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Everything posted by ErrantRecce1

  1. :confused: Why do you say that John? Are you saying i am thick? Are you saying I am a couple watts short of an incandescent light bulb?? Are you calling me a few cows short of a herd? Why don't you just come and call me down!!! I'm not so dense as to not know when I am not wanted somewhere ( although it does seem to happen to me more than to anyone else... can't really see why though).. I don't have to take these snide depreciations about my character.. I was once a star you know, I'm better than being reduced to being second clown out of the clown car at some roadside carnival!!!!
  2. and so far as my contributing.. I would do it more.. but so much of what goes on around here.. i just have nothing to add. All I can do is just sit back and enjoy.. and so when I see my shot, I always aim to make it count.. that's all. I'm sorry if my Canadian work ethic ( not frothing at the mouth) is misunderstood as being a mute.. I'll endeavour to improve for the enjoyment of our audience.. I just can't imagine churning out a substandard product, just to run up my count. .. I will really. :cool: [ February 27, 2004, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  3. and so far as my contributing.. I would do it more.. but so much of what goes on around here.. i just have nothing to add. All I can do is just sit back and enjoy.. and so when I see my shot, I always aim to make it count.. that's all. I'm sorry if my Canadian work ethic ( not frothing at the mouth) is misunderstood as being a mute.. I'll endeavour to improve for the enjoyment of our audience.. I just can't imagine churning out a substandard product, just to run up my count. .. I will really. :cool: [ February 27, 2004, 10:03 AM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  4. I'm sorry Jersey, we told you last week, you wrote the essay, and you had good scores on that.. but you weren't drooling nearly enough.. didn't you take the videos of Zapp we gave you home to study with? How about the twitching charts we gave you of Terif? We do have standards and if you want to make the A squad, you're going to have to pick up your game..
  5. I'm sorry Jersey, we told you last week, you wrote the essay, and you had good scores on that.. but you weren't drooling nearly enough.. didn't you take the videos of Zapp we gave you home to study with? How about the twitching charts we gave you of Terif? We do have standards and if you want to make the A squad, you're going to have to pick up your game..
  6. He's a Frickin' Darling.. I was talking about about Comrade Trapp. He treated me with such 'tender minstrations' whenever i first posted on here. I know I have a real..... spot for him in my heart. So far as the tottering Relics... hmmm.. Jersey.. you most certainly win that one. I didn't lump you in with the babbling cretins. That has to count for something, right? Cheese, just remember, that it is a club, and all you need for admittance is a note from your mom, a Sears catalogue to share around and the sense not to take any of this personally. As usual I come down hard on Trapp, but his forum was really really good, while it was up. It was a real shame that it was lost. So everyone gets a star beside their names eventually, right? [ February 26, 2004, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  7. He's a Frickin' Darling.. I was talking about about Comrade Trapp. He treated me with such 'tender minstrations' whenever i first posted on here. I know I have a real..... spot for him in my heart. So far as the tottering Relics... hmmm.. Jersey.. you most certainly win that one. I didn't lump you in with the babbling cretins. That has to count for something, right? Cheese, just remember, that it is a club, and all you need for admittance is a note from your mom, a Sears catalogue to share around and the sense not to take any of this personally. As usual I come down hard on Trapp, but his forum was really really good, while it was up. It was a real shame that it was lost. So everyone gets a star beside their names eventually, right? [ February 26, 2004, 04:50 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  8. I'll jump on the bandwagon and thank BFC for their nefarious conspiracies... keep conspiring and get us some SC2 goodies... soon.. Thanks [ February 26, 2004, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  9. I'll jump on the bandwagon and thank BFC for their nefarious conspiracies... keep conspiring and get us some SC2 goodies... soon.. Thanks [ February 26, 2004, 04:19 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  10. if one Tiger Tank ( late model) leaves a POL point heading east at 15 km/h and another Nashorn leaves his defensive line travelling at south at 12 km/h, why would the Wagnerian records Hitler liked so much only skip during the flute solo? [ February 25, 2004, 04:39 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  11. My big complaint, playing the Germans with Poles on AI, was that they totally did not take control of the entire end of the map, like I did, and would expect any human player to. I was able to get the greater majority of my unarmoured transport over and out, by just going around the area where the Poles were. I think I might have to try again, this time, forcing myself to go down the middle, I bet that will be one hell of a ride.
  12. I have not played the German side of this scenario yet. But playing the Poles, was great, lots of options of the best way to bottle up the Germans. Way too many of them, lot of fun to figure it out though. I am really curious to play this one multiplayer. I think a couple humans playing this one would be great. Just thought that I throw this one out.
