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Mad Russian

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Posts posted by Mad Russian

  1. Originally posted by Holien:

    Yes CMAK....

    As for ROW I Vets there are one or two in the wood work but not many.


    The written part of ROWI appealed to me and might be a way to get people to commit.

    If they can not be bothered to write a bit of an application then can they be bothered to finish all the games?

    The other thing that appealed about ROWI was a lot of the scenarios were based around the Normandy battles and were based on real episodes. As Normandy is my main interest that was the icing on the cake.

    Anyway that was ROWI and not ROWIV.

    Not long to go...


    Just to put a plug in for CMAK Normandy scenarios HSG is putting together a Battle for France pack and there are several of the scenarios for that pack at The Proving Grounds at the moment getting playtested. If you are interested you might drop by. :D

    Just keep in mind that the scenarios are there to be playtested and are not the finished product at the moment. :mad:

    Panther Commander

  2. Originally posted by Andreas:

    BTW - 2nd Northants Yeo is the only regiment for which I have been able to find evidence that they used Challengers. Rumour has it that the Reconnaissance Regiment of Guards Armoured had them, but I don't think that could be verified.

    Thanks for the info.

    I'm doing a scenario for CMAK on Operation Goodwood and I needed the type of tanks that the 29th Armored Brigade was equipped with. As long as it was Shermans or Churchills I'm good to go.

    There was some very intese fighting on their front. At one time on the first day so many tanks were being hit that they thought the brigade was going to be wiped out. :(

    Thanks again.

    Panther Commander

  3. Originally posted by Holien:


    I will not be playing in the games and felt it was time to give you a chance to get into the finals.


    I do get to play the scenarios and my lips are sealed on what is in them.

    As for the perceived lack of spaces I really don't think that will be a problem. Yes you will always get some people who don't make it into the tourney but that is life.

    As stated above we want people who will complete all the games in a reasonable time frame and produce AAR's.

    The Vets have been there and done it and if they want to play again and sign up within the time limits given then they will earn a place because they are known to meet the critera.

    Jim was in the same boat as you Panther Commander, last tourney and he managed to get in. So please don't feel hard done by it is just a way of ensuring we have a succesful tourney with players who will complete the games and give the community AAR's.


    I'll give it a shot and see what happens. What time zone is this sign up anyway? :D

    If you're first to sign up you might be first to win the gold...er...grapes!!! :D

    Panther Commander

  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

    What would a single square width be on a 1:25000 map scale?

    If I remember correctly and I probably don't I was thinking the square width on a 1:50000 map is 1km.

    Which should make a 1:25000 square width 1/2a km.

    Is this right? :confused:

    Panther Commander

    Measure the squares. If the square is 1 cm wide, it represents 25,000 cm. If the square is 1 inch wide, it represents 25,000 inches. etc. </font>
  5. Originally posted by Holien:


    Just a quick answer to the question posed about sign up.

    When the sign up period is over the list will be scanned first for Vets of ROW I, II and III. These will be moved up the list to ensure that they have a place.

    Then Vets of any two of ROW's.

    Then Vets of any one ROW.

    Then overflow tourney players.

    Then anyone else if there is space.

    The only exclusion to this would be if Vets of ROW I, II, or III had dropped out of any of those tourneys. It would have to be considered if they had earned a Vet Status or would be grouped at the end. This would be I guess a case by case decision.

    The overiding aim is to get players who will stick with it and commit to playing the games in a reasonable time frame. This time frame will be established when the rules are issued.

    As for the issue on patches in the past we have stuck with the game as started. That way everyone is on a level playing field.

    The only way you could change that is if everyone in the tourney agreed to upgrade. If you have just one objection then it stays on the same level of patch.

    I hope this helps?


    It appears that the criteria for getting into the Tournament precludes anyone, who like myself, may be interested, but has never played in a tournament before.

