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General Jack Ripper

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Posts posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. 21 hours ago, rocketman said:

    That brought fond memories to life. I hope we again some day in the future will see NormalDude (ChrisND) on Twitch doing his now infamous scouting. 

    Funny enough, that's exactly what came to mind. ;)

    Anyway, I'll have a video along soon. I managed to get some time to myself this afternoon and recorded video showing the entire fight for Casa Fanella and Casa Riposa.

    I'm going to focus on that side of the battlefield first, then I'll cover the other sectors.

  2. 6 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    It's a shame @General Jack Ripper has deleted the video of his CM:SF match against @IICptMillerII;)

    I have not. It's right here: https://youtu.be/6TQ6fRLaGec

     @IICptMillerII. Please keep ancillary discussion to a minimum. This is an AAR thread, not a general discussion thread.

    I openly admit in my video I completely screwed up my attempt at scouting, yet was still able to generate some accurate intelligence.

    If you're expecting an error-free battle, then you'll have to find some thread over in fantasy land, because as anyone around here can attest, even the best among us make mistakes.

    The next video will be posted on Saturday, perhaps @BletchleyGeek can fill the time with some writing?

  3. 8 hours ago, BletchleyGeek said:

    Here's the video for the very few seconds before the end of the turn... the obvious command for that section was to set it to fire on that contact marker :)

    Okay, I missed that in my review because the camera was too close to spot the contact marker behind the tree.

    8 hours ago, BletchleyGeek said:

    I was actually expecting you to have deployed significant forces fighting in "guerrilla" well ahead of your force.

    I had intended to do that, but previous experience at night fighting against @lucas showed me how deadly it was to engage the enemy without having superior firepower.
    I was determined to hold my own forces back until I could gain some advantage, or at least have a concrete idea of where you were.

    As you said previously, superior firepower at point of contact is key, because once the shooting starts, all nearby teams will join in.
    So having a few teams scattered in front of my force would have simply got them killed to no real advantage aside from intel, but I think my METT-TC analysis was good enough to operate without a complete intelligence picture.

    Of course, we shall see how right or wrong that idea was in the next video on Saturday, when we have contact along the MLR.

  4. The next video explores my attempt to gain some intelligence about enemy intentions.

    After completing my METT-TC analysis, and deploying my troops, I seek to gain the one piece of the puzzle I do not have. To that end, I send my scouts out, "NormalDude Style". In proper fashion, they get brutally murdered, due to a mistake I made planning my movement.

    EDIT: While my scouts may have come to grief, it did teach me one very important lesson, very early in the battle, and that is the exact amount of visibility I would be dealing with due to the prevailing weather conditions. So in that regard, their deaths were invaluable.

  5. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 1:07 AM, Vergeltungswaffe said:

    Gotta love a Sherman with a 105


    Now there's a pretty thing...


    4 minutes ago, c3k said:

    Ahh...models. Ships, planes, tanks: I had them all. I -also- had a BB gun. Oh, there were battles. Big, destructive battles. I also had a lighter. Burning wrecks, pieces flying off, GLORY!

    Now, I don't have any more models left.


    ^ Same here. My very first experiment in burning something came at the expense of a B-17G model I had lit on fire, for an authentic crash scene.
    My mom didn't care about my arguments in favor of, "But it's more realistic this way!" That thing had been EXPENSIVE.
    Of course, far be it for a nine-year-old to understand the concept of money...


    Anyway, here's my entry for the thread, one of my favorite tanks:

    That thing just screams, "TANK!"

  6. On ‎4‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 1:39 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    So did you buy it yet Chris.....This thing is just made for your dry style!  ;)

    I'd love to hear your comments on what I did in my last run through the TOC.....I fear I may have triggered WWIII within the first six minutes of play!  :o

    It appears to me you actioned the intelligence properly in all respects. The enemy cannot trouble your forces if he has been completely eradicated... ;)

    I do have a week off coming in early May. I might just have to buy CMBS so I can play this scenario... Maybe I'll run Bandicam while I do it... :ph34r:

  7. 18 hours ago, Firehead said:

    This sounds like a scenario that you probably won't even be able to finish. And if I do, once through will probably do it for me.

    When you see the old salt Combat Mission veterans look at you with the Virtual Pixeltruppen Thousand-Yard Stare, it was scenarios like this, and a small little jaunt known as 'To The Volga' that did it to them...

