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Everything posted by ErrantRecce1

  1. Someone please lock this thread. It has reached the heights of innanity, and then fell, and fell hard into blithering ________ * insert your noun here*
  2. oh yeah, john.... if Master Offal is a troll.. i don't want to be a troll anymore. I want to be just like you some day.
  3. So what you're really saying Master Offal, is that you don't think that SC is the game we've all made it out to be? That's too bad, I certainly enjoy it, and I think that most everyone else here really has a great time playing the game.
  4. MasterOffal ( nicely put Gentleman) It is possible 6000 Iraqis did die. And yes, I'll bet 99% were innocent, but as usual, America was out there doing the right thing, even though it was unpopular. If you saw JJ beating his kids across the street would you not want to go over and stop him? I would, but sadly my country did not. Your country did MasterOffal, as well. Something that it should be lauded for. It is a sad, pathetic world, when the right things are subjugated to the popular things. How many hundreds of 6000 innocent Iraqis did Saddam Hussien kill? Why aren't you bitching about him? How many hundreds of 6000 innocent Kurds did Saddam Hussien kill? Why aren't you bothering him? Why are you such a pathetic waste of muccous MasterOffal? :confused:
  5. Also a thought to ease the facial colour hufferah. Anyone spending any more than a few weeks in theatre( MED) was darkened up nicely, so it would not be at all inadvertent, to colour all the faces dark. I was reading a book in the 8Th at El Alamein, and there was a quote from a tommy, who had been being treated by a nurse, the gist of it was, that she could not imagine that any true british lad could be so dark ( he had been in theatre in for over a year). So why not make everyone a nicely tanned beige, then everyone could project the colour they wanted onto those miserable doomed sprites. just a thought.
  6. Jersey, i remember that game too, I remember the faces of your opponents were always there. It was a pretty cool idea, fun game, not too deep though, IIRC. Although i never felt too bad about putting the boots to Cronk, he was kinda simple that way. I liked getting queen Elizabeth all worked up, she went a pretty shade of red IIRC Any news on SC HQ?
  7. well 'knowledge' was the only name that was printable, and i there was no reason not to be at least a little hopeful, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. But as a lurker... 20 posts? jeeze... are you catching that flu that's going around? You are definitley off your pace.
  8. Jersey, are you saying that you will become a lurker? with all that wonderous knowledge that is leaking out of your noodle, do you think it is possible for you not to direct us?? You are our voice of civilty!! Who will be left, there is no Kuni, Comrade Trapp is off recreating SC HQ, who'll be left??? :eek: *gasp* us 'newbies' We all know this is not a good thing at all. [ December 04, 2003, 03:05 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  9. Les, you hoser! Let's play a round of Beer Hunter to decide who's axis, instead of that crazy bidding system.. Beer Hunter, the game of Champions. I got a case of 50, and I'm ready to play.
  10. Blashy, I think that SC2, as a proper full world war would be the answer to alot of user complaints. Just as you said, the user would be then be the one to decide how the US, or Axis forces respond.. so i guess.. really " Yeah , like he said!" Think of the hours and hours and hours til the methuselan SC players master all the new variables. We might retire a whole crop of them.
  11. PIII 700, with 512 RAM ( 133) 128 meg Radeon 9200 Runs Fine, but they are small battles. On my system runs better than CM:BO ( shockingly)
  12. Much appreciated JP. little by little you'll turn me into a respectable forum poster yet. [ November 20, 2003, 12:06 AM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  13. As usual Jersey, you put it all into perspective for me. I guess that is why I am the newb, and you are not. So far as my multi posting.. When I post something, it is a complete thought ( too much aluminum in my diet maybe) I do the multi posts because as I finish one thought, a whole new one pops into my head.. some kinda freaky science thing, I think. I shall definitely endeavour to condense all my many thoughts each day into one monster sized wallop. I would have thought that have multi mini thoughts would have been easy to swallow than one Les sized post each day.. that is just me.. the troll.. and you should stop picking on those poor guys in the picture, they all were there for you, you know.
  14. But by the same token, and certain other " senior forum members" have abused the rules far more gravely ( although with a lot less style) than me. They have also not been brought before the powers that be. So life is rough all over Les. I am small fry, just as Comrade Nipplit. The real problem here, those heartless "senior types" who would willingly flaunt the vaunted hall of the SC forum.
  15. you're entirely right Les. Sorry about getting out of hand, and all the referrences were to my mom, so I kinda thought that made them a little les vile, but this is a game forum, too true.
