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Posts posted by Salkin

  1. I wouldn't mind several different death animations and dramatic combat animations from the guys battling it out in the field. Just to make the battle come alive so to speak.

    If the little guys use cover and similar stuff , that would be cool too.

    Just imagine it:

    You see the sarge barking orders , a fire team laying down some fire while a tank crew crawls away from the burning tank...

    Suddenly one of the guys in the fireteam is hit and tumbles to the ground. A stray mortar shell rips apart the ground next to the officer who flies 3 metres into the air (maybe he's missing a leg :D ).

    Well I suppose Gpigs drawings illustrate this stuff better than me but what I'm saying is that it would be nice to see the battle come alive with a few more animations then the 5 necessary ones smile.gif .


    This , off course, is only window dressing that take a back seat to actual gameplay-programming smile.gif .

  2. I wouldn't mind several different death animations and dramatic combat animations from the guys battling it out in the field. Just to make the battle come alive so to speak.

    If the little guys use cover and similar stuff , that would be cool too.

    Just imagine it:

    You see the sarge barking orders , a fire team laying down some fire while a tank crew crawls away from the burning tank...

    Suddenly one of the guys in the fireteam is hit and tumbles to the ground. A stray mortar shell rips apart the ground next to the officer who flies 3 metres into the air (maybe he's missing a leg :D ).

    Well I suppose Gpigs drawings illustrate this stuff better than me but what I'm saying is that it would be nice to see the battle come alive with a few more animations then the 5 necessary ones smile.gif .


    This , off course, is only window dressing that take a back seat to actual gameplay-programming smile.gif .

  3. Originally posted by GreenAsJade:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Other Means,

    You've obviously missed the point. When Grog was asked to imagine a better car, he came up with very small, narrow things. Even when he designer prodded him to "think big", Grog refused to.

    Sorry, Steve, I don't think he did miss the point. I think you missed his.

    His point was that to engage in a sensible conversation about the next big thing, even poor ole Grog needs some context. You didn't tell him whether it was a hovercraft or matter transmission that you had in mind.

    You've started giving that context for CMx2, but you've also said you can't describe really what the revolutionary new game will be like because you're not telling your competition etc.

    In the absence of knowing what kind of game, in the broad sense, CMx2 will be, of course people have to refer to what they currently know.

    The alternative is the approach taken by Treeburst. Look how far that gets: no-where, because you can't confirm or deny whether that's the kind of game you want to discuss.

    GaJ. </font>

  4. I think Other Means has some Excellent points Steve. It would be great if you gave us a few screenshots of the new engine in action and maybe a small description of what's going on .

    This will, even if it is a very early version, give us a ballpark to limit our ideas, so to speak.

    Al, get over yourself and save your energies. Battlefront is working on the next big thing and their earlier work isn't half as unfinished as you make it sound. I challenge you to come up with even one strategy game as good as CM.

    Oh , and to get back to my earlier point:

    Steve, I can understand if your current work isn't finished enough to display without some very upset people on this forum but I still want to emphasize that it would make it much easier for us to give input.

    Without any frames to give input we are likely to base our suggestions on the current engine (cup holder stuff).

    Another thing is (here comes the fanboy bit):

    You made such an excellent work on the earlier Combat Mission that people like me and (if I understood the post correctly) kipanderson don't want to disturb your creative energies but just let you get on with it.


    *Great* Another thread dedicated to Dorosh :D .

    (just kidding Mike)

  5. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

    My other problem with abstraction of 1:1 representation was that tactically speaking, squads trained to break down into teams - certainly in the CW but also very prevalently in the US Army. We may have an opportunity for some national characteristics - ie the inability of Soviet squads to utilize teams - if these tactics are recreated now (we have "split squads" but they aren't done with much accuracy now in CM).

    Again, it comes down to how much micromanagement you want to do. Whether we are allowed as players to split into teams, or whether the Tac AI will do so automatically is all the same to me (hopefully a bit of both), but if neither is the case, then once again there is little point in having 1:1 representation to begin with.

    In other words, if tactics are being abstracted, there is no point in one to one representation.