    (Combat Mission Beyond Overlord veteran in his natural environment, circa 2001)

  8. Hmmm, I thought this idea seemed familiar...

    On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2015 at 10:55 PM, MOS:96B2P said:

    I like this FOB concept where you have your core unit and you can take them out the gate to do multiple varied missions.  Maybe create one additional AI plan where the FOB itself would come under a strong attack just to keep the player honest about how much he is taking out the gate.  It would also create some tension knowing it is possible the big one may hit the FOB while you have part of the combat power away on the given mission.  There is a lot of replay value in this scenario and map.            



    Several years later, and here we are... :)

  9. On ‎3‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 2:38 PM, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    That's the spirit!  ;)

    With a bit of fiddling in the editor you can create some interesting units with the current version of CM:SF, so I'm itching to see what the new one will offer.  B)

    One of my favorite parts of Combat Mission is being confronted with the Force Selection screen, given a chunk of points, and just seeing what kind of highly customized, and finely tuned force setup I can make.

    It's like a game within a game...

  10. 21 hours ago, c3k said:

    Good grief! How did you find this? And congrats on your deficit to BFC being reduced to just negative 81. ;)

    I think it's more a question of who else would have the imagination to even look for such things, or the tenacity to dig them up on a daily basis...

    Checking in with the latest tidbits keeps me coming back to the forum. It's like a scavenger hunt, but without a list of things to find, the things find you instead!


    2 hours ago, DerKommissar said:

    I always thought the ridiculous negative score was some sort of inside-joke. Another great post.

    That's a long story, thankfully such behavior is no longer possible. I almost quit the forum over it.

  11. On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 5:35 PM, BletchleyGeek said:

    No worries, I follow your lead here. Screenshots I had in mind to illustrate the plans, and how those evolved, as I thought that bit cannot be captured so well with videos :)

    You can write and post whatever you'd like, I just don't want to spoil things early, that's all. You'll see what I mean in the next video, I leave you a hook at the end to write off of.


    On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 5:35 PM, BletchleyGeek said:

    I need to remember to drop by your discord server!

    It would make coordination a bit easier, or we can open a DM here on the forum to collaborate.

  12. On ‎4‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 8:30 AM, Bil Hardenberger said:

    to be honest, finding the time to devote to watching these AAR videos is tough for me.  It's much easier for me to read a written account with screenshots.

    That's why I'm going with weekly updates, to keep the pace down.

    The next part is cut and dried at 17 minutes, and will be posted on Saturday.

  13. 23 hours ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

    Awesome!  Can't have too many AARs.

    I think you will find this one interesting, especially the way it ends.
    No spoilers though... ;)


    12 hours ago, BletchleyGeek said:

    Great to see this starting @General Jack Ripper:)

    My experience of night battles with CMx2 is that when the balloon goes up and every body starts firing, you really want to have fire superiority on the point of contact.

    I leave it there - if I have time I will be posting the odd screenshot from my POV to contrast with Chris' video exposition.

    Thanks for coming.

    That is one small tidbit I have had to teach myself, time after time involving night battles, the absolute necessity of outgunning your opponent in very confined spaces the moment contact is first made.

    By all means, post whatever you like, I would simply ask to refrain from excessive spoilers. I kept all the turn files from both sides, and will use video from both sides in my presentation (showing the actions I took, then with an aside to show the effects of said action, whether effective or not). You can feel free to DM me any notes you might have that you would like to see referenced in each video section, or if capable, I am more than happy to include any recorded commentary you might wish to insert.


    2 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

    I'm still learning with night battles in the WWII titles (or even a modern mission where NVDs are not present).  I think it is generally correct to say that at night LOF is greater than LOS.  And then when a unit does fire it is probably spotted because of muzzle flash etc.  So Target Arcs can play an important role. 

    @General Jack Ripper  what skill level are you guys playing this at?  I watched the video but the one detail I didn't hear (maybe I missed it) was the skill level. 


    ^ I would say that is perfectly sound advice. We are playing on Elite, simply because I find the relative friendly spotting on Iron to be annoying, despite the fact it can be useful as a tool to visualize the C2 links.


    I'm hoping to release a video segment once a week, Real Lifetm work permitting, as well as a few other obligations currently running.

  14. This thread will be a repository for videos showcasing a PBEM game I had against @BletchleyGeek which had finished about 4 months ago.
    Do not expect quick or timely updates, this is a free-time only type of project, and is mostly me trying to shake off my lethargy after running three PBEM games concurrently, which left me feeling a bit burned out for a while.

    Without further ado, stand by to receive your mission briefing!



    Feel free to leave comments, or ask questions, but I would ask that ancillary discussion be kept to a minimum.

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