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Mad Russian

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Posts posted by Mad Russian

  1. Just a thought but does CM take into account crew experience on the ability to hit a target?

    It seems to me that the basic premise for this whole string of posts is can a Tiger I hit a tank at whatever range with a high degree of accuracy. The answer of course is yes.

    Lay the gun.

    Set the sights.

    Hit the target.

    IF the gun and target DO NOT MOVE you will hit it every time. So the variable is not can the Tiger hit the target with a high degree of accuracy because we know the system can do that. The question is whether the CREW can hit the target with a high degree of accuracy.

    This then brings into play all the things that Rune, Jason and others have been pointing out. The variables that interact with the human gunner and his ability to react and adjust his fire to meet those variables correctly enough to get a hit.

    Just MHO.

    Panther Commander

    [ February 16, 2004, 02:51 PM: Message edited by: Panther Commander ]

  2. Originally posted by Kingfish:

    ROW IV has officially started, with the first e-mails going out a few minutes ago.

    If you do not receive an e-mail from me for 'Frontier Firefight '40' please let me know asap. You might want to give it a an hour or two just to be sure.

    I'm planning on sending out another this afternoon, and a third this evening. The remaining two will go out on Sunday.

    Good luck to all

    So far I have received nothing. I've even emailed you directly and nothing. You trying to tell me something??!! :D

    Panther Commander

  3. Originally posted by Holien:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

    Been gone a couple of weeks but back on the home front now. Are the scenarios small-med-large-huge or all of the above?

    Panther Commander

    All of the above and some absolute whoppers with 2Meg plus files on a regular basis.

    Make sure you can handle these games and if in doubt talk to us before starting the tourney.

    H </font>

  4. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    I thought I sent you a link weeks ago to my site


    You did. I just hadn't gotten around to viewing it yet. Exellent site. I was wondering why there were two classes of the medals at Bronze and Silver level and when they changed over. Your site cleared that up. Probably more when I have a chance to look at it.

    Panther Commander

  5. I need the German Army decorations for valor, wounds, combat or anything else that is interesting for use in a campaign tracker being tested on The Proving Grounds.

    I think there is a German wound badge but not sure how many levels and there were also tank assault badges but once again not sure what levels.

    Anyone interested in playtesting the campaign tracker can go to The Proving Grounds and immediately get involved. There is a detailed description of the concept in the Discussion segment of the site. The short version is that it will be similair to the campaign game in Squad Leader.

    Panther Commander

  6. Originally posted by Runyan99:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

    All of his work is done at very low level and are all worth taking a look at. While you are looking Night Drop is another excellent source of the types of information you are looking for.

    I am only familiar with Marshall from Men Against Fire, which I had to read in college. I have not read any of his other works, probably because they seem not to be in current publication. What I saw during my quick Amazon search was that his tactical histories all seem to have been last published in the '60s. I wonder why he has fallen out of current publication.

    I am familiar with the controversy surrounding Men Against Fire. Has that tarnished his other work? </font>

  7. Originally posted by GJK:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by GJK:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Magpie7787:

    GJK just checked your site. That is how the fan site should look like. To have lots of infos about it. If you want that we host you email me.

    Thanks for the offer Magpie, but unfortunately it's written in WebDNA, a fairly obscure programming language that has a price-tag of $4,995.95 for a license for the enterprise edition which you would need on your server. The site could be converted to PHP, but that is far beyond the time (and skill) for me to do that.

    I would be available to help someone here that is looking to build a new site though - be it graphical or HTML coding. </font>

  8. Originally posted by GJK:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Magpie7787:

    GJK just checked your site. That is how the fan site should look like. To have lots of infos about it. If you want that we host you email me.

    Thanks for the offer Magpie, but unfortunately it's written in WebDNA, a fairly obscure programming language that has a price-tag of $4,995.95 for a license for the enterprise edition which you would need on your server. The site could be converted to PHP, but that is far beyond the time (and skill) for me to do that.

    I would be available to help someone here that is looking to build a new site though - be it graphical or HTML coding. </font>

  9. Originally posted by WWB:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Panther Commander:

    I just signed up for the ROW IV tournament. It said that I would be notified if I get in. Shouldn't the program automatically generate an email letting you know that the sign up was good?

    Just a thought.

    Panther Commander

    Just because you filled out the form successfully does not mean you will get in, given the precedence of veterans, etc.

    That and I hate the PHP mail function--it slowed down the script by a factor of 25 or so.

    No comment on the signups, except to say there is clearly significant interest.

    WWB </font>

  10. Originally posted by Runyan99:

    "Battle at Best"?

    Interesting. I've never even heard of that book. I'll do an Amazon search.

    Edit - I found a copy on Amazon for $3.18, so why not. I'll take a look at it.