  13. hiya Jojo; i'm no pro, but i think that the SE version has extra battles and Operations, and that is about all, aside from maybe the patch already installed Cheers
  14. I don't think it is the crazy people who abound, they certainly stand out, but i don't think abound. I think we are awash in drones, is who and what I really think abound. Crazy people just have the mic, like 'alternative' lifestyle types, they have never been more than 5% of the population, but they are the new 'cool'. And so all the drones trundle along with silly happy smiles on their faces never giving it two thoughts. A good point for drones is the situation in yugoslavia, Milosevic supporters took a good hunk of the serb parlaiment. PARDON. but yes, the drones were told what 'cool' was and did what they were told.. the few crazy's just held the leashes the right way. Look at the anti-semetic sentiment in Europe these days, or for the last 1000 years. a few crazy's leading a continent of drones, for the most part. Or any major nation, you can even see the crazy's pulling the strings, look at Chretien's Liberals in Canada. He lied and admitted it.. and the drones took it.. and grumbled some... that was all. We send a out an embassador, after the man is implicated in millions in misplaced funds.. He has even been implicated as an embassador, and what do the drones do? NOt a damned thing. If I could just get 'their' permission I would do something about it all.. :confused: There's nothing like a good rant in the morning to start your day..
  15. JJ, I think that the first Reich was the Holy Roman Empire - as much a farce as it was, it gives all the other incarnations their claim to legitimacy. Fredick was great, and all, but he never aspired to do more than gather up the assorted territories into some semblance of order. The HRE, Wilhelm, and then * h'um* Hitler were all aspiring to more. A 'reich' in my limited understanding of the concept of the word, was more than just another empire, but more of a 'dynasty' type thingy. So the question is, do we welcome or fear the idealists? :cool: BTW, loving that article and all the quotes, crazy people really are everywhere aren't they? [ December 28, 2003, 07:38 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  16. So is it considered gamey then?? I know that i prefer to user the french navy that way, to help save the UK navy from those dastardly Italians.
  17. Did they have Tiger Tail overseas? That definitely has to be my favorite all time ice cream. Can I get some annotation on the prevalence of Tiger Tail for Allied forward fighting units?
  18. I'm not nearly as forgiving as Joe, Master Offal. You're earlier posts made wild accusatory statements about Americans. I don't mind wild accusatory posts, but i do mind people continually and mindlessly bashing the US for trying to do the right thing. The funny thing is, I am not a real fan of american foreign policy, but this needed to be done, and no one else had the balls to step up and get the job done. Granted it, was a flawed plan but they did it, not just talked about it like all the rest of the Euro-pansies, or the Chinese, or even beloved Mother Canada. So they get full credit in my books. [ December 19, 2003, 11:15 AM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  19. Still not locked? well if it hasn't been locked yet, how about some grammar lessons for trolls and future trolls. I mean really, troll wannabes, nothing is more embarrassing than coming up with a big zinger, only to have everyone laugh at your poor command of your native language. Case in point: Master Offal. You're ENGLISH Master Offal, the language is named for your nation. How is it possible you are so miserable with it? I suggest getting a Webster's English to English Dictionary, and keeping it by your pool of sludge, in case someone ever drops a hammer on you again, and you get the sensation of thought again. I have more, but I am checking my spelling currently, I'll post when I am satisifed with my grammatical display.
  20. I've always had a lot of respect for the Italian Gerbils, if musolinni had let them do their jobs, it could have been an entirely different war. The american Gerbils, I was never a big fan, but then, what do i really know about Gerbilling, I'll bet it take a long time to get a good crop, right? Look at the British Gerbils.. they had been around for ever,in 1939 and even then they were looking kinda mangy. It just goes to show you, you never can tell.
  21. Facsinating? It might be slightly interesting, but the difference between an old school Cavalry Gerbil, and a purely Infantry Gerbil, on either the Axis, or Allies side can only hold me for so long. Or the relationships between the Gerbils of different countries. Hardly the making of an epic tail.
  22. There were sooo many Gerbils, German and Allied in WWII, how do you tell them apart? colouration, stripes? surgetically inserted devices? hair cuts?? Campaign slogans? footwear? It was always beyond me.
  23. I play quarters, and it is always interesting. This one time at band camp... Master Offal was laying face down... we all snuck up and stuffed the flautist up his ass, you would not believe the surprised look the flautist gave us, when she woke up. Despite what you might have heard about me, I am actually an accomplished quarters football player.. I once went for for 4 games without giving up even one touchdown, everyone else in the public school was suitably impressed. Of course we were playing Canadian rules, you know wider longer field and only 3 downs, it's a whole other game you know... LOL [ December 17, 2003, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: ErrantRecce1 ]
  24. I like Miles Davis.. but not that much.. and so far as acid.. I much prefer 'shrooms, much easier on my stomach, and less exciting. So I guess I am doomed to just be myself. Well so long as i don't end up a slogan sputtering buffoon like Master Offal, things aren't that bad. But, I do heerby formally and cordially relinquish the title of troll. I am just not cut out for that type of work... ( too many suspected brain cells is what i heard). What's for lunch?
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