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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. I finally decided to give CMSF another try after a couple of weeks of break. Within 5 minutes of play, noticed these bugs.

    BTW, this is with 1.05

    RPG fins are sticking out before the rocket is deployed


    AT team is deploying in one direction, yet they left the AT launcher on the other side of the roof


    Wierd animations persist


  2. Originally posted by GSX:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Nemesis Lead:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Duke d'Aquitaine:

    Anyway guys, I just felt I needed to vent my opinion after lurking for years here since my last post. I just never tire of this game.. :)

    Wow--I was tired of this game after two multiplayer battles. Game has been out for 6 months and it still doesn't work as the numerous bug threads all (correctly) point out.

    If I remember the URL of one of the CMSF fan websites and multiplayer ladders, I will send you the link.

    Oh wait--there aren't any. Why would that be? CMSF is the best wargame ever, isn't it? </font>

  3. Originally posted by Secondbrooks:

    Lekaharkko (well actually leca harkko) has been made of clay and cement. Clay has been heaten so that it transforms to small spongy balls which then are hardenned by burning. Cement there works as a glue.

    So it's softer material than cinder block, at least i would quess so.

    There was awfully lot typos in my previour post! Eeek! there has to be something wrong with these forums. :D

    I very much doubt that Syrians use cinder blocks or Lekaharkko for their building construction
  4. The houses in Germany are like little fortifications, especially compared to anything in the US. Just seems like US contruction is geared toward fast and cheap, while Germans build to last and for quality. I was very impressed while I was in Germany

    I can imagine the houses in Syria, mostly build from stones, bricks and dirt, provide very good cover

    IMO the cover needs to be increased in houses and trenches, atleast against small arms.

  5. I also want to see formations, it's a huge deal and we are trained a lot in it. A right formation or movement at a right time makes a huge difference. You could lose a battle if your tanks are in a column versus a line if incountering frontal enemy fire.

    Its pretty easy to place a platoon of tanks in a formation manualy, but would be a lot easier with a button.

    Same goes for infantry. Why can't we have a ghosting effect a la Full Spectrum Warrior or Company of Heroes? I think those games do formations really well. Why cant CMSF borrow best elements from other wargames?

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