    All of his work is done at very low level and are all worth taking a look at. While you are looking Night Drop is another excellent source of the types of information you are looking for.

    Panther Commander

  11. Currently reading Battle at Best by S.L.A. Marshall

    The book details the fight of a Paratrooper platoon for three days. It took them three days of fighting to run out of ammo. It also details very well the movements and fighting of a platoon, company and battalion.

    The book is about several small unit actions, and covers several theaters, in several wars.

    Maybe this will help some on the whole concept of what happens to men in combat and how the time is spent along with the ammunition.

    Panther Commander

  12. All,

    Thank you for your help with my understanding of the Miiliary Medal. I have posted the scenario for the fight involving Sergeant Kite on The Proving Grounds. It is ready for playtesting. Remember if you go to The Proving Grounds that the scenarios are there getting playtested and are not the finished product.

    Thanks for your assistance. Hope you like the scenario.

    Panther Commander

  13. Originally posted by Andreas:

    material for that either."

    I do not accept narratives I find suspect, or where I have my doubts about the author and can not find independent verification

    Schmidt's past condemns him in my eyes, and he should absent himself from the business of writing about an episode of history he was so closely involved in manipulating. IMO. I am certain there are many other professions he would have done well in. Marketing comes to mind.

    I prefer first person narratives with maps, if you are asking what our preferences are.

  14. Originally posted by Los:

    While Carrell makes for a great read I too think it's far from the "Gold standard" (BTW I wouldn't call any one source the gold standard, that's inane). It is however another source in the tapestry of history of history on the Russain front and certainly a good idea generator for scenarios. But then again being a nazi or even someone who once worked for Signal does not automatically make one a poor writer or historian.

    "Is Andreas on a Holy Mission against former Nazis?"

    I think his anger management issues have less to do with Nazi's than his perception that those who read about them and go "aww cool"?


    The reason I say the Carell/Schmidt, is the gold standard, is because I don't know of many people, interested in WWII, that haven't read his works.

    Like them or not they have brought an entire generation and now maybe two into further study of WWII. His were the first German view books of the war I ever read. They sent me in search of more and more. I think the popularity of his books, gave us to a great extent, the huge amount of offerings available to us today.

    His writing style, which probably was developed in his Nazi job by the sounds of it, is very good. He draws you into the fighting. I have never been one to care much about strategy so I didn't give his poor me attitude much latitude. I think the bias is in any author's work anyway.

    Like him or not he has done great service to those of us that call this our hobby. IMHO.

    I too have an issue with people that think the Nazi's were "cool". I don't think every person that ever read for instance, Manstein's book, is a Nazi lover however. For me the facination is the against all odds part of the story. They shouldn't have put themselves in that position. The German people have a lot of soul searching to do and I believe most of them that lived through that era have.

    I lived in Germany for a time and found them to be a very pleasant people. Not what one would expect from a Nazi. I only ever met one Nazi and SS Major who wasn't apologetic for a single minute and was ready to go back to Russia in a moments notice. The war is over. Time to go on. Discussing Carell is okay. Getting emotional about it is a little unusual.

    Having seen some of the documentation on Andreas' website I can certainly understand his attitude. I just don't necessarily agree with it. But that's okay we don't have to agree with each other about everything. I wish him all the best.

    I did not know of Schmidt's past, and now that I do, I will continue to view his published works in the same light as I did before. They are a record of the German fighting man in adverse conditions, what they did to make the best of it, and what the outcome was.

    As for Schmidt the man, I don't know if he is still alive or not, I can only hope that he is repentant for what his part of the evil that the 3rd Reich was. It appears that his, was a bigger share, than most Germans came close to having.

    Panther Commander

  15. Originally posted by Stavka_lite:

    Now I may be wrong but I think that the firebombings of Dresden and Tokyo targeted the civilian populations in order to break their morale and stop supporting the war. Like I said I could be wrong but I don't think so.

    I stand corrected. Dresden was an attack on the city population. The Japanese cities are harder to put into that class because so much of the industry was done in the little shops around the towns. So to hit the town was to hit the industry. Not as much as people may think but still a legitimate target.

    What is crazy about the "break their morale to fight" theory is that it has been shown many times to have the opposite effect.

    Panther Commander

  16. Thanks to all of you, for making an American a bit less ignorant about the rest of the world. All these responses bring up a few more questions though.

    The source I read said that Sgt. Kite was Britians most decorated soldier in WWII. Is that correct or not? Or is he the most decorated non-Officer? Or is he the only British soldier to have won three medals of any type? Or what?

    Also it appears to me that if you are killed in the Service of England the need for a medal is past and they don't award them. I am sure that preception is wrong. Most of the medals listed are shown as not being issued postumously. So what is the deal with that?

    Panther Commander

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