    If that is the case, why don't you just email the 72 people that qualify and ask them if they want to play, before advertising to those who don't have a chance at getting in anyway? :confused:

    Panther Commander

  6. Originally posted by Soddball:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

    The AI doesn't defend well at all. It doesn't leave defenders in defense. They come out and attack. May have something to do with the battle selection. They react as though every battle is a meeting engagement.

    Panther Commander

    It's to do with flag position. Unless the AI in in possession of all flags at the beginning of the battle it will move forces out to take control of those flags. </font>
  7. Originally posted by Little Pete:

    True but including 'what ifs' as an OPTION surely should keep both sides happy.The realists simply take the options off their lists and the others have them there if they choose to use them.

    Roll on CM2 i say, hopefully it will be even more of a revolution smile.gif

    I would imagine that there are only so many slots available for equipment, terrain tiles, etc.

    If this is true you can understand why the grogs got bent out of shape, with your wanting one of those slots, for a weapons system that wasn't operational vs one that was.

    Panther Commander

  8. Originally posted by Little Pete:

    This is probably in the wrong forum (i dont recall any supertanks in Africa ;) ) but i thought i'd get more interest this way.

    Has anybody ever done a mod that can insert a model of the Maus tank into CM? If not, can the modders or the game designers please add it as a patch or something.I know it was never in operation but i think it would be a good laugh to have in the right scenario.

    Since your premise for the Maus is what if anyway, why not use the JadgTiger and pretend it's a Maus? Then you'll be set. There wasn't that much difference in them and what little there was wouldn't matter at the CM level.

    BFC has to consider who buys their game. Is it folks that want revisionist history or all the what if's that could come out of WWII? Or do the people that study what happened in WWII buy their games? The answer is some of both but which group do you suppose is larger? There in may lie the answer to your missing Maus.

    Panther Commander

  9. JasonC that was quite a post. :D

    I would agree with most of what you propose. The expansion of the simple battle, into a continuation of the war, is the best method of getting players to stop using the, "to the last man" tactic. I like the global morale idea. The level that a unit would disengage should have a lot to do with the experience level of the unit as well. Interestingly, in WWII, that sometimes worked differently for different armies.

    The Germans were tougher to "break" the more experience they had. The British 7th Armored Division, on the other hand, was accused of not doing their part later in the war. They wanted to live to see the end. British Divisions later in the war were more reluctant to attack and UK divisions were often given the assault jobs. So sometimes there are unintended consequences of experience.

    If the computer set an average level for disengaging for each experience level with the designer being able to adjust that level a much closer representation of actual combat results would be obtainable.

    This has all been about infantry combat so far... But I see far too many tankers staying to the bitter end as well. Tankers would leave the field much more quickly than infantry and more situations affect them. For instance, are they in a town with no infantry support, is it getting dark, has an AT gun killed one or two tanks and still not be located?(Not in CM with borg spotting but that may go away in CMx2)

    What I find most interesting is that, time compression is taken for granted in all levels of wargaming except tactical, and for some reason, it is not suppose to be used at that level. Everyone can see why it should be used in three month turns...who wants to sit around for three months doing a turn that took you an hour to complete? But take the same gamer and put them in a tactical situation and then the time compression isn't acceptable.

    Maybe it is because at the tactical level the gamer comes closer to having the game compare to actual combat than at any other level. No wargame compares to combat realistically IMHO but tactical level combat can come close, You get the hours of boredom puncutated by the few moments of shear terror. That you can get. It is hard to represent the hours of staff work, the working out of managerial tasks; such as logistics, asset support, POL, beans and bullets, etc...

    Runyan99 can you tell me why time compression bothers you at this level? What is so upsetting about it? I see where you think that CM doesn't portray WWII combat well, is that it? Are you wanting a combat simulator instead of a game? Or are you just wanting the game to add more bells and whistles that would slow down the action?

    There have been numerous examples sited in these posts about how much is left out. What is not left out is the few moments of terror. And that is watered down. I for one have never felt the shrinking of my gut when a Tiger I comes around the corner of a building that a Sherman driver must have felt. But I am probably not going to die from that event like the Sherman drive in WWII probably was.