    I'd love to see it handled well, however - the ability to split a CW infantry section into a Bren Group and a Rifle Group and have them make use of individual cover would be great. Even better if the computer would take care of those little details for us while we assume the role of company commander. Sounds like what is on the burner, but we shall see.

    It's really difficult to tell what type 1:1 representation Battlefront is up too , and I wonder how far gone the development is .

    Does anything that, for instance , Michael Dorosh say here influence the final product.

    Steve , how about a comment ;) ?


  6. You are a grog Michael and in my opinion that's not an insult, it's a label (which I suppose can be an insult).

    It means you know lot's about the War. You know which unit did what, you know what caliber will penetrate most etc etc.

    Some people also add other meanings to the word grognard but in my opinion on this board it just means you REALLY burn for the subject at hand (WW2).

    About Gpigs sketches :

    Some other guy said before me (was it you Tom ?)that they help you day dream and they exercise your fantasy and above all:


    So bring on the excellent pics Gpig (they really are loaded with action/movement)

    And Michael keep up the tactical discussion , one thing doesn't have to exclude the other IMHO.

    He inspires , you analyse and inspire .

    Win, win in my book .


  7. Like I said before Gpig, nice looking doodles.

    A few thoughts :

    I'm a little carefull about discussing these issues because I don't know the power/limitations of the new graphics engine so I'm not sure what's reasonable to ask from the programmers .

    But as long as we're just daydreaming I think it would be nice to see all the KIA:s and see soldiers affected by wounds .

    This "wound"-question brings up the questions :

    1. Will wounded soldiers slow down a squad (like in real life)

    2. Will this element add or subtract from the fun of the game if implemented ?

    Oh , and I really like the machine gun squad doodle, Gpig. I'm fairly certain it will look something like that in game.

    An alternative however would be to have them sitting while sort of crouching over the MG. Both would be fine though.

    More doodles please smile.gif .


  8. Didn't one of the close combat games have a type of operation where you were advancing or being pushed back to a new map depending on how well you performed in the previous map ?

    Is it something along these lines Steve ?

    And sorry for nagging , I just love a fun campaign game . And I can tell you this , I'm not really worried cause whatever you guys choose to do I suspect CMx2 will be an enjoyable experience.


  9. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    ..... The development efforts to iron out these problems to the satisfaction of most is simply too great. Plus, it doesn't do anything for those who want a more story driven campaign, and those are (we think) the vast bulk of our audience. So the choice is rather clear for us.

    Quick Battles and premade scenarios will of course remain a part of CMx2, but the story driven campaign will likey be the primary way the majority of people play the game.


    Story driven campaigns are ok and all but I'm not sure that's what the majority of these forum dream about. Most people here seem like the type who want consequenses from their battles that they then have to act and react on , so being led by the nose is probably not what most people here want (I could be wrong of course).

    Anyway I have total understanding if a strategic layer could be a bit tough to program but don't skip on it because you think most people want a story driven linear campaign.

    Just my 2 cents.


    Thanks for all the replies Steve

  10. Originally posted by Watson & Crick:

    If you enjoyed the CMBO, you will enjoy the present one. A fair number of new battles and old CMBO favorites are available for CMAK. CMBB is a nice too. I really enjoy the Russian-German armor matchups.

    The new game will be about space-lobsters of doom. Read here for details.

    I agree with enjoying the Russian-German fights in CMBB as well.

    I was mostly interested in the western front when I started playing CM but I bought CMBB because CMBO was so great. The more I played BB the more I learnt, and as I learned more I started enjoying the game more.

    Get both CMBB and CMAK they are both great !


  11. *Fan boy mode active*

    Steve is back , and better then ever :D !

    Is this guy verbal or what. Everything he writes reads as a cigarette commercial, you just want more of that addictive stuff ! smile.gif

    Rune you rule too but I would never admit it cause it goes straight to your head ;) .

    *Fan boy mode off*

    ...but (there's always a but) as excited as I am about this new engine that can cater to fantasy-fans and WW2-fans alike , you can never please everybody all the time so stick with what you know lads smile.gif .

    Well, it's way to early to predict or say anything like this because we fans know nothing about nothing. But we are still entitled to an opinion (unfortunately) :D .


    Wishing the Battlefront crew all the best

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