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Posts posted by stikkypixie

  1. Well, at least they DID spot it after 12 seconds.

    Have to agree here, the ability of units to NOT spot targets right in front of them is probably the most irritating "bug" in game at the moment ( well, ok, for me, anyway ).

    And it's not only infantry - in a game of Huzzar! I'm playing at the moment, I had a Stug sitting, unbuttoned, looking down a road, with a covered arc directly to my front (just wide enough to encompass the road to the corner.

    Just waiting for an American tank to turn the corner into my sights.

    Suddenly, I die ! WTF !

    The American tank turned the corner all right, then it drove 10m towards me, saw me, stopped, aimed and fired. Stug never saw a thing. :(

    Now when anomalies and/or spotting delays have been brought up before, it's been said that it may be due to spotting cycles ie. that unit hasn't checked for the last couple of seconds.

    Could I then suggest that the number of spotting cycles be increased ? Surely the only effect of this would be to increase the CPU power required - and calculating a WEGO turn with more CPU power would just make it take longer, right ?

    So, seriously, would anyone complain if his WEGO turn took 4 times as long to compute IF it meant that units could spot stuff in front of them ?

    It sounds like one of those situations where a cover arc would have been useful.

  2. At the start of a GT I paused some carriers for 15 secs then gave them a movement order. I also gave the troops in the carriers a movement order expecting them to dismount whilst the carriers were paused. Needless to say they just sat there like dummies until the 15 secs had elapsed then were driven away still inside the carriers! Is that another little option that's been removed in CMBN or didn't I pause long enough?

    It's always been like this. I believe it was also like this in CMx1 as well (although it's been a while).

  3. Hi all,

    Has anybody had any success with panzerfausts? I mean the one's that are issued to German infantry squads. I have had no success at all. I can't even remember my men ever firing one despite having had tanks within a 50metre range. I have tried issuing direct fire orders, fire arcs and no orders at all but my squads seem very reluctant to use them. In fact I have had more instances of squads firing small arms at tanks, even when buttoned up. Can anyone remember actually destoying a tank and if so what the hell did you do?

    It sounds like you need to get closer to the tanks. The Panzerfausts have a max range of 30m.

  4. I actually don't have a clue what that's supposed to mean :)

    In CMSF, if the unit that was calling the the air strike has a clue about enemy positions (<?>) it would relay that to the the aircraft. In CMBN the relaying will be much less precise, but the aircraft will still have some clue about possible enemy locations and will keep a sharper lookout for them.

  5. Just curious... How come some mods can be transplanted, others cannot? (Or is it only CMSF to CMA but not vice versa?)

    Probably because soldier models behave more or less in the same way (two eyes, two legs, etc...). Tanks need to have the same number of vision slits, optics port, machine guns, etc...

  6. At this time, I am not going to purchase this game, even though it looks pretty good.

    If Windows comes up with another version in the next few years, will BFC provide patches to upgrade or simply say "to bad, but you can buy one"?

    They even have a DRM for the patch that you have to purchase instead of giving it to you for free.

    Oh, well, there are probably some other, better, companies out there to do business with.

    What DRM patch are you talking about?

  7. Are you sure that they throw grenades to tank? Maybe they throw it to enemy infantry near the tank?

    Because I have made the tests and soldiers and engineers refused to throw grenades/satchels to tank, while actively do this when target was infantry.

    Pretty sure, it was in the previous patch though, so something might have changed. Also it was a armoured car but I suspect it's the same AI logic.

  8. A new patch? Truely!! I had i look but didn't find anything :(

    Also i have a HUGE amount of mods for CMBN are there any that stand out that HAVE big problems with the new module that i should remove?

    The ONLY patch that i see was released on 2011-08-22 no other new patches for the base game is on the Downloads/Patches area



    There will be a patch soon. It will be free :). As for the mods, most modders are working on updates to make everything compatible. They only mods that were truly incompatible was Vinnart's animated text mod. And some of the UI mods looked half complete because of the addition of CW forces. Most mods however will function normally.

