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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. "Since this is a discussion about the gameplay itself, I'm skipping over gripes about unrelated things like the UI. That's an entirely different discussion and it only gets in the way of this one." -Steve

    IMO the UI is part of the gameplay. There are some games that I tried to pick up, but they ended up sitting on my shelf because of non-user-friendly UI. If it feels uncomfortable to play the game, if it feels like work, I am not attracted to play it

    Having things like Red VS Red or Blue VS Blue are irrelevent if the UI is not user friendly


    Do you plan on adding or expanding your programming staff any time in the future? I think having more programmers would let you create games faster, give you more time off, and reduce the amount of bugs

    [ January 21, 2008, 01:36 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

  2. Originally posted by McIvan:

    Pausable realtime with rewind is essentially what we have now (for WEGO) but with rewind allowed anytime.

    I disagree. Right now in WEGO you can only issue orders in Pause mode, and cant change them until Active mode plays through.

    A Real Time with pause, with ability to issue orders in realtime and in pause mode, with ability to rewind last 60 seconds would be Revolutionery, and is not at all what WEGO is

  3. Did you UNZIP them into Z folder?

    Also, CMMODS only allows certain names like syrian-skin-1, not syrian-skin 1. So when you download a mod, make sure to rename them so the name is the same as the original file. In the above example, you would take out - .

    Was that sensitive enough? If not,I appologise

  4. If you can pause the game any time, give orders in-pause and out of pause, then who needs WEGO?

    The only thing BFC might need to beef up would be a order system Ala Total Annihilation

    I think perfect implementation of this system was Knights of The Old Republic

  5. Goliath:



    In Italy the Germans have used several types of small, remote-controlled, tank-like vehicles containing demolition charges. (The enemy also has used similar devices in Russia.) These vehicles appear to have been designed principally for use against tanks and pillboxes. The control is effected by means of a three-wire cable which unwinds from the miniature tank as it moves forward.

    The specifications of the several models of this contraption vary somewhat, although not appreciably. One type has an approximate over-all length of 5 feet 4 inches, an approximate over-all width of 34 1/2 inches, and an approximate over-all height of 20 inches (see fig. 1). The body of the vehicle is made of thin steel, and is divided into three compartments. One contains the explosive charge (reported as about 80 pounds in a recent instance), another houses four relays for controlling the two electrically driven motors and for detonating the charge, and a third contains the drum of three-wide control cable. A cable guide made of steel is mounted on the rear of the vehicle.


    Figure 1.—A German Remote-controlled Demolition Vehicle.

    The machine can travel at a rate of speed which is equivalent to a fast walk. The operator at the control panel can direct the vehicle forward, to the left, or to the right, and can detonate the charge at whatever time he considers appropriate.

    One of the drawbacks of this demolition vehicle is that the operator must have direct observation both on the vehicle and the target. It is believed that the preferred German method of operation is to direct the vehicle in a zigzag manner toward its target. The vehicle cannot travel over very rough terrain, and is definitely vulnerable to small-arms fire.

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