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Posts posted by Salkin

  1. I'm with Cull on this one.

    When I play CM , I want to sit back relax and do it on my own time. Not squeese it in in the hour my human oponent has to spare.

    I want to take my time and think and sit in front of the computer with a game of CM for hours just enjoying the experience.

    I don't want the sense of being there get ruined by some guy typing :

    "Nice move, buddy !"


    "That was cool ."

    or maybe

    "Hey, did you watch the game the other night ?!"

    Single player is where it's at for me. I don't like the feeling of prestige that comes into it when I play another player, I just like the single player experience.

    And I would like it even more with a good campaign map :D .


  2. Originally posted by Elmar Bijlsma:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Sometimes a moment of clarity hits me and I can understand why telling lies is so routine in game PR as well as the rest of the world. And when I realize this I am tempted to give into the Dark Side. But I get over it and instead wind up wasting a few days yelling back at people who are yelling at me. Someday I'll get tired of it and lie instead. That day ain't here yet :D


    Classic! </font>
  3. Oh , and you missed a few things from Windy citys thread.

    I'm guessing there wont be any simulated furniture but howabout lamp-posts.

    These could definitely be a gameplay factor during night combat. When the enemy sneaks into a village they will be caught in the light from the lamp-posts.

    This will make them an easier target , unless they cut the power to/destroy the lamp-posts.

    Steve, any comments ?


    [Edited because I can't write in english...]

  4. I AM NOT BORED OF WW2 !!!

    There, I said it, and I'll say it again if needs be. I have taken a loooooong brake in CM just to be ready for the next installment of "Combat Mission:Hitler must die II" .


    (Name of game may change)

  5. Don't change:

    *The WEGO system smile.gif .


    *I'd like a campaign system added. I'm not talking a historical correct campaign with the exact right markings for each and every unit , but something simple where I move a few units on a map and sometimes get resupplied from an HQ somewhere. Something to put my battles in context and see changes in the big picture when I loose a tank/made an enemy loose a tank.

    I don't want a campaign like this that goes on for ages but somthing simple. Like the RTW campaign but in a much smaller scale (and with less units).

    *And like karch I want my infantry to able to take cover behind a tank.

    *Oh, don't pour all your resources into it , but try to improve the AI a little (I know it's hard , but just make it a little better if possible.).

    *Also I'd like multiplayer with more players then 2 . Up to 6 players would be kind of cool smile.gif .

    That's all I can think of now.


    Looking forward to the next big thing in gaming ;) . No pressure tongue.gif .

    [ August 25, 2005, 03:34 AM: Message edited by: Salkin ]

  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    BTW, Andreas hit upon something I meant to mention earlier. And that is the Module concept INCREASES the possibility of getting oddball things. In other words, the effort for a Module is a lot less than a full game, therefore the risk factor is also greatly reduced for us. And since we can do many and not release one every 2 years... again, less risk of disaster if we released something only a minority wants. I'm not saying that we'd release something so off the wall that only a couple hundred people might buy it (it's just not worth it to us), but we might not have to choose between one that will sell x and another that will sell 50% of x. We could sell both instead of the more popular one.

    Just more food for thought ;)


    Steve, I'm not sure if this have been asked , but do you need a guy to fetch coffe for you and do the odd pizza delivery ?

    I'm ready and willing to quit my day job to get a look at CMx2 .

    Just asking....


    Swede starting to get the shakes

  7. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    BTW, Andreas hit upon something I meant to mention earlier. And that is the Module concept INCREASES the possibility of getting oddball things. In other words, the effort for a Module is a lot less than a full game, therefore the risk factor is also greatly reduced for us. And since we can do many and not release one every 2 years... again, less risk of disaster if we released something only a minority wants. I'm not saying that we'd release something so off the wall that only a couple hundred people might buy it (it's just not worth it to us), but we might not have to choose between one that will sell x and another that will sell 50% of x. We could sell both instead of the more popular one.

    Just more food for thought ;)


    Steve, I'm not sure if this have been asked , but do you need a guy to fetch coffe for you and do the odd pizza delivery ?

    I'm ready and willing to quit my day job to get a look at CMx2 .

    Just asking....


    Swede starting to get the shakes

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