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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. Try to implemt the pictures into the forum entry, so that no one has to click onto the pic just to see them, what is kind of laborious, please. edit: mmhm, now i see your pics as thumbnails, what would be ok, i guess. Even though: if you like perfection, use the postcard button.
  2. You don't need to upload it here. I uploaded my pics at my blogger account, and than i simply inserted the adress of the uploaded jpg with the yellow poscard button "insert image". If you click this button, you only need to insert the address of your picture. I think the limited sizes only applies if you upload pictures at the battlefront server (what you wouldn't do when you use photobucked, btw.: and now its my time to say thank you for the info! Wasn't aware of this free service).
  3. Btw.: there are dozen of free tools, like "Gimp" or "Hardcopy" or "Paint.Net" or "irfanView" ir "TwistedBrush"
  4. Why do you need to reduce it size to 1/4?
  5. I have no problems with random, many random or simply unfair random elements. War is exactly like that. Not predictable the second it startet. I'm glad that i'm not in Huberts shoes, where find soon enough, that you will never be able to make it right to everyone.
  6. Maybe we need a tech tree ranging fom 1 to 10 instead of 1 to 2. This way you would more often get hits and wouldn't feel like nothing good ever happend your way. And while we're at it, why not tech failures, reducing your tech level (at least temporarily)?
  7. Europe All quiet on the western front with Iceland now under allied control. In the east i lost a soviet tank against half a dozen attackers of all kinds. South of Smolensk i whipped a german corps with a 3:0 attack resault from one of my entreched soviet armies. The french SS Surcouf did again her 13 mpp attack on the norwegian ore convoys. With no swedish convoys and still no rumanian oil wells i assume that jjr needs some quick victories, or else i will win the war in europe by simple attrition, as no subs raiding my convoy lines. Since ages. Africa East africa is covered by rain and clouds, so no acitivties worth mentioning here. Asia Lost Changsha and the remains of 2 chinese armies. Japan shadows Midway and Wake, probably to prepare invasions. Battle smell is in the air, can't be too long before the air ignites.
  8. Well, but what about the research results that brought bad, not working and stupid products? Not everything you research will be better than the one you already own. The germans research many things, and not so few were absolutly useless. Divebombing strategic bombers, super-heavy tanks, divebombing jet planes, jet fighters used as strategic bombers. Ot think about those usesless tanks the russians and allied developed, like the T28 or Grant (useless compared to what was needed or would have been so much better instead). There are so many examples where no results or bad results waited at the end of a research line. Just my 2 cents.
  9. Europe Kiev has fallen, Odessa is besieged. A counterattack of 2 soviet armies and a tank killed a german special forces unit. JJR Bombed the Dnepropetowsk mines to ashes with 2 bombers (german and italian). The french SS Surouf constantly drains 10 and more mpps out of his norwegian convoys. Rumania and Bulgaria still neutral. Africa The happy times in East Africa are over, as some reinforcements from the med marching to take revenge. The Sub escaped after another battle, both sides licking their wounds here. Asia Wuhan has fallen, and with no defenders that was not such a big surprise. China is nearly dead now. The imperial navy scouts Midway...
  10. The patch (1.03) is to be installed over the retail version. Thats what it is for. Why shouldn't it compatible when it one AND ONLY purpose is to update the retail version? I fear that i don't understand the question. Did you ment save-game like? When will v 1.03 be compatible with a 1.00 safe? :confused::confused::confused:
  11. Yes, agreed. And wasn't "natural chaos" the way this feature went active in SC, too? (sorry, Hubert) :D This again proves that you can't plan everything, neither in war nor in programming a war game. :eek:
  12. I'm already back from work, but thats me, living in an european time zone. No, i didn't got a kil on you sub, far away from it. We simply exchanged hits, as i only ran into a surprise contact. I think your sub is still at strength 8. In china i made some mortal mistakes, when i moved units right before your attacks, wasting my entrenchment bonus for nothing. Unnescessary movements, not for my attacks, but simply and silly changing positions in the defense line. Some of these units didn't survived the following turn, other never recovered from their wounds. If i see the chance to achive greatness, surprise or to give a hurting blow from which i hope to get the better end, i often do it. I like the way you play, with ignoring Hitler-Stalin and Vichy (viel Feind, viel Ehr / the more danger, the more honor). Maybe you shouldn't have gone on the attack with your naval units, like fighting it out with the RN. The raiding activities would have hurt so much more, as you have proven when you fooled me with the Graf Spee and the Sub, which i didn't found for several rounds.
