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Everything posted by ErrantRecce1

  1. Liam, I think it is more a matter of 'idle hands....' really, when the league (s) were going strong, everyone was probably busy playing, not loafing around. Before everyone came to the forum to discuss strategies and game stuff. Without something to distract them, the proletariat is always willing to turn on itself.
  2. Trapp, thanks for making me soo aware of when I joined.. I was really, really worried about what happened to those Months. And just like the everyone else here, I have most of my fingers and toes and a job that allows me endless hours to browse the archives too, so ... SHOCKINGLY.. I have a fair grip on the Zapp and Terif traveling bear show.. If they want to air their laundry by the road side, expect that people ( like me) are going to take the time to point and laugh. Cope. or in other words, "here's your helmet kid, get back on the ice." So far as it goes Zapp, I may look like an american, I may live near americans, I may have even eaten an american or two.. But I'm not an american. So you come off looking.... well let's not say how you come off looking. It'll save you weeks of therapy that way. You're welcome. Oh yeah, my mom says that if you are going to be that fast next time, bring some friends, she was really at a loss of what to do for the last 59 minutes, when you pay for an hour, try to use the whole hour next time Zapp. It just makes sense.
  3. "Then I started mainlining SC.. and if that wasnt' bad enough... rumours of a better high... SC2.. it's real.. it's out there.. you just have to wait.. just a little while... yeah.. that's a good idea.. tell a wad of junkies .. " oh yeah, it's coming, I don't when.. but it's coming, just wait for it.. " It's not like I'm bored at work or anything.. but well how long til SC2 is released again? my arms are getting itchy.
  4. "I had successfully weeened myself off my need to be measuring distances, and painting the models to properly reflect their unit, I was almost a whole man again, then... one day by accident.. I was browsing the web... I came across this wonderful site..... Battlefront.com.... sounds intriguing.. then the games... the games oh oh oh oh man I gotta me some of that.. and now look at me.. offering myself up, to work in a call centre, just so I can afford another CM... damn you Battlefront.. damn you...
  5. "My name is Arron, and I just want to thank BFC for providing me with a place where I feel like I belong ( and they don't even have everything bolted down with 8' bolts)." My first wargaming experience came when my friend introduced me to Warhammer 40K. I now just can't stop miniature gaming.. and wargames... damn them... "
  6. As someone who has lurked through all the the Zapp and Terif baiting and biting; I must say that in my limited comprehension, Zappsweden is WAY off the deep end. WAY off. Terif is most likely just enjoying baiting the crazy Euro, and with Zappsweden being that far from reality, who wouldn't enjoy rattling his cage to hear him go off about the 'bugs' and 'those damned ungrateful Zleaguers who don't just eat up Zappreality like it's cream and strawberries'. This is really amusing from a "look at the poor japanese tourists ripped apart from their first meeting with a Canadian Logging truck" kinda way. I think if we all grab on the big old Clue grippy thing and hold on tight, we'll make it through.
  7. Ottawa Canada here. Just ignore those poor sods going on about the Canuckles, they are a little misled, or maybe they spent a couple too many nights down on the lower east side of the city, it is truly glorious down there. It is all Sens, All the time!!
  8. Thanks for the replies, that is the info I was looking for ( crappy supply, not much chance of really improving an outcome). I just saw it, just before I was about to Barbarossa Russia, and was curious. I was thinking I would have waited for Finland to join in on their own and then moved that Army over to join in the fun. I would have had an HQ, 2 Armies, and a tank army with 1 airfleet to go over. I thought i might have been able to get in behind the front line and cause them to collapse that much more quickly. I figured that if I could even deflect some units from the front, I would could cut through the FLR a little ( lot ) more quickly, and then a hook up wouldn't be too hard ( my own private Market Garden.. ish.. ) When I attack Russia right now, my big problem is it drags on and i lose my focus.. and it ends up being a splatter-fest with me sending my forces wiggly niggly all over Russia hunting down the savages. I almost always (99.X+%)win, but not without me shaking my head and looking for another beer. So that solves that problem. Much appreciated.
  9. I had the opportunity, after a sotra roundabout invasion of Sweden and Norway to transport my NOrdic Army across the straits. It would have set them up to invade the Rodina, through Finland. I didn't, but I think if I can set it up again I will, it looks like having a full a german army swing down from Finland would put the fear of capitalism into Stalin, especially with me being able to siege Moscow so early in the war on Russia. I am just curious as to what the SC junkie community has to say about that.