  9. What I have found is keep the infantry platoon HQ (who is in C2 with their sections)close to the armour troop/zug commander who is unbuttoned. You'll find that info is shared faster (so it seems to me anyways) with other takns in that platoon. The whole C2 is very powerful in game play once you get the hang of it :)

    Troops, no matter what formation they belong, share information with each other if they are close enough (think sharing ammo range).

  10. Different colours mean different things, but the /same/ things regardless of ammo nature. The idea is that Private Numbnuts can tell what ammo nature he's handling, even in the middle of winter in a snowstorm after several days without hot food.

    Blue is training (inert) ammo

    Black is armour piercing

    Yellow is HE

    Light Green is smoke

    White is illuminating

    Rainbow means laced with LSD


    I assume that there is only one band present on each warhead? It seems from the schematic that there were more than one band on the warhead.

  11. Hi all, I just downloaded the game this weekend and have played the training missions. First impressions are good and I am liking the realism having progressed from COH and Men of War.

    I am still getting used to the interface and in particular the camera use but I suppose this will get easier with time.

    A couple of questions.

    I have all graphics settings on max but it doesnt seem as good as some of the posts in the screen shot thread - could I be doing something wrong?

    I prefer the multiplayer experience as opposed to comp stomping but reading the manual it doesnt seem that easy.

    Is there a reasonable online community? Is it easy to get multi player games going?

    I am correct in saying its only 1v1?

    The two options seem to be peer to peer or email (the second sounds like it could take weeks to complete a game?)

    Is it a case of organising games through friends or is there some sort of battle lobby I need to join?

    If there is anyone who would like to give a noob a thrashing please let me know.


    I believe some of the screenshots in the screenshots post have been altered and taken at higher zoom levels. You can zoom in up to 20x. They might also have been using modifications to the game.

    I am familiar about the online pvp community. PBEM can take weeks, but it depends on you and your opponent. Remember thought that playing online is only real-time. Any way it isn't all that complicated.

    If you want opponents you can either post here. I believe there is also a CMBN group on Steam and there are online wargame clubs where you can test your luck :).

  12. Havent been able to go through the whole thread yet so I am going to ask in the hope you bear with me on this little silly question:

    If my opponent has upgraded to the patch and/or the CW module, and I havent, can we still proceed with our ongoing pbem game? Or do we both need to be either patched or with the CW module?

    You both need to have the same version. Your opponent can however just copy his CMBN folder before installing the patch (and name it v1.01 or something). That way he can have both versions.

  13. This was written a few years back by a guy who used to post here years ago. I don't know where he got his numbers from, but he is very knowledgeable on the subject:


    Up until the late 1930s the standard way to make lenses employed a series of concave and convex mirrors usually two back to back pairs.Each lens lost ~ 10% clarity with the limit being around 40% reduction before clarity became seriously impinged. Also the more lenses the more restricted the field of view. In 1938 the Ziess company pioneered a technique for introducing Argon gass coating over the lenses that cut this per less loss to about 3-4%. What that meant was that german sighting systems with 4 lenses were as clear as western sights with 1-2 lenses. You can see it in the comparison between maginfication and field of view. For the same magnification they achieved twice the field of view...thus making it much easier to detect and acquire the targets in the first place.

    No other country did this until after the war. The germans shared this technology with the Japanese who turned around after the war to make such bloody good camaras

    -- Paul Lakowski

    I just checked around a bit (wikipedia if you must know :P), it seems AR coatings were secret until about 1940s. Still it makes more sense now, thanks for the info :)

  14. You always have to take first-hand accounts with a grain of salt. But his observation seems to match others I have read.


    German tank sights are definitely superior to American sights. These, combined with the flat trajectory of the guns, give great accuracy.

    -- Brigadier General J. H. Collier, 2nd US Armored Division

    The matter of tank gun sights has caused us much concern. I have looked through and worked with sights in German Mk V and VI tanks as well as our own. I find that the German sight has more magnifying power and clearness than our own, which is a big advantage to a gunner.

    -- Lt. Col. Wilson M. Hawkins, 3rd Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment

    Greater magnification makes more sense than some industrial process that gives better results. I'm a bit sceptic in the sense that it's being portrayed as Abrams tanks optical systems vs Soviet era Iraqi tank optics. Realistically you wouldn't expect a "better performance" of more than say 5% for the same magnification no?

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