  13. Asia China lost 2 corps and an HQ. Only the western provinces are safe, at least for a couple of turns. In the east we hold 3 cities, but only 2 of 'em are guarded by defenders. At least one japanese CV is cruising west of Pearl Harbor. Africa East Africa, i goofed up things here, when i didn't approached strong enough the italian defenders. This let to a constant corps dying on my side. On the other hand: North Africa is secured, this gives me some options what to do with my air, land and naval units there. I will think of something, i guess. East of Madagascar i run into the german sub, which was more alive than i thought it would be. Anyway, it is sub against my DD now, JJR got sloppy as he parked his sub on the same place for at least one turn (i went for the sighting you get when a raider attacks a convoy line). Europe: Some germans in front of Kiev. He as at least 2 dive bombers. His attack on Riga was a desaster for my side, as an entreched corps with inf 1 / AT 1 did no damage in 5 or 6 sequenced battles. The battered Marat BB was killed, such an unlucky ship. At the end of my turn i got a russian partisan unit. JJR seems to ignore these kind of possibilities, as this already happened a couple of times in china as well. Finland joined the Axis. Bulgaria and Romania are still neutral. Bombed Danmark (city & harbor), both EMPTY. Well, well, well ... The USA is at 24%. This has to change, and better be quick with it, colonists!
  14. Why? And why shouldn't they be have a slight chance to damage attackers? I think SC would be a bit better with the current status of always giving the defender, even a 0 defender, to damage the attacker.
  15. I like it to. I never was a friend of those "free" attacks. "Its a feature, not a bug."
  16. Europe Germany assaulted Russia, and in the inital attack Minsk was lost to the fascists. Riga is surrounded by the german warmongers. Stalin ordered instant counterattacks. A german corps east of Kiev was killed, while both sides lost a tank unit. Asia Lanchow is still besieged, the remains so the Youth Army were crunched, just like a partisan unit marching towards Beijing. Kunming faces deadly opposition. Africa Tripolis awaits its liberators as the last italians died defending the winestore. In East Africa the Italians manage to hold their ground while giving deadly blows towards all closing allied forces. South of Madagaskar a sub fulfilled its duty to the Vaterland. Politics The USA started the Largo Embargo. Ahem, the Oil embargo against Japan. Back to Sake and coal, my friends. (sorry for the reduced text)
  17. Thank you for the flowers :eek: , Minty. I for my part think that he simply used his best options avaiable at hand instead of being drunk or in a wasting the game away mood.
  18. Asia Thanks to parisan activities i'm able to puncture Japan again once more, even though without of any hope to achieve anything with them. With the first capital fallen and heavy losses (HQ, the remains of my once proud tac air) the second capital is already besieged by the japanese army. Changsha and Foochow remain under my control, as there were never targeted by any major offensives. Its a pity that i couldn't choose about what city should becomeh my next capitol. This way your opponent can virtually attack nearly all capitols at the same time and ignoring all the other cities. Europe More and more german uints arrive in east poland. Tac air, HQs, tanks (thank god still only lvl 1) and lots of armies and corps. But the balkans remain neutral, probably because France never surrendered. A fighter attack on a german HQ near Paris was intercepted by a german fighter placed at the Ruhr industrial area. No naval activities, the german BBs Bismarck and the uncompleted Tirpitz scouting the neutral Russia. Can only hope that the Finns show no love for a foreign BB next to their woods and beaches. Africa North Africa is about to become cleaned from any italian occupation very soon now, as an UK corps moved in from the west to help the french while from the east an UK spearhead will soon offer help as well. A german sub is hunting down convoys toward the indian ocean, at least thats my guess.
  19. I beg to differ, as i have experienced it as well in my actual game against jjr, multiple times my poor chinese suffered for attacking a not so helpless HQ. But never before 1.03.
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