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Posts posted by M1A1TC

  1. Originally posted by Rollstoy:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by c3k:

    (P.S. Melnibone; I will, one day, reassign hotkeys.

    For your own sanity, do this as quickly as possible! You must be really enthusiastic if you can play the original system!

    Here are some of my hotkeys ...

    M ... Move

    Q ... Quick

    S ... Slow

    F ... Fast

    A ... Assault

    B ... Blast

    U ... Hunt

    R ... Reverse

    T ... Target

    Y ... Target light

    V ... Cover Arc

    N ... Face

    H ... Hide

    O ... open up

    D ... Deploy

    + ... aquire

    \ ... split team

    Best regards,

    Thomm </font>

  2. Thank you Mr Kettler

    I think the new active defence weapons might make AT missiles obsolete (until something else come up)

    Now we have lazers that shoot incoming missiles, mortar and RPG rounds. When they are portable enough to be placed on each tank, they will be pretty much invulnurable to AT infantry weapons.

    How about this jammer:

    The TShU-1-7 optronic jammer ensures effective protection of armoured vehicles against anti-tank guided missiles such as TOW, HOT, MILAN, DRAGON, COBRA, АТ-3, HN-5 etc. The modulated IR flux formed by the TShU-1-7 makes up the jamming noise inside the missile's "track loop" and exploits its guidance system. The hit probability is decreased practically up to zero.

    The TShU system consists of two emitters, two power supply and control units, a control panel. It is mounted on tanks like Т-72, Т-80, Т-90 (as a part of the protection unit "ShTORA-1"), as well on other military and civil objects.

  3. This is what you said

    "Many of the suggestions listed above will find their way into the game over time"

    I guess can you be more specific on which ideas are and which are not on your list at all (not considered)?

    Here are some

    1. Some type of battle feedback

    2. Adjustable waypoints

    3. Context sensitive mouse-related squad positioning (a la Full Spectrum Warrior, Company of Heroes)

    4. Smoother scrolling

    5. Ability to quave (SP?) orders (a la Total Annihilation, Supreme Commander)

    Faster panning/scrolling when the mouse is closer to the edge of the screen.

    Rotate camera 45 degrees buttons.

    - Some more quicktipps (e.g. "special equipment" and ammo display (the graphical one of course))

    - Possibility to scroll through certain UI elements with mousewheel (e.g. for "unit purchase" list in editor mode or "status/formation" windows ingame)

    - Built-in key assignment configurator

    1.Clickable Order of battle... needed urgently.

    2.Big RED button that does nothing during realtime play should be the 'pause' button... should be easy to implement.

    3.Ammo usage... tell squad to use at4, etc.

    4.Hold fire... a basic command every soldier should know.

    1. Adjustable waypoints

    2. Tool tips

    3. Right-click that REALLY drops the selected unit

    4. Single left-click and hold to draw a box (frequently used).

    5. Order of Battle

    6. A setup phase WHICH IS A SETUP PHASE NOT THE FIRST TURN!!!! (See my previous thread on this.)

    7. The ability to set how long the battle will be.

    8. QB's with direct force selection

    9. Finally, the ability to create your own menu of commands, organized as you'd like. Right-click on a unit and get the whole drop-down menu. Better yet, have a quickpick list of the most commonly used orders right there on the first right-click, so I don't have to make a second or third or fourth action to perform the most common actions. (Allow ME to set the orders I deem to be quickpicks

    and many others by other players

    [ January 27, 2008, 11:18 PM: Message edited by: M1A1TankCommander ]

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