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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. While it offers more scenarios, it unfortunatly offers only one campaign. Which is still excellent, though. But it would have been nice if a patch or the vanilla version would have had a 1919 - 1949 campaign, or any campaign starting before pearl harbor / 1941. Even a campaing like 1943- 1949 or something like that would have been a nice addition. Anyway, the game is still very good (and the still the "but" remains). On the other hand that is just me. Other players are probably extatic of joy about all those scenarios.
  2. Pacific Theater has a larger map of the pacific, and it is really fun to play. Global Conquest has the even larger map as it has the whole world, but a slightly smaler map of the pacific. On the other hand: you can attack east africa or madagaskar as the japanese player in Global Conquest, which isn't possible in Pacific Theater. Very difficult decision. I would recommend Global Conquest. And if you can spare the money, then buy Pacific Theater as well. But in my opinion Global Conquest offers you more: more mapsize, the newest and by far best SC game engine ever, more replayability. But if you don't want to play the war in europe, than you should grab Pacific Theater, because you "only" play in the pacific in this game. Again, i would choose Global Conquest. Maybe a modder will release a Pacific Theater only game in the future. If this happens, than the Global Conquest game engine will generate much more fun, the Pacific Theater game engine is good as well, but not as good the the Global Conquest one. REALLY trickery, your question, yes, it is.
  3. I still think the the original War in the Pacific (the Dos-Matrix version) is one of the all time best games about the Pacific War. And i love Steel Panther (Matrix General Edition). The first one is WORK to play, but if you dare to go this way, than it offers you quite a lot (i loved -as an example- that generals could die if the city they were stationed when this city became the target of a strategic bombing run), Steel Panthers is a timeless classic i will surely still play in 20 years (if there are still computers out there which can run the game). And the same goes for all Strategic Command games (maybe without the first part, which can't compete anymore with anything of the later releases). I am glad that Hubert was able to hold out this long, as after the pittyful death of SSI there were no more decent WW2 games on the market. For nearly a decade! And i had the strange feeling that this wouldn't change for ever. But than came SC1 (hurrah!). I would be so pleased if Hubert (instead of an too early release of SC3) would re-invent some of the greatest SSI games. Like Sword of Aragon. Sigh.
  4. No fear, Kuniworth, Hubert has done this with the 1.01 patch for Global Conquest. Among many other things the patch opened up the gameplay. As i wrote on several other places before: i had the privilege to get access to the 1.01 beta patch. And as much as i was unlucky about the 1.00 version of the game, as much am i happy about the 1.01 version. And even more. I stopped playing the game after i posted my last outburst here. But after i had the 1.01 patch installed, i return every day :eek: back to my computer to play on. And on. And on. I love the game in the 1.01 version! It would be nice if everyone who quote me from my "one scrippted event too much for my taste" (that was the 1.00 version) post some weeks ago would be so kind to consider this before he quotes me from this post(s) again. Or else i will have to quote myself in their posts as well. Just the subtle way like i did right now some lines above, the one line in bold, arial black, size 5.
  5. I will never settle back for anything less with at least the size of Global Conquest. SC3, well, yes, give it to me, my money sits loose for any new gem, but never ever take the world away from me again! Hexes, yes, bigger map, yes, more options, yes, more more, yes. But i won't go back to single theater campaigns. You have to play Global Conquest to understand the meening, the need for the whole world. And wait for the 1.01 patch, which will bring Global Conquest towards new, golden heights. I've seen the light, Kuni.
  6. Oops, sorry, SeaMonkey, i misunderstood you indeed, my mistake!
  7. SeaMonkey, i tend to disagree on this one. If you create "heavy weapons", than why the heck shouldn't be AA within that category? The more logical step would be to allow land / air units to get the AA tech via unit upgrade. I don't need and i don't want the AA unit on mapscale like in the 1939 campaign. If playing in the Nupremal ubermap, well, that would be another story (end even there the AA upgrade would be the more elegant solution).
  8. SeaMonkey, what exactly are you trying to say here? If Gypsy observation is correct, than we are facing a bug here. And you are honestly trying to tell us that this bug is an awesome feature, to be adored by us all? Or did i simply missed the joke because of my limited language knowledge? :confused:
  9. I would like to recommend this webside: http://www.german-navy.de/kriegsmarine/zplan/index.html After an short introduction you can learn quite a bit about the Z-Plan.
  10. Well, after all it is a french city, so you were probably near to the truth after all.
  11. Breast, hignar-hihi. You ment Brest, before your thoughts drifted away, am i right?
  12. -In France you have probably denied the question if Vichy France should be installed or not. -If you raid norwegian freighters, well, what do you think might the proper answer be if not to declare war on the pirate? -Disbanding: yes, as far as i know it is interntional, as in SC1 people tried to cash in ALL of them to fill the Allied war chest. Hubtert explained this again very recently in another thread here.
