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Posts posted by Salkin

  1. Originally posted by Tagwyn:

    63!! I'm the oldest! What a distinction.


    Does this mean we can't rip on Emrys any more ? :(

    I'm 31....and for each one of these threads I answer, another year or two drips away, so please stop with the "how old are you" threads tongue.gif .


  2. Originally posted by ParaBellum:

    Yup, good news indeed.

    As much as I'm concerned, BFC can take all the time they need to build a great engine. I'm still busy with CMBB and CMAK anyway.


    All the time spent on these forums made me pick up CMBB and CMAK again too :D .


  3. I will probably mostly play company or battalion sized campaigns (will the game ship with any small campaigns Moon ?). And when playing I will probably only play out the most important battles in CMBB.

    I may also play this game with friends vs the AI, where my different friends handle different units. Could be cool smile.gif .


  4. Originally posted by c3k:

    Hey, anyone else notice that BF.C TOTALLY screwed up the thickness of the space lobsters' shells? They need to address that in a patch...right now!!



    Depends.....the earlier models used to have shells like that, but I'm not sure they are putting those in the game.

    Hmm...Dorosh is that the model F Assault Lobster or is it the regular H one ?


  5. Originally posted by Michael Emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Capt. Toleran:

    I guess the reason why some of us express our displeasure on threads like these is that we remember when Battlefront used to share information with its customer base.

    I think that is because 6-8 years ago BTS (as it was then) was breaking a whole lot of new ground and to a certain extent groping in the dark. It was natural then for them to be bouncing ideas off of us (a much smaller group back then) to try to figure out what would work, both as a convincing representation of history and as a fun game. Now though, they have much greater confidence in their own vision of how things should go and don't feel they need as much day to day input on each tiny detail. Time will tell whether and how much that view is correct, but it seems like that is the premise they are operating on.

    Then too, there is the problem of what might be called industrial espionage. Back in the beginning, most of the old pros didn't think BTS had anything worth stealing, that what they were trying to do could not be done, and that BTS was simply wasting their time. BTS could afford to be very open about what it was doing. Then when CM:BO took off like a rocket, suddenly BFC's (as it had by then become) plans and techniques were worth glomming onto. There was even a guy who showed up a few months after the release of the game who was urging BFC to become a publicly traded company so he could buy stock! It was pretty clear from his posts and his hasty departure that he hadn't the slightest interest in the game as a game, but only as an investment opportunity.

    As a consequence of those and other factors, BFC now have to play their cards closer to their chests to avoid getting ripped off by third-rate wannabes. Sad but true. Welcome to the capitalist system.

    Michael </font>

  6. Another thing to think about is , that if they started hyping the game too much now with screenshots and stuff and then released the game a year later the waiting would be totally unbareable and they would probably loose customers.

    When they are near release I'm pretty sure they will send out screens and anouncements to several gaming sites/mags so that all the old fans will return in droves.

    Until then , play some more Oblivion....it's not a bad game you know smile.gif .


  7. Originally posted by Matt H:

    Well, with that War on Terror game and some car wrecking ame, it is obvious what you're getting into when you purchase it. It's a mainstream title and unfortunately they have gone down hill in the last 5 years where gameplay becomes retread and publishers don't feel like trying something new. I am sure the developers had some awesome ideas for fresh ideas that were axed by the producer/publisher types. This is the state of main stream games today. That is why everyone is here afterall aren't they? Battlefront goes against the grain and doesn't make games to appeal to those that want graphics over gameplay. They can find a nice in between. Fortunately, the indie game market is now booming, you just have to search for it. This will eventually make its way back to the mainstream market and the quality and gameplay of games will go back up again.

    One indie game worth looking out for is Mount & Blade. Just a tip for all jaded gamers out there. Itdoesn't come close to beating Combat Mission but it's fun for a while.


  8. I agree with what Gpig said .

    Guys go outside, drink a few beers, play some CM or watch a few pixar movies.

    Do something other then hassle Steve. They have a small and very dedicated crew. I promise you guys that they are working their butts off.

    I'm off to buy another game while waiting.


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