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Everything posted by v42below

  1. I know! It's kewl, and by "kewl" I mean totally sweet! I hear - if you feed them right - with time they turn into half-decent mortal enemies. Either that or die a slow and painful death, which can't be all that bad to watch either.
  2. Now, I don't know why, but when I try to imagine our Village Idiot typing this stuff, I always see him as that crazy military guy from American Beauty, the one with the drug dealer son and wacko wife.
  3. How about my proposal of bestowing upon the Messiah-wannabe the proper and rightful title of Village Idiot of the Cesspool? I would have no trouble spelling and bolding that every time I refer to the dolt.
  4. You're just jealous I've got the closest thing to a mortal enemy since you had Cabron69 and a Knight of the Pool, no less. Well actually he is less than that, much less. If only Joe had a spine, I wouldn't have to avoid typing that idiot's name (not Joe's, the fact that Joe is an idiot goes without saying) so as not to give him the honour of bolding it.
  5. With the experiment now complete it is time for the implant to come out. Please go out and purchase some of that lovely potion that is 42below and consume the bottle on your front porch. Once you pass out my evil minions will do the rest. You will wake up with ignorant bliss. True, you will also lose all capability for thought and speech but unfortunately that is an unavoidable side effect and, given your current state, the change will be an improvement.
  6. MADE ME! I am forged by none other than Peng MADE ME! The revolting twerp has denied my ascension at every opportunity (I still boil with rage at the thought of the first thread closing incident). He is gone, ended, a whelk in shallow water... I suppose he could be rejuvenated but it'd require a swallowing of pride that I doubt the fool is capable of... He must ACCEPT me as HIS Messiah... he must take his place by my side as the first & the GREATEST of my disciples;then & ONLY then will he have life reborn Otherwise he is best forgotten </font>
  7. Nice cut, paste and edit job of a decade old joke. There isn't an original bone in your body (they're all cheap chinese knock offs). What can we expect from an Ohoinian Creative Director? [edited to say I've been beaten by a girl, again *sigh* and that Boo is still a thieving spammer]
  8. Citizens of the Cesspool! Just in case some of you are unaware (a natural state for most of you), this is an official announcement that the Cesspool is currently under bombardment (I'm going to pun hell for that one). You are advised to report immidiately to the nearest bombshelter and cower there until the idjit sobers up, quitens down and finally rolls away to bed.
  9. Took advantage of those budget deals to Thailand, did you? Nice photoshop job to get the floating debris out of the picture. In any case congradulations and welcome to the half-chained club.
  10. Morraine- Happy Birthday! May your husband pleasantly surprise you every day and not just once a year.
  11. So, does one get double points when a Gaylord shows up in their incarnation of the MBT?
  12. I think you are the only one of your species left, so knock yourself out...please.
  13. Perhaps you should find a horse and make yourself a mule...
  14. [serious]Din't find a place to leave Adam a message on the sitem so I'll leav one here. I really enjoyed the lyrics and the music. I think he's very talented and wish him luck in one of the toughest industries to succeed in. I think if he wants to give himself a btter chance at success though, he does need to work on his voice - has he had any professional voice lessons? It really does make a big difference. [/serious]
  15. At least someone is honest in this pile of dung. So, I take it Boo and rleete are the only ones here who didn't have a Valentine's date. Why am I not surprised?
  16. Happy belated birthday. Now go back to putting those suspenders on your underpants.
  17. Blame me? BLAME ME? I saved us from having to post in this abomination. Granted, it may have been a wee bit early for me to start a thread, but the Justicar was away from his post and none of these dimwits have even a smidgeon of initiative, so I stepped up. If you ask me (which I'm sure you won't so I'll tell you anyway), I deserve a title (something short and simple like "Lord Protector of the "Challenge" of the MBT" will do) for my couragous rescue of the MBT from the hands of an incompetent buffoon whom you, in a moment of weakness, allowed to become a knight. Sure, Seanachai may have pissed on him from a considerable height after the ceremony, but that is hardly any consolation.
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