  10. All things said and done about Montgomery, my opinion of his exploits are still that he was overrated. He was no where near combat for World War round 1. He was inordinately successful as a BEF division commander. El Alamein was no where near the break out that it was supposed to be, mostly because his main goal was to engage and hold the DAK, instead of trying to outmanourve them, which another 'to remain unnamed ' famous general would have done in his sleep. ROMMEL. On the continent, he showed grip ( read willingness to bull through things that ordinary, 'mundane' military commanders might have gone around. Was this a blessing or a curse? I would tend toward not a blessing, simply because the real goal a CinC is to bring about victory through shock, manouvre and the application of force. He showed none of the first two. I really have never thought much of him, but when cast beside MacArthur, he does make more sense to me at least.
  11. Thanks for the suggestion, but i have 'read some books', that is where I got my opinion from to start with. I know they may not have been picture books with the big words that you like, but I am fairly versed on the subject. I do agree with Determinant that MG, was Montie's great last hope to be remembered for anything more than retreating successfully out of Dunkirk. After all I read, it really seems to be ( and I promise not to wilt too much, under the collected genius that I may have to face for this ) that Montgomery was a charade in the desert. He talked a good game and got everyone on board, and then proceeded to trudge along at a fairly ( or totally) inspectacular pace. But I promise to send you a Christmas card all the same Sailor Melon
  12. I completely agree with you knives, although I would go one further. Montgomery, was never a good leader in my opinion, sure he would put on a good show when in front of the men ( which i suppose was worth something) but strategically, he only ever had one mode; slow. I think that you can go back to Montgomeries first kick at the can and see him for the rest of the war. At El Alamein, he took a well reasoned plan set up by Auchinleck, and distorted it all out of shape, bulked it up, til it look like Roseanne, and then expected it to perform. He had the opportunity to significantly shorten the desert war by snipping off large hunks of the DAK, but he and the forces under his command moved like sludge in the Thames instead. His "Corp de Chasseurs" who were supposed to tear off once the initial lines had pierced, didn't get off the line til a day later. His command and the performance of his foreces was atrocious, but they were all great friends. The original Plan for El Alamein, called for a month or two to get everyone in order and then the attack, with the supplies so short, they would have handed teh DAK it's head ( like had happened a couple times before, whenever the supply lines got too long) but this time Auchinleck had planned for a finishing stroke ( think of removing Rommel from the West Wall preparation). Instead we got Montgomery and the most miserable drudge since Haig. That is totally aside from him being a whiny prig. That's another story for another day.
  13. You see Jersey? Was that so hard? If only we could all hug right now and share a big old " whhoooooooaaaaaaaa Bundy!" But alas, it's not to be. The Sharing, that's what a good world war is really all about. Oh to be young and foolish and have my hand on the trigger again. And it isn't Hey.. we only use that when there're strangers around... when we're 'among our own kind ( the beer swilling, hockey playing, girlfriend swapping kind)' We actually only use High English. I'll try and sneak a video camera into a meeting sometime.. it's really quite enlightening
  14. Jersey, Poopsie; I'm not allowed to have an opinion on the forum? Am I not allowed to express my opinion, about the statements made on the forum?? Do I not bleed when cut, am I not a neighbour? Where's the love Jersey? couldn't you be, wouldn't you be... why can't we all just get along? Back to my request for SC2; I think that both the US and the USSR should have the inexperience thing, but that is it could ( should) be phased out, starting with when the country first starts into combat.
  15. Well, The USSR is a gimme for inexperience. As for the US, up to 1941, aside from walking some bombers across the border to Canada, the US was still the sleeping monster of late 20th century international humour. The military was still underfunded. The populace had more interest in the world series than the world.. it took til well after the US started fighting that they really could be considered a world class military. Look at Kasserine Pass, or Anzio, D Day. They learned by counting up their dead and repeating the exercise ad nausem.
  16. 5) Lets fire bomb Dresden like it deserved. Smart and American are not concepts that are naturally comfortable too close together. Not that it doesn't happen, it just doesn't happen often enough. One more improvement Hubert, for SC2. Whereas the UK and Germans, and even a little the French, had professional standing armies The USSR and the US, both had to raise armies, when faced with the war. There should be some way of expressing the relative inexperience of the US and the USSR, which would then also allow for more armies without really impacting game play. Until well after Torch, the US was still climbing the learning curve. The USSR were even further back than the US.
  17. I was just kicking some AI ass as the Allies, and I opened up three fronts against the Axis, pretty clever of me, right? one of my fronts was Spain. The AI responded by throwing a hell ofa group together and they totally stopped my two full American Armies ( not just the units, but the HQ and all attached forces, armies) I was totally taken aback. I have been lurking around here a lot and I have been playing a lot, trying to get up to speed in a reasonable fashion. So my Q is, is there an easy way to start a front in Spain for the Americans? it made the most sense, since the UK was hogging all of france and all. I would appreciate any info or experience or opinion on this.
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