  16. An example of smart in my family; My brother was stationed in Yugoslavia, playing UN doorman. The word around camp was that the gates closed at 9pm come hell or high water. He got back late one night ( so many desparate women, soo few Driscoll men to service them all) and decided that instead of chancing getting caught and in trouble ( he was in a combat zone and worried about getting restricted to barracks. He was always a little too squeaky clean for my liking) so he climbed an 8 foot barbed wire fence to get back in. After he got in trouble for being late, he got into for climbing the security fence and then he had to show them how he got in ( they were worried about the evil Serbs that month. Supposedly, if you believe the Driscoll Propaganda machine, there 110,000 Driscoll men out there, if you see the family dog walking funny, you know why now.
  17. PLease, she's got entirely too many arms and legs to get into my family reunion.. or too few. I come from a family of farmers or firemen. Perfect example of such, one of my uncles was out cutting wood the other day, a tree got loose and hit him, knocked out 8 teeth. He decided it would take to long to walk the 4 miles out of the bush and go into town to get his mouth looked at( he would never get all the wood he needed reading magazines in Emergency) so he just stayed out and kept cutting wood, looking out for those damned aggressive trees. We might be cute( cute in the " japanese tourist after being eaten by a bear cute) in my family ( cute enough anyways, Zapp blew his load scratching at the backdoor waiting for my mom, it must be sad to have to pay, and never even get your pants down)but we won't take home any prizes for being smart.
  18. Thanks Jersey, although it is impressive how they got a wholllllle parade in that little, little box. I think I should almost be congratulated. I figure out something a little more conventional for my next attempt.
  19. well damn, let me rummage around and see if I can't find a parade worthy of the "Great and Splendiferous Jersey John!!! " It's kinda too bad, I saw the coolest parade a couple years ago, when Ottawa hosted the " Francophony games" They brought this troupe in from Europe and they did the parade, it was Mad Max meets Martha Stewart.. great spectacle. But here's one thought: ( I Hope this works ..)
  20. Immer, I did share my brain storm.. The oldsters.. the really annoying ones.. and you ALL know who you are.. not the ones silent majority like, the other ones.. I have a name for you.. I thought it was soo "clever you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel" .. Baldric, Black Adder I'm assuming you didn't find it nearly so brilliant and eye gougingly wonderous as I did? drat.. back to the drawing board. Also Thank you very much for the parade, Jersey. * Sniffle* no one has ever thrown me a parade, even if you've done it for everyone else.. it will always be special to me.
  21. Please ignore the above, my bad, wrong thread.
  22. Immer, I did share my brain storm.. The oldsters.. the really annoying ones.. and you ALL know who you are.. not the ones silent majority like, the other ones.. I have a name for you.. THE GET ALONG GANG... I thought it was soo "clever you could pin a tail on it and call it a weasel" .. Baldric, Black Adder I'm assuming you didn't find it nearly so brilliant and eye gougingly wonderous as I did? drat.. back to the drawing board.
  23. Jersey, I can't thank you enough for giving me a title, at last, a name of my own.. I dont' think you'll ever know how much it means to me. Do I get a hat, or a 'special troll like power' now that i am a 'post troll' or can i make my own up? I have some really good ideas.. believe me. .keepers, like ... well why spoil the surprise.. if I told you. . everyone would know. So far as eating Americans, I only ate a couple, and only the really good parts of them, after they were properly scrubbed, despite what Zippysweden might have told you, my mother was a stickler for hygeine. So do I really count as an american? I kinda hope not.. I have seen them play hockey, I wasn't overwelhmed, and my game isn't so great to start, I don't think I would be allowed on the ice if it gets any worse. and now I am on post 22 ( or was it 23).. I'll make it to member yet.. hopefully LONG after SC2 is released, but if not, I'll do my trollish best to keep entertaining at least a few of the other lurkers. I know you're pain fellow lurkers, and don't let chuckleheads like Comrade Zipp, or Zippletsweden deter.. we should all post and post and post til our little hearts burst with fresh posted goodness. This game rocks, and this forums is really good, I have learned bunches about the game on here. Oh oh oh !@!... I just had a brain storm.. it was so good i almost fell outta my seat.. The oldsters.. the really annoying ones.. and you ALL know who you are.. not the ones silent majority like, the other ones.. I have a name for you.. THE GET ALONG GANG... since you lot do it so well.. JP, would that be considered Trollish behaviour?? I ( long time gone) used to be a forum member somewhere else.. but i have forgotten the exact meaning of a post troll. Could you refresh me? I think in this place I can fit the bill, but I would like the definition so I hit all the marks. I am so clever some times it makes my elbows ache.
  24. Hey I just made my 20th ( now 21st) post!! Am I still a newbie? I think I should be promoted. I want to be ' grog, assistant to the assistant sword carrier', or something else clever like that. You'd all help me with a clever name, right guys? v I'm kinda partial Grand Weasel of the Third Order of Glower. Who do I see to get that on my locker?
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