  13. Bill101, than transform the Spee with her 28 cm guns into a weak BB instead. This could be another option. You could always explain that the the River Plate Battle had already occured.
  14. I wouldn't call GC a disappointment. There are so many wonderful, and long awaited new additions in this game. The map of GC, well, yes, there you have a point, there i stand right next to you. But i hope and pray that Hubert won't forget us with this. Until today he always had and open ear and open heart for the wishes of his followship. Only if he would ignore our cries, than i would agree with you about a disapointment and the need for more caution. Until than i will surely grant him the benefit of the doubt. At least this much trust he has already earned himself with his SC releases.
  15. You have to grant Hubert that he put the game editor into the game as well. And both maps (Big Al / Nupremal) are already in the repository, so all GC customers can get them from there for free. Hubert already stated that in the retrospect a larger map might have been the better choice. As much as i would want a larger map as well, you can't overlook the fact that at some point of the development process the developer can't simply start again from the beginning. If you decided for a map, than at a certain point you have left the point of no return, you have to stick with your decision. This i can understand, and i have no problem if the map i have hoped for wasn't in the vanilla version of the game. Of course, i hope with you as well, that at a certain point we will get a larger map, may it be as a part of an official expansion, as a patch, or as a mod (even here the game deverlopers often help the modders, at least that is what I think when i see how fast the developers answer the questions of the modders). I think, the first of Huberts efforts will be one or two patches to correct game balance and / or mistakes. And if the audience than still ask for a larger, playable map, and if the modders haven't exactly brought the comunity exactly this, Hubert will probably think how to deliver a larger map in addition to the one we got in the vanilla version.
  16. Thanks Hubert! I can only agree and understand. In my own job i appreciate the insight (every now and then) from outsider as well. But in the end this is your game, i'm only one single customer out of hundreds (or hopefully: thousands).
  17. Bill101, i think the problem is that the Graf Spee was a single ship while single ships are not ment to be in any SC release. Maybe a complete new unit might have done the trick? As there are no AA units, why not use the open slot for commerce raiders? Those commerce raiders could be a naval power as strong as something like a DD unit, but of course without the ability to hunt subs, and with unlimited supply. Even though their attacks on convoy lines would be somewhat like moskito bites, they would be still annoying to the Allied Player. The Graf Spee could be a strong commerce raider unit instead of a weak CA task forces. Give the axis side some more commerce raiders (maybe with the "silent" option like the subs) and the axis had some nice toys to harras the wide wide oceans while the Allied side had something to hunt for. The Graf Spee doesn't need to be a fear factor to allied CA task forces. If at all only a worthy match for an allied DD unit (that would perfectly represent the fight of the Spee against the british units before the germans scutteled the ship near Montevideo. Commerce raiders could start everywhere on the map, you could always explain this as those ships did hide themself as neutral merchants.
  18. Skipping wouldn't have been my choice as well, no, i am truly glad that the Graf Spee was in the game. I would have cried out loud if i wouldn't have had the ship in the game, i know myself. But instead of strength 1, what about a 3, a 4, or a 5? With strength 4 or 5, you could alway still explain that a strength 10 unit is a group out of 2 or 3 CAs with escorts. That would be fitting better within the game design, the previous explained numbers.
  19. Nupremal, great, great work! Unbelievable! Of course i wouldn't be able to run a game with this mapsize anymore on my PC (this map is even larger than those in PDE / PT!). @ Gorgin Something between Nupremals and the vanilla map would have been wonderfull. I own a intel P4 with 3ghz, 2 GB Ram and ati graphic card (850) with 256 mb ram, this system is in no way able to play Nupremals wonderfull map at an acceptable, smooth speed, not to mention what would happen if the AI would use system ressources as well. Huberts map works fine with my system. It would be truly wonderfull if we could get a larger map than Huberts vanilla version, which wouldn't have to be so big as Nupremals (i presume this map makes it already pretty difficult to even find your units). Anyway, you can only praise Nupremal for his work. Hubert, for your next release, couldn't you simply hire Nupremal to your team? Obviously he knows what he is doing, isn't he?
  20. I would like to ask for a humble improvement. Right now no SC game has background music while the game runs. And this is surely a good thing. But i would love the following upgrade: a mp3-player in the game, which plays randomly thoses songs or tunes it finds in a new (to be created) folder, which could be empty in the vanilla version of the game. Imagine an allied folder and an axis folder. If you play the allied side, than the mp3 player could plays those files (randomly) he finds in the allied mp3 folder. If you decide not to play background music, you turn off the mp3 player or you don't copy your files / songs into those folders. This way it would be possible to hear your (probably historic) music while playing the game, while the game designer / distributor wouldn't have to buy or license any songs at all. Of course i can already run a separate mp3 player while playing the game, but if the game would be able to play allied songs while the allied player plays and axis songs (or no songs) while the axis side makes his moves, well, this could be a nice addition. Just a suggestion, of course.
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