being buttoned up, or even magnified viewers, then the entire crew will know it almost instantly.


    Hey Moon, can you elaborate? It is a really vague description you're giving here.

  5. As a follow-up to Ranger33's comments regarding the other forum thread, I set up a test with isolated and out of C2 units spotting and reacting to previously unspotted enemy units and did not have any instance of a unit reacting to an enemy unit that was not visible on the player's screen (Iron difficulty). I feel I can state with a fair amount of confidence that the game doesn't do this, unless there is some factor other than being out of C2 that must also be present for it to happen that I did not test for.

    I believe he's talking about individual soldiers in a same squad, reacting before the whole squad does. Unless you are too of course :).

  6. I would just like to add a thumbs up to this.

    To be fair, the whole idea of modules was always adding content not features. The announcement page also never mention any new features except updates to the engine. That's why I've been waiting for the Eastern front game which should be more feature complete :)

  7. hi i have seen in previous games that even if you can spot a target, with your tank, but not get a line of sight in PBEM, the tank will still fire on the taget it can see without LOS, and this is okay and all good.

    The problem i have had in one or two Pbem games is that i have two situations i do not understand;

    I have a 75mm sherman hidden behind a bocage 203m directly infront of a STUG III G (mid), i have LOS but indicates Partially Hull Down so i target the Stug and wait, over 3 turns went by and my tank never fired, just sat there with a red taget line to the Stug and never changed from spotting to aiming, at the end of three turns i gave the targeting order again with the same result, my tank never fired.

    The exact same thing happened to a 76mm sherman targeting a Panther at 431m directly infront of my tank hidden behind bocage. Both german tanks where facing directly at my tanks so it was a shot to the frontal armour of there tanks.

    The only reason i can think of is that in the game the tank crew will not fire unless they are within kill range of there main gun of the specific target, if so could someone from bfc please, sometime after the release of Common Wealth Forces model, give us some details on the effective kill ranges that are used in the game, just generaly. As it would be very usefull in game play to know your 75mm or 76mm sherman will not fire until within a certain distance of a panthers frontal armour.

    Before anyone asks i lost the saved games that show it but am still playing the game so i have details of distances and vehicles involved, but can not show actual events.

    I believe the reason for these kind of situations is that although there is line of sight to the target, there is no line of fire. The target can be quite ambiguous about this. Have you tried moving your Shermans? They should start shelling away.

  8. I still have some coupons left over from the Christmas sale challenges. Notably one to get the Tropico Trilogy for free. Has 1+2+3 with expansions. I already had 1 and 3 and I imagine 2 is rather similar so no need to use it for that. Whoever claims it first here gets it.

    I've also got coupons for Garry's Mod (75%), any Valve game (50%), Deepsilver (33% on Dead Island, Risen, some others), and Cyan Worlds (50% on Myst/Riven/Uru or all of them together)

    *All of these are only good until March 1st*

    Sure, check your pm.

  9. I may have in this case, because they were systimatically destroying my strykers. However, I've also seen it in cases where I've used a more deliberate call requesting effects in 5 or 10 mins.

    Emergency calls cause this kind of inaccuracy? What about immediate calls do they cause the same type of inaccuracy?

    I believe there are no spotting rounds to adjust fire.

  10. Do armoured units respond to the greatest threat? I used to love the CM1 tanks that would engage a halftrack but ignore an anti-tank gun. Or rotate the turret to continue engaging the fleeing Platoon HQ but avoid engaging the pioneer running toward it or the tank hunter advancing!

    I feel it's more improved.

  11. It's definitely the case that units keep firing at a target after it goes to ground (and therefore you, and maybe them too, can't see the target). I have no problem with that.

    It's opening fire on something I can't see, or cowering from something I can't see, that is the thing that this thread is about...


    I *think* I've seen one or two guys from a squad shooting at stuff without me knowing what it is, but never a whole squad. There is also this bug where squads from a same platoon are telepathically connected to each other. If one get mauled badly the other will lose morale.

    Anyway it helps to explicitly say what is in the game, so that it is easier to narrow down things.

  12. Im curious how the spotting works. Does a unit have a single "point" from where the "spotting" is originated from, or multiple?

    I constantly have AT guns that see the enemy (when I click them they have direct LOS to a tank) but the gun is not able to target the enemy? Is it so that one of the crew sees the tank, but not the gunner?

    To be clear, all units on even ground, so the gun has enought traverse to aim at the enemy directly.

    Each soldier spots and shoots individually. Sometimes you'll see only one or two guys from a squad shooting while the others can't see the target.

  13. I think you are correct. I think we are going to see a lot of LOS improvements in this patch that will make more "hilly" and "woodsy" maps a lot more enjoyable.

    Also, buildings, especially stone buildings, will become a lot more useful and imposing. Heck, even wood buildings will be great for snipers as long as they are deep inside the building with only a keyhole LOS. (as apposed to pressed up against the window!)

    These building improvements might even convince me to put men INSIDE of buildings instead of behind them!! :) ... also, it is going to make urban maps absolute hell ... as they should be.

    I hope you right, but I would warn you to read too much into a couple of videos.

  14. this is the oddest thing about C2 for me and this did not change from CMSF.

    this when i place troops in the editor, problem manifests in urban terrain.

    when i place a company on the map, i almost need to stack the platoons on top of each other in urban terrain in oder to have the platoon HQ´s linked with Co HQ.

    now platoon HQ´s have no radio but i thought US halftracks have radios at least, and the company has many halftracks(and all show radio in damage tab) yet i cant make a C2 link to Co HQ when i place a halftrack near the platoon HQ.

    simply put, how can i link a full company fully into C2 with their battalion HQ without stacking the plaoon HQs and so the platoons in top of each other to get them all in link with Co HQ.

    should i try radio jeeps? i read there is something like this, could this work?

    by the way, platoon HQs cant make link with Co HQ but i have magical C2 link with battlion HQ almost over the whole map without radio or anything. i dont understand this at all. this is not logical from what i see.


    sorry i wanted to post this in maps and mods section :(

    Did you wait long enough? I.e. it takes sometimes to re-establish contact, especially after movement order.

    Also if you are using the little green lights to determine C2 might be misleading. If you see a green light next to the Battalion HQ, it means that it is *possible* to make contact with the Btn HQ. In other words the Company HQ is in contact with Battalion HQ. This does NOT mean that you platoon HQ is in contact with the Btn HQ however.

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