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General Jack Ripper

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Posts posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. 13 hours ago, squish1962 said:

    The individual fire trenches had proper overhead protection consisting of corrugated metal (you could stick your bayonet through it) covered by 2 layers of sandbags. The HQ bunker consisted of 6inch. diameter logs covered by corrugated steel and 2 layers of sand bags.

    I've read the "Survivability" Field Manual (FM 5-103), and that sounds exactly right.
    Be advised, trenches in CM do not model overhead cover.

    Welcome to the thread.

    Have you ever had so many books in your room you find them in your dirty laundry? ;)

  2. 2 hours ago, Erwin said:

    LOL   I read all 8+(?) of the f********* manuals since CM1 one came out in 1999.   If you can remember every detail after all those years, then you are a superman with eidetic memory!   (Am assuming you know what "eidetic" means as well.)  :) 

    I have forgotten more than I will ever remember. That's how you know you're an oldbie.

  3. 4 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

    Of course, but the flip side is that they're pinned for a reason more often than not. I use evade habitually as well but sometimes you gotta wait for the fire to slacken or you're going to feed the enemy casualties even faster. 

    Mmm, casualties.


  4. 21 hours ago, mbarbaric said:

    lookin forward to it. I am lurking around forums and occasionally play a battle (waiting for next CMI expansion), but I really appreciate your videos.

    I remember you from my subscriber list, or something.
    I too, am very much looking forward to the CMFI module, I'm saving it to do my "Ye Olde Grande Tank Lecture" on, given it takes CMFI from 1943 to 1945.

  5. 16 hours ago, Badger73 said:


    I think @SLIM wants to show how to successfully street fight / urban assaults up and along a street corridor when its the only avenue of approach available.  He mentions that just the street and its adjacent building are "in bounds" for his demonstration purposes.  Please correct me if I'm mistaken. 

    The boundaries of the exercise were the street, and any doors facing the street.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Erwin said:

    Have never understood how IED's work. So, very useful summary.  Thanks...  (Should be a sticky.)

    If everything that SHOULD be stickied was stickied, you'd have to go to page 12 in order to see the new threads.

    The alternative solution however, is to RTFM.

  7. Merry Early Christmas everyone!
    I've hosted as many of the Colonel Alphin lectures I could find, in the best quality available.
    They are posted here in a playlist for easy viewing, with 14 videos in total.

    I still cannot find a few selected examples, such as Crossbow versus Longbow, Custer's Last Stand, and the ones about Tanks.

    Anyway, Merry Christmas, and Happy Holidays, etc.

  8. 1 minute ago, Mord said:

    HA! That was my first guess, NH, but your location threw me off!

    The storm back on the 28th knocking out our power 3 1/2 days set me back. And then this cold front came sweeping in, all caught me off guard. I thought I had a little longer. LOL. Thinking gets me in trouble 90% of the time.


    My real digs are buried on my profile page.

    We were lucky, we only lost power for about an hour, and my workplace didn't lose it at all. (Darn it!)
    We still hadn't gotten the pool drained out again after all the rain before it froze over. I guess we'll need some new fittings in springtime.
    So much for procrastination, nature doesn't wait for anything.

  9. On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 7:25 PM, Mord said:

    I long for when we can personalize armor. We are so close now but the game still assigns bmps at random. If that was changed we could have tanks and such with names/different camos/art on them without duplication.


    As I understand it, going back to the old rag-tag mod, the game actually assigns everything in a cycle or something, depending on the number appended to the file name.
    I suppose, one could simply make a hundred or so unique .bmp's then you'd have one for every tank?

    Talk about working for your hobby though...

    EDIT: Here it is: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=665

  10. On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 5:43 PM, Mord said:

    Nice. Are you in California or on the East Coast now?

    Yeah, you ain't kidding. It's gettin' down to 19 tonight and the wind is still a blowin' and I haven't fully winterized the bunker!


    New Hampshire raised, been back for the last six years.
    That's lake Winnisquam in the picture.

    Holding off the window insulation 'til the last minute, eh?
    We've already had to turn on the heat.

  11. 12 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Oh, now we're getting into "started" are we?  My first home video game was a Telstar Marksman, which was basically Pong with a light pistol and detachable rifle stock.  I remember my father waiting in a long line at a Sears to get one.  Yesserie, fond memories that I've not dredged up probably since you were playing Intelivision ;)

    Now that I feel old, I'm going to go to sleep for a little while!


    What was the world like when everything was in black and white?
    Did food taste differently?
    How did traffic lights work?

  12. 1 hour ago, Battlefront.com said:

    CM1 had a more nuanced version of this concept by imposing unit specific "Command Delays".  This also ran into serious realism issues and player frustration similar to what I described above.  Which is why CM2 doesn't have it.

    It also lead to my learned behavior of only plotting a single waypoint every turn.
    I'm still trying to unlearn that particular behavior, after I plotted an entire battalion's worth of waypoints in CMBO, then sat around for six turns doing nothing waiting for my squad leaders to explain the extremely convoluted plan to their soldiers...

    If anything, it trained me to keep things as simple as possible.

  13. 1 hour ago, Miller786 said:

    I just experienced this bug on the "Merveilles a Merville" scenario, basically the paras just ignore the marked minefield and just use a wide formation that triggers the mines, killing everyone around, then they panic and the tacAI sends them off the path and its just massacre. http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cm-battles-for-normandy/merveilles-a-merville-assault-on-merville-battery/

    P.S: im on engine 4

    As far as I know, this issue has been nailed down, but there's been no fix yet.
    Just be extremely careful around any type of mines, whether marked or cleared.

    Steve has said TacAI fixes are high priority, I just hope the minefield behavior comes along with it.

  14. One thing that should be noted, is not all weapons on the ground are considered functional, depending how the guy carrying them was killed.

    22 hours ago, Sgt.Squarehead said:

    I still want my UnCons to nick the other side's gear (& maybe cut their throats while they're about it).  :ph34r:

    Just area target the ground wounded enemies are on while in hand grenade range. Throw a few grenades, and those wounded dudes will be KIA in no time.

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