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Everything posted by imported_Rannug

  1. Allied Navy attacks ports in Sweden and Balticum. The rest tires to survive.
  2. 4th of July 1943 To honour this day we did something new. The Navies of the UK and US joined in a brave attack in the baltic and killed the last of the German navy and killed the first Luftwaffe unit. The Russian air force kills an Italian army and got into heavy fighting with the Luftwaffe. In Iraq we attack the Italian HQ. Shore bombardment of Brest. We may not win but we'll die with our boots on! :cool:
  3. Things look bad in Scandinavia, forget about taking Sweden, better try to get out of there alive. Battle for Iraq and the Urals comming up.
  4. The Russians are waiting in the Urals for the final battle. Sweden is heavily reinforced and I don't think it will fall easy. Four super 262's and two newly arrived L-4 Italian Armys make it very hard.
  5. Russians retreat back to the Urals for a last stand. Making more gains in Morway and some units are now even in the and of beautiful girl and good SC players!
  6. Moskwa is lost but we liberated Norway after major air battle. Finaly a bit less Me 262's in Russia.
  7. March 1943 Italians arrive in the eastern Med in force, we sink a damaged battleship but we can only hold Iraq if we send units from the Russian front and that will speed up the fall of Russia. Hitting hard on the Axis in Norway and gaining ground.
  8. You can download the german Demo and copy the new files and use then in your present game. look for it at; http://www.most-wanted-games.com/strategiccommand
  9. More Allied units land in Norway. A uk bomber got killed in the Med when a German jet intercepted him. Axis is moving in on Alexadria again. Rostov will be the next city in Russia to fall but the Moskwa area is better defended.
  10. October 1942 The transfer arrives at the end of my turn. More good news; Bergen is taken. Bad news Leningrad has fallen and the Luftwaffe can continue to it's massmurder of Russian corps. The big attack on Moskwa will probably come soon.
  11. "Only" 3 Russian corps killed this time. Supply must be a problem for Axis now when the frontline is Leningrad, Moskwka, Voronezh, Stalingrad, Rostov and Sevastopol. A line of Russian units does't exist any more except in the Leningrad/Moskwa area. Russian economy is getting very low and we can't replace our losses. US and UK forces has landed in Norway. Some US units try to help out in Russia.
  12. September 1942 Pulling back to Moskwa, hoping to get the transfer. Partisan activity. Gathering of forces outside Norway, attacking Bergen as usual. Italians have L-4 Antitank tech. That will make it hard to land and survive in France.
  13. Smolensk is back in Russian hands and we try to form a defence far away from the Luftwaffe. Killed a German corps in Bergen.
  14. Situation in Russia is so sad that I don't want to talk about it but we took Iraq this turn and the Western Allies start to get ready for some action but to late.
  15. Things are falling apart in southern Russia. 6 corps lost this time and more to come.....Sure I'll take Iraq soon but probably it makes no difference. We need a miracle.
  16. Attacking sub in the med with 3 air units. Hitting on Bergen and it's port with Naval units. Killed Italian Army close to Minsk. Desperatly trying to organizing some kind of southern frontline. More NKVD units are needed to make the Red Army hold.
  17. Mid June 1942 Things got a lot worse now. 8 L-4 jets attacks and kills at will. The only good thing is that I put the Army group close to Minsk out of supply for the moment. In the south it will be harder to hold the line that has a opening a bit southeast of Kiev. In the Med we damage a Italian sub and routine attacks on Bergen continues.
  18. 31th of May 1942 4 Russian corps killed this turn but one German Army that was standing at the gates of Misk was killed. The retreating Italian Army in North Africa is no more. Dublin taken and robed of all it's goodies. We still have a line in Russia dispite the dark sky. The US cavalry is killing native Americans to build up experience.
  19. Trying to kill the retreating Italian army in North Africa abd put it out of supply. Killed all the Irish but didn't take Dublin. In Russia my corps die like flies but the front line hardly moves. Germans are gaining experience and the Russians dies.
  20. April 1942 Riga falls but one German army that landed from the Baltic Sea was killed. German air now at L-4. In North Africa air and the corps in Alexandria attacks a Italian army and damages it a bit. War is declared on the Irish, bombed down to 7. Frontline in Russia intact for now.
  21. The Italians pull back but I get a last shot at a battleship. Standard attcks on Bergen. 3-4 Russian units get killed evry turn but the frontline holds and the Axis has to fight for every hex. A German army is spoted north of Riga and will probably try to land behind the front line. Only Odessa is lost so far but that will surly change soon. the Luftwaffe throws a dark shadow over the entire eastern front.
  22. Feb 1942 Russian navy sinks a cruiser in the Baltic. Attacking Italian transports in the Med with UK air units and sending a US air unit there too. The poor Russians are taking a terrible beating but still holds the line but for how long?
  23. Russian forces forms a frontline from Riga to Odessa but the line is weak. The attack was not as devasting as I feared but 6 to 9 Luftwaffe fighters makes it very hard to withstand any determind German attack. The Russan navy attacks a German cruiser in the Baltic and does some damage and hopefully will be around next turn for more action. I operated some UK air down to the Estern Med to hold of the Italian forces that tries to take over Egypt. In the North we do some attacks on Bergen.
  24. Well in this game it's summer all year! My one and only carrier attacks the port by Oslo and hurts a sub. Jugo partisans hide in the Alps. UK bomber hits on a Italian cruiser.
  25. Allies declare war against Portugal and waits for the attack on Russia.
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