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Posts posted by Curry

  1. Rambo, good idea

    Allies move, surround Paris with the last of our troops. Brits stuck on the elbow hex with an army. Also Brits close to Copenhagen, but its too little too late. I held out until June. Maybe two more turns I hope.

    Because in my game where I am allies I just got lucky and broke through along the coast as the allies didnt set up there line in good order. I think he thought I was going to break through the French Arden and instead broke through along the coast and now have reached Paris myself. All of a sudden I have gone from out of the match to a close match again.

  2. Turn 14 Allies:

    I'm trying something new in this game and I think I like my old strategy better.

    The allies again strike back and hit the German Armor that is out in front. Kill it. But our line is very weak and I dont think it can hold out much longer. If this were a real game I would be glad at the German units that I have killed off, but in the battle of France it doesnt hurt the German nearly as bad as it doesnt matter what he has left once Paris falls.

  3. New Update,




    Curry verses Kossuth (Curry wins)

    Wehrmacht verses Alexander (Alexander wins)

    Curry defeats Alexander and wins Bracket A.


    Yaggmoth verses Sanmayn (Yaggmoth wins)

    Sandy verses Rannug (Runnug wins)

    Yaggmoth defeats Rannug and wins Bracket B.

    Yaggmoth defeats Curry to advance to finals.


    Edwin verses Avatar (Avatar advances)

    Cpl.Steiner verses AngelDust (AngelDust wins)

    AngelDust advances


    BrianseminWise verses EarlofWhite (Earlwhite wins)

    Panzer39 verses FriendlyFire (Panzer wins)

    Panzer39 plays Angeldust in this semifinal and the winner will play Yaggmoth in the finals

    [ May 17, 2004, 03:25 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  4. Just want to keep this on front page

    Games currently going on

    Yaggmoth verses Curry for semifinals - winner will go to the finals.

    Quarter finals

    Avatar verses AngelDust

    Earlofwhite verses Panzer39

    The winners of the above two matches will play each other in the semi finals and the winner of that match will go to the final to play either Yaggmoth or Curry

  5. My observations on Tech.

    I am not as good as Rambo, Dragon or Kuni but I do play a lot. Just look at the pbem league to see the many games I have there.

    1. Tech is luck. It's all statistics and dice rolls. Therefore this will bring into a game the luck factor, sometimes it will be small, but sometimes it will mean the luck factor will be very large. Against two even players it can easily decide a game. This is a big negative. However, it also levels the playing field for the lesser player if they get "lucky" with tech. I am in a couple of games now and I am in 1943 and my axis still has no advance in Jets, what a bummer, its keeping my enemy in the game.

    2. In my mind the simply solution would be for Mr. C. (Hubert) to keep tech in the game but first, make it more expensive to invest in it and second cap it at a lower level like level-3 or even level-2. Have in the game editor a cap function where you can cap the level of increase at what you would like. Keep the "Superweapons" out of the game. They really are not realistic anyway. Also increase the "catch up" bonus dramatically so the other player will have a great great chance to catch up in tech. What I think this would do is if a player got say Level 3 jets, he would only have that tech advatage for a few turns if the other player was willing to invest also in that tech.

    Just some thoughts.

  6. Here is an updated mail list of league members. If you want a game just email the list or a part of the list and ask away. There are all types of different players from excellent to newbies. Just say what type of game you are looking for.


    [ June 25, 2004, 07:00 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  7. Things looking bad for the allies, Denmark will fall next turn. Line holding on the western front but weakened. The only good news is both subs found, one sunk one heavily damaged.


    I think I will go for a swim in the pool myself, since I live in southwest Florida any time is a good time for a swim and its getting hot. Perhaps it will take my mind away from this terrible start.

  8. quote:


    Originally posted by Arngrim:

    Got beer., got smokes, slightly buzzed. Keep it up guys, good saturday entertainment for me!


    I agree on everything Arngrim said, except that I have not got any smokes

    No beer here :( Trying to lose some weight.

    No smokes here :cool: Trying to live longer

    Zapp give us your "Report from another heavy weight player" on how you think this game is going".

    I thought Rambo went out into the early lead, but that Dragonheart has come back nicely, but those German carriers seem powerful.

    [ May 08, 2004, 01:16 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  9. Semifinals in the Battle of France.


    Curry verses Kossuth (Curry wins)

    Wehrmacht verses Alexander (Alexander wins)

    Curry defeats Alexander


    Yaggmoth verses Sanmayn (Yaggmoth wins)

    Sandy verses Rannug (Runnug wins)

    Yaggmoth defeats Rannug.

    In this game of our two games its Yaggmoth as the dark tide or the Axis. Curry as the light and hope of the world as the Allies. Whoever gets to Paris first wins.


    The Axis invades Poland and Denmark. Both Armor units remain to help destory Poland.

    [ May 07, 2004, 06:44 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

  10. superodds2.jpg

    Early SportsOdds out of Vegas has this best 2 out of 3 match as even with 1-1 odds.

    Place your bets here and pick who you think will win and in how many games.

    My pick - Dragon in 3. Rambo has the experience in his favor. But he is coming off of burnout which is a concern for the pro-Ramboites. Dragon on the other hand is slow in playing but its only because he is so careful and his careful play should be able to weather the famous Rambo-RACK strategy.

    It will be most interesting to see what the bids go for and who wants Axis bad enough. I expect the bids to be high as only the heavy-weights can bid.

    [ May 06, 2004, 12:27 PM: Message edited by: Curry ]

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