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Everything posted by xwormwood

  1. I googled (Canberra, ice , weather) and stumbeld about this interesting weather link: http://www.weatherzone.com.au/news/tasmania-as-cold-as-ice/12251
  2. I do research AA-Tech, especially if i can't afford anytime soon a good fighter force. Strategic Bombers are very useful if you bomb the supply level to zero, especially if you want to conquer this city, and if your enemy receives his supply out of this city. Rockets and Artillery are ok, same would apply for the A-Bomb. In my eyes these units are only in the game to reflect their historical presence, to smoothen up the game-feeling. For me this works very good. Tanks, well, i wouldn't change too much here. Maybe units could loose temporary some of their movement points when they have entrenched to a certain level, just to reflect that it takes some time mobilize units with entrechment level 3, 4 or higher. Infrastructure would become more important if your OP-Range would benefit from this tech as well, or better: low Infrastructure level = short(er) OP-Movement distances.
  3. To answer the question: it will be stored in the temporary cache of your computer. The "print screen" function is a standard MS Windows process to capture the screen into the cache of your computer. You can always (not only in Strategic Command) press the print screen button to get a screen shot. While stored in the cache (and if you can resist copy anything else into the cache, may it be a word, a letter, Excel content or another screen shot) you can insert the captured contend in your cache into any program that allows you to do so. This could be as Bill101 already wrote Ms-Paint (or any other decent image processing application), or Ms-Word, Excel, etc. etc.).
  4. You're correct, they fight on for the allied cause.
  5. Hi Chargin Smith! Hubert included this (at least to a point) already into the game. You can watch some of these information if you click on the "reports" button on the right side menu bar. In the report click on the "losses" button. And than enjoy yourself with a click on the "details" and "convoys/mpp" buttons. This should help to fill the emptyness after your game has ended. This and maybe another game of Global Conquest. This is already much more than we could find in any other SC release before Global Conquest. But of course, as everyone else, i would always welcome even more glitter and (high)scoretables, a miltary rank (like in Pirates or Civilization), a lovely tune, a dia-show of me taking the crown as Emperor of the world, a gravyard-map where the places of all sunk or destroyed units are marked, you name it. As for now, i'm very pleased that Hubert has included the detailed losses informations into the game.
  6. Yolo, sorry if my last comment sounded maybe a bit to rude. I simply, probably because of a different background, can understand that there might be areas where a large unit can't move into certain terrain, at least not in bad weather. I try to move my HQs next to the unit i want to move (adjacent, side by side). Most times this helps. If not, i try to move a different, passable way, and / or to kill any enemy i can't reach with my air force (land or naval) or airborne units. If the map would be bigger, like in PDE or PT, than i would probably support your wish, i presume. But with the slightly smaler map scale i feel content with some movement limitations, at least in Burma and the chinese mountains. I have to admit that there was a time not so very far away that i felt pretty much the same like you. But after playing the game for some time (thanks to Hubert in the 1.01 beta version) i came to accept and welcome those very few limitations, as i feel them fitting into the historical time frame and into what i think might be historical problems.
  7. Yolo, why do i have the feeling that you didn't understood what Hubert wrote? Honestly: use HQs, avoid bad weather or bad terrain, get the mobility upgrade. There is a reason why you suffer this way. And it is not the game engine as you can read above in Huberts statement.
  8. If you look at the units than a lvl 3 minor tank looks like a lvl 2 major power tank. I think the minor lvl 3 tank only fight with mojor power lvl 2 strength, even though i'm not sure about it. But why else would Hubert use the graphics of the lvl 2 major power weapon system?
  9. As much as everyone would love to have EVERY country of the GC world as a true major power playable, as much (at least) i don't miss the Italian major power in the game. The Italians are in the game. It is expensive to bring them to power, else they stay rather unready for war. So, what am i really missing here? Only the joy to have as much major powers as possible. In a world wide game the italians are of course important, but not as important as other majors powers, which are in the game. But who knows, maybe a future release will bring them back. Until this day i have absolutly on problem to play the italians as an axis minor power.
  10. Have you enabled the quick AI movement (sorry, forgot the correct name for this new feature)? This might help. I don't know what kind of computer you're using. Mine is reather old (P4 3,0 ghz, Win XP, 256MB Radeon 800XT, 2GB RAM, but all i have to wait is about 5 minutes (in times where all hell breaks loose on every frontline).
  11. Rangoon, that meens jungle, i think, and probably bad weather as well. I can live with this, and i wouldn't agree that it should always be possible to move 1 tile within a game turn (14 days). But i think something like gebirgsjaeger / mountain troops would be a fine addition (may it be as a tech or as a new special unit). If those would be allowed to move every turn, well, i guess those guys would truly be equipped for it, like with donkeys etc.
  12. Your english, and your history insights are very welcome here, my dear french brother, if you allow me to say so as one of your neighbors from the other :eek: side of the rhine. Feel free to enrich & enlighten this forum with your point of view. :)
  13. Same problem which even mighty Rommel stopped in his tracks: MALTA, my friend, the allied island CV in the med sea. Welcome to reality.
  14. Ever tried this beauty: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=207&Itemid=301 :confused:
  15. Colin, relax and wait for the cavalary (patch 1.01).
  16. Hey Hubrecht, welcome to the SC Global Conflict Forum. This is THE place to go to get saved (in SC terms). As you obviously already learned for yourself, i guess.
  17. Scook, you are probably playing on "expert" difficult lvl, where the AI gets a slightly better view range than the human player, could this be the reason?
  18. Thats what i would suggest if anybody would ask me about this specific feature.
  19. I wouldn't be thrilled to move supply or convoy ships on my own. This would be WORK, not fun anymore. At least in my eyes.
  20. I think it might be pretty tough to playbalance AI-peace treaties. As we, the human players, would probably find soon and easy ways to force the "dumber" AI into our treachery peace offers.
  21. Snowstorm, my patch-involvement is so very low that i would be ashamed to add my name anywhere near to the developement or the work around and for the patch 1.01. As Hubert already said: release date is probably very near now. Hubert, where, why and what about would you see changes nescessary in the convoy / raider system?
  22. Bluestew, you need to add more infos when you report your problems with subs/DD or research. If you lvl 3 Sub has a bad morale or low supply or no experience and the DD is fully supplied, and / or high morale or with better experience, than the whole story gets a different reading. If have no such problems, i don't feel that there is a problem regarding this issue. Same goes for research. How many chits did you invest into ASW, how high or low was your inteligence lvl? General Guderian once said "nicht kleckern sondern klotzen", meaning something like "don't take half-measures, but do things in a big way instead". Concentrate your research on ASW if it is important for your navy, use all the three possible chits into it. And don't neglect inteligence, as it is interweaved with your overal research results. @Bill101 I think the Brest idea is good and it works pretty well & realistic. If Seamonkey decides to bomb it turn after turn, than i would call this "history repeats itself", at this is exactly what the UK did to Brest, while Germany spent tons of money to build the precious sub bunker. But why not place the strongpoint at Bordeaux / La Rochelle? This way the UK would need better planes with longer range to have the opportunity to bomb the harbor. Or maybe Brest AND La Rochelle / Bordeaux instead of only Brest?
  23. I presume "making peace" with anyone is more or less an option or wish for a SC3 game engine.
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