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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Melnibone

  1. I want to be like Bobby in Dallas...one day he woke up to find it had all been a dream
  2. Is your "business" being an irritating t****r? </font>
  3. Is your "business" being an irritating t****r?
  4. Chris Hares Excel charts list the demo charge as having a blast of 73.
  5. Going by memory it normally takes 3 shots of 150mm to take down one of these buildings...so these demo charges must be pretty powerful.
  6. Thanks...alway more to learn in this game!
  7. It was undamaged - the engineer squad seemed particularly fiesty - they managed to throw 2 grenades and 2 demo charges in one turn - despite being under intense fire - 7 of them were killed - the last trooper threw in the second charge and down came the building - medals in order I think
  8. Just has an US Engineer squad take out a two floor light building with two satchel charges...impressive. I never realised they were that poweful...or was that just luck?
  9. A I would gladly mortgage my house and sell the children to buy it.
  10. Too true...I picture them like the Greek gods...on a cloud...attired in togas...nibbling grapes...quaffing wine...looking down on us...as if were pawns....pawns in hell.
  11. Group 12 Situation - Loud explodey munitions of all calibres are falling on me relentlessly in all games.
  12. Ahh...it all begins to make some sense now
  13. lol...and I thought it was just the scenario designers who were...shall we say...mentally unbalanced . I fear these games are pushing you closer to the abyss...
  14. Don't let those napkins fall into enemy hands Soldier!
  15. Random. Bah! The Gods are against me in all these games
  16. Hey me to...but is that a good thing or a bad thing?
  17. Now that is just going to cause a new Tempest in a Bone Teapot
  18. "Marquis de Sade and the ‘Space Lobsters of Doom: Urban Renewal scenario of ROWV – Evil Bridge!’ scenario designer…. Who gave rise to the term sadism - enjoyment of cruelty, which first made it into a dictionary in 1834. He was French you know..." I think you have a bridge thing....I think you are really Marquis de Methode Champenois!
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