    Intersting discussion that you started here, but I'm not sure exactly what has upset you. If you look at my scenario, in the briefing that you read, I stated that the Germans took six hours to take the village. I didn't ever say that my scenario was trying to model that entire six hour period in 25 minutes. I'm not sure that you didn't think that maybe I was trying to do that. :confused:

    Panther Commander

  10. Originally posted by Andreas:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by JunoReactor:

    A Stuka or two might have come in handy. Wonder why the ubiquitous Luftwaffe never made an appearance.

    I don't think there were any Stukas in Army Group North's air support in June and early July 1941. The Luftwaffe was far from ubiquitous during Barbarossa. On the contrary, it seems that in this sector air superiority belonged to the Soviets. </font>
  11. Originally posted by Bruceov:

    I see more and more Hetzers in 44-45 games in Italy. Provided you keep the front of the vehicle toward the enemy this vehicle is unkillable from the front by Sherman 75 or 76 or any antitank gun. I mean u can leave it parked out there and the shemans can flail away and unless the shermans get a gun hit or immobilize it they cant hurt it. Its more resistant to damage then is the Tiger or Panther. To make matters worse it shows up at a stug III to the enemy and you dont know its a hetzer until the shells start bouncing. How common and how successful was this vehicle.

    It was very common and very successful. Probably not as successful as you are seeing though. It's small size made it very hard to hit. The Hetzer didn't have the same problem when it shot back. There was a flamethrower version of the Hetzer as well.

    Panther Commander

  12. Originally posted by Runyan99:

    1) How much shooting actually occured during this period of time?

    2) Assuming there are lulls or pauses in the combat, when do they occur?

    3) How fast did attacking/defending units consume their ammunition?

    4) Not knowing how long an attack might last, were defending units under particular pressure to use their ammunition carefully?

    Here is what I think of some of your doctinal questions. The US Army doctrine during the 70's was for 30 minutes of ammo per rifle at normal rates of fire...whatever that is. But the intention was 30 minutes worth. Veteran units would probably do better green units would certainly do worse.

    While doing research on HSG W5 I read that the German Lt. in charge of the strongpoint mentioned that the STANDARD German practice in Russia was to not open fire until the Russians were within 100 meters. How often in CM do you see units engage half way across the map? Far too often. So part of the ammo problem is the player just throwing it away.

    Also the Russians used the tactic of running local peasants at the German defensive lines to get them to use up their ammo on these non-military targets and then attacked behind them. I have read this in more than one source but not sure how prevalent it was overall.

    Panther Commander

  13. Originally posted by Runyan99:

    PANTHER Commander, not Panzer Commander. My mistake.

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />

    The battle for Mortain was the name that the Americans gave to the last German offensive in France 1944. The Germans called it Operation Luttich. Hitler ordered that Avranches be captured, to cut off Patton's 3rd Army, that was running wild in Brittany.

    The German main thrust was through the village of Sainte Barthelemy. It took the Germans 6 hours to take the village.

    Let me make a confession. This is all I know about your scenario.

    I didn't download it. I didn't play it. I didn't read the briefings.

    Based only on the above information, I was disappointed in your design choice. To create only a 25 turn scenario.

    Rightly or wrongly, I did make one assumption. I assumed that your scenario compresses time. That is to say, you took a six hour battle, or some portion thereof, and compressed it into twenty five minutes.

    But maybe I am wrong about your scenario. Tell you what. I'll educate myself on the battle. I'll take a look at your design choices. You took the scenario off the Proving Grounds, so please mail it to me at crunyan7@cox.net . I'll take a look at it over the weekend. I'll find out exactly what your scenario attempts to cover, I'll consult my own sources to see if I have any information on the historical engagement, and I will get back to you.

    Keep in mind that I did not, and do not, intend for this thread to be about your particular scenario.


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