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General Jack Ripper

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Posts posted by General Jack Ripper

  1. On ‎6‎/‎8‎/‎2018 at 4:41 PM, Erwin said:

    Also, John it would be great if you could post links that do not require us to watch a 30 second commercial first.  Life is too short...  Thanks...

    Good sir, adblock is a wonderful tool that enables one to surf the interwebs without such headaches.
    You can pick and choose who gets your advertising dollars, or block everyone, and everything.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Artkin said:

    Yeah I struggle on some maps. When I start losing frames I drop shadows (Huge boost) and as a last resort model settings/trees. Looking down and minding my own business seems to keep my fps manageable. Also, placing your move orders right away keeps fps up. For some reason when I go to assign one my fps drop significantly until it's placed. 

    I've had shadows toggled off since my very first day since CMx2 games were even a thing.
    They aren't necessary, and you get at least 5 FPS for switching them off.

    I've noticed the same thing with the move orders. When you're dragging the order out, FPS goes down, but after you place it, FPS goes back up.
    Meh. OpenGL is an eccentric thing. I'm certainly not starting a thread to complain about my issues.

    I'm a bit too old for that. "Back in my day, we didn't have these fancy polygons! What?" ;)

  3. 2 minutes ago, Artkin said:

    I've found overclocking your cpu gives you tremendous gains in fps. I have an i5 2500k @ 4.6Ghz - 2012 hardware. 

    I've got an AMD FX 8350 with 4 physical cores at 4.0 GHZ each.

    Still... Single digits are where it's at.

  4. Oh man.

    I might have to put in for some vacation time once this AAR really kicks off.

    On ‎6‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 5:29 PM, Bil Hardenberger said:


    Aww geez, he's even highlighting his analysis elements!

    You are setting a standard not easily achieved once again. Look at that blue highlight!
    I never would have thought of that!

    TYes, I'm drunk. UI work for the post office. you would be too. ;)

  5. 5 hours ago, Apocalypse 31 said:

    I'm surprised the thread has lasted this long. Feel free to lock it and ban me at any time. Won't be offended.
    Where I come from and how I work, divergent opinions are welcomed and wanted. But this is the internet and not real life. 

    Now, now, sir. No one is saying you cannot disagree.
    We're just pointing out "divergent opinions" of our own.

  6. 15 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    From feedback it is pretty clear that Combat Mission does a credible job of simulating warfare.

    I've shown Combat Mission to every veteran I know (which is quite a few), and the common consensus I have received is, "Yeah, it's close enough."
    Is it perfect? Nah.
    Is it good enough? Absolutely.

  7. 16 hours ago, Artkin said:

    Also on a side note that map is 19 x 6 km with a few hundred meters to spare. That's 114 sq km. Which is a little over 4 1/2 larger than the largest map I've been able to load a scenario in on CMBS. However, even at 5 x 5 km, the map still runs very comfortably. Steve earlier mentioned the engine is reaching its limits.. Not in fps! :)

    Speak for yourself. If I were to play on a 5x5 map, my computer would melt.
    I'm currently playtesting a Company+ sized scenario on a 4x4 map, and I'm very much enjoying the single digit FPS I get to deal with.
    Oh, wait, no I'm not.

  8. 18 hours ago, Apocalypse 31 said:


    Superimpose that red square over Objective 'Peter', and abstract the approach maneuver in the scenario editor, and you would have a CM Scenario.

    Create one battle around Objective 'Parker', and another one around Objective 'Peter', and you have a CM Campaign.

    Get it? The scenarios and campaigns present in the game provide for everything you would need to simulate this operation, with the exception of the approach march, and maneuver between objectives, which if you really wanted them, could also be added (in sections) into a CM Campaign.

  9. It was removed from the store because it pirated assets owned by someone else.

    As far as I'm concerned, people can make games about whatever they want, no matter how tasteless.

    There's even a game out there that lets you assassinate Kennedy. So what?


    On ‎5‎/‎31‎/‎2018 at 8:32 AM, Sublime said:

    tbh I think the media coverage of the events until the next goads probable killers more than anything. but i also think these shooters would probably end up doing something terrible either way.

    I agree.

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