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Posts posted by Salkin

  1. Steve, always with the politics !

    This is a civil forum go to the gyrene one with all your Canadian hostilities tongue.gif .

    Oh, just kidding by the way...

    And yeah... when the occasional cry baby comes onto this Forum and complains about the overt American bias found here, I think to myself "well, if Finns, Canadians, and Aussies are considered Americans... the chump might have a point"!

    What about Swedes ?

    We are as Americanised as you'll get !


  2. Originally posted by Sailor Malan:


    Seriously, try not to think of CM as a straight game to learn to beat. Think of it as a learning experience. Talk on the forum, ask questions, read, learn , and experiment. No tutorial, however good, is going to teach you everything. It will only ever be a taster. Learning is half the fun.

    Good luck, and ask away.

    Excellent post Sailor Malan !

    This is what I did with CM. I didn't know much about WW2 before CM but after I started playing I bought books and learnt alot simply by browsing these forums. No game before has ever gotten me close to an experience like this.

    It's learning by doing , or rather learning while having tons of fun !!!


    It's not a game it's an experience :D

  3. Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

    The missions may also be a problem. A friend of mine who never owned CMBO or CMBB bought CMAK recently, and he regularly gets clobbered by the AI if he tries a scenario designed by a CM veteran.

    Please have a couple of newbie-friendly missions ready that can be played like a multi-lesson tutorial.


    Most quickbattles are in fact rather newbie friendly and maybe that's why they're my scenario of choice :D .


  4. Originally posted by MikeyD:

    "I was wondering what you have in mind as to gauge the interest of the community"

    Oh gawd, I hope they AREN'T trying to gauge community interest! :eek: :mad: You know that saying - a camel is a horse designed by committee.

    Designing the product to please everybody might lead (worst case scenario) to Maus fighting M36 TDs on Omaha beach. I'd rather see a lovingly crafted BFC title on the Russo/Japanese war than a title hacked together to please Everybody!

    [end of small pointless rant :rolleyes: ]

    I concur !
  5. Hi Steve ! Thanks for your great answer earlier.

    More thoughts:

    I see your problem with the strategical layer.

    One problem ,I guess, is that people want different strategic layers.

    I want something very simple that still puts the tactical aspect as star of the game. Many other here probably wants something on a grand scale, like you mentioned earlier, with the Normandy to Berlin thing and a third bunch of people want an extremely detailed fight in for instance Stalingrad.

    This brings us back to :

    You can't please all the people all the time - thing.

    So I really see your dilemma.

    I respectfully retract my want for a Strategic layer and put my faith in you (Steve) and the brain in the jar :D .

    Oh, and I'll also keep an eye out for Eichenbaum and his friends upcomming CM project (if any).


  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    I'm not saying much about the Campaign system for now for a few reasons. But basically, you will have a bunch of units and you will play a bunch of battles with them. Some will float in and out, others will pretty much be with you the whole time. The timeframe is small enough that it is realistic, so don't be expecting a Steel Panthers or Pazer General style "what did you do in the war, daddy?" type campaign that goes from the start of the war to the end. That just isn't what CM is about.

    The campaign will also be semi-dynamic. Meaning, you can not decide "I want to do this based on that" for your next battle, but depending on circumstances you do you might get sidetracked before moving on.

    That's all for now :D


    Semi-dynamic.....I like smile.gif .

    Oh and another thing Steve. You once said that we really got to much longevity out of the CM games, that we play them for alot longer then you expected/ we were supposed to.

    You meant that from a games developers standpoint this is not very economical .

    I guess you meant that any good developer wants their customer to finnish/get bored with a game faster so that he gets interested in what's on the horizon.

    Well IMHO the longevity in the CM games is a huge selling point. I could probably boot up a CMAK game ten years from now and still enjoy the hell out of it. That's a good thing smile.gif .

    Comments ?


  7. Originally posted by Colonel_Deadmarsh:

    What seriously worries me is this crazy talk of eliminating PBEM.

    Why would something so great from the last edition not be included in a future version?

    If this happens, I might just stick to CMBB. I don't have time to play a game for 1-2 hours straight on TCP. I just want to sit down for 10-20 minutes, make my turn, send the turn, and go back to my work.

    I'd bet that a lot of working folks can only spare the same amount of time each day to play this game.

    Fer crying out loud !

    Somebody sticky the rules and regulations about discussing PBEM !

    This thread is discussing the CAMPAIGN part of CMx2, leave your stinkin' PBEM talk out of it ;) .

    I just wanted to say that this game will be the bees knees nomatter what, but I'd really apreciate a Campaign where you could move units around on a map fighting germans/space lobsters or what have you.

    Heck, I even made a simplified version of it with pen and paper for CMBB smile.gif .

    Now , I know this will not happen in CMx2's first release but I just wanted to show my interest in the feature for future releases.

    Steve , I'm really looking forward to your next fantastic game.


  8. LOL !

    Hey, keep this up and Tom will be out of a job ;) .

    I think Tom and Winecape are doing all this hard labour just to be let in on the Beta testing :D .

    Notice how the thread cunningly avoids touching the subject beta testing ....

    Winecape your position should be a sure thing, with you being first beverage deliverer smile.gif .


    Just kidding guys. Great work Winecape !


  9. Mord , nice move backing up Tom . He has the right to his opinion as much as anyone else.

    I too do alot of lame cheerleading but when you spend years making a game, like battlefront has, while always taking alot of flak about for instance PBEM, a positive word here and there is probably nice to hear too.


    Tom don't listen to the surly people smile.gif

  10. Originally posted by 1FSTCAT:

    January seems optimistic, after reading the state of the engine. I would guess more like 2nd or 3rd quarter of '06.

    Of course, this is just coming from a guy who has watched countless new games release over the past 10-15 years.


    Do you guys know what happens to a kitten every time we have this discussion ?!


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