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Everything posted by v42below

  1. Dear RegularAnalGuy. As you hail from the land that time, and the rest of the world forgot, you would need to understand that the Yanks have satelites that can see your perversions in your fields....the saying that sheep in New Zeeelund are nervous, always, is a given. </font>
  2. We don't need no stinking Nobaaahs in the Peng Challenge Thread. If you insist on abusing those sheep, at least allow them the decency of expressing their mental and physical torment with a few *baaahs*. Allowing them none at all is just cruel. After all, they were born to *baaah* just as Australians were born to burp and pick their noses - and you never, ever see a sheep denying the Aussies their Gawd given right to do what they do best.
  3. Whilst on average your titles suck less than most people's - this title takes the cake as the best one to date. Did I mention that I really really like this title? I like it heaps, loads even!
  4. I got lucky - my lady is paranoid about getting mugged (in NZ! I mean come on!) if she wears something too shiny on her finger. So we settled on a cognac diamond (when I heard the name, I was sold), which cost about 1/3 the price of a similar size normal diamond. We could then spend more money on getting a ring custom made for the stone.
  5. <MARQUEE BEHAVIOR="ALTERNATE"><font face=verdana size=14 color=lime> MOOP!</MARQUEE> </font>
  6. Aaah, Godzone New Zealand, where you find bren carriers in your back yard. linky I think I'll go do some gardening...
  7. You know, you really shouldn't encourage the idiot by comparing him to something that actually has a purpose.
  8. *BLURGH* That's almost as bad as having garlic, peppers and fried potatoes for breakfast... You sure you're not American? </font>
  9. I don't need saving... indeed I'm the ONLY one who doesn't require saving </font>
  10. Gongratulations on your knighthood, Sir Stikkypixie (has a certain ring to it, don't you think? Wait...don't answer that). Now that you're a knight I really should get around to sending you that set up, but I probably won't. Joey, me old fruit, how is the appointment process of the Probationary Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure Trainee of the Peng Challenge Thread going? Can I tell Harold the good news, or should he be planning an ambush in your outhouse?
  11. One paragraph? That's all I get? My dear petri dish licker, this simply will not do. It is now apparent that you are incapable of hatred even when optimum conditions for it are provided. I have no choice but to dispatch Harold on a covert mission to refill you with the venom that you lack. Operation "Desert Proctologist" will commence as soon as you are sound asleep.
  12. I dunno, Joe. V42 Below seems to think quite highly of Harold. And as they're both vegetables, you might want to trust his opinion on the matter. The vegetable matter, that is... </font>
  13. Actually, I think rleete simply promised to poke any person, who is appointed Probationary Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure Trainee of the Peng Challenge Thread, with pointy sticks, if such are provided. So it's down to the Idiot and Harold. My bet is on the cactus.
  14. You're right! Then no-one will hear his sobbing and squealing! Now, where can I get a room that has doors and windows that can be locked from the outside and is well padded? Seanachai's house is too far away, unfortunately.
  15. Where is my daily dosage of destructive hatred, Idiot? Or has your hatred taken that forbidden step and finally turned to love? If so, make no mistake, I'll <font size=5>BOOT</font> that out of you in no time.
  16. I dare say our Village Idiot is improving. Sure, he's still rough around the edges, grammar and spelling are not his friends (but then again who can blame them) and he spends his days analysing poodle's ****e (not that there's anything wrong with that), but nevertheless there is a noticable improvement. Keep at it, boy! One day I might even consider thinking about entertaining the idea of possibly accepting a challenge from you...provided you don't get yourself crucified before then.
  17. I hereby volunteer Harold (pictured below) for the position of Probationary Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure In Training of the Peng Challenge Thread. He is infinitely more qualified to perform the relevant duties than the Village Idiot, or, for that matter, you - Joe. Furthermore, Harold will take all the pricks of all the pointy sticks rleete may procure with the dutiful silence of a true Probationary Junior Justicar Pro Tempore De Jure In Training of the Peng Challenge Thread, whereas the Village Idiot will likely squeal like a girl. Hmmm...this really does make it an even call...
  18. Give in to the dark side you must. Tell you what, instead of being my mortal enemy, you can be my Darth Vader. You have asthma, don't you? I thought you might, growing up in those softly padded, steamed up rooms at the brothel. But you must promise not to make faces at me behind that mask. I'll go and get your costume ready, I'm thinking hot pink with yellow racing stripes and a big "powered by HONDA" sticker.
  19. 37mm, don't be a dolt. Keep it in the MBT before Steve has your dangly bits for dice.
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