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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. So this is what you were yammering about? This is the result of your need for silence? This...it doesn't even rhyme, it has no rhythm, and it makes no sense. Sheesh! Look Boo, just because you finally figured out how to use the Velcro flaps on your thongs, doesn't immediately qualify you for genius status. Well maybe in Ohio, but the standards on this Thread are a LOT higher, (well excluding the Aussies, the Manysodans, the Texans, etc.) Try again lad, this time actually take the full two months that Lars so graciously offered. Sure we'll miss ya *Snicker*, but it will be time well spent. Oh and here's a tip. Don't post a screenie next time, it just takes up server space, and contributed nothing to your attempted versification. Good Luck and we''ll see you back here in November!
  2. How about another RUNE JR(capitalized out of respect for true genius) scenario? Not that your work isn't...adequate. *looks at clock* *begins to sweat profusely even WITH air conditioning*.
  3. So the wife is no longer mad at you and will now resume dressing you? </font>
  4. Update <big><big><big>POWER ON!!!</big></big></big> Ah, the joy! No more cold showers. No more shaving in the dark. No more wearing different color socks. No more asking "What's that smell?" Turns will resume this weekend. PS-Last day of Mr Nice Guy so take your best shot!
  5. Don't let it go to your head. Grunion. I was in a hurry and it was a toss up between this and something about Aliens and Predators Challenge Peng about his time in Cambodia, and that was too long in my opinion. </font>
  6. [edited because my wife called to say that she saw a TECO truck driving down our street] Yes, I am overcome with love for my fellow man. Yes, Runyan99, you have been blessed. You have been selected by none other than Boo Radley, that great soothsayer and espouser of wisdom from Ohio for this singular honor. Go forth now and reap the harvest of this unexpected blessing. Hug the first person you see. Smile at your neighbor. Give a bum a dollar (my e-mail addie is in my profile, I'll send you my address). After four days in the realm of Berli, the purgatory of no power may soon come to it's end. Love and kisses to all. [ August 17, 2004, 09:28 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  7. UPDATE Power Outage is now: <big><big><big>FOUR FECKIN DAYS</big></big></big> Humidity is at 120%. Temp hovering in the 90's. And then the sun comes up and it really gets hot. My good natured and forgiving self is undergoing a complete transmogrification. Fortunately, there is my work. This allows me to rail and moan and bitche to my heart's content. *Sniff* And you lot are clearly deserving.
  8. Hurricane? What Hurricane? OH, the one that has left me without power in my home for <big><big><big>THREE FECKIN DAYS</big></big></big> Not to mention the fence is down, the trees are limbless, and the pool has more lumber in it than the local hardware store. Thank Gawd for work, where the drinks are cold and the food is hot instead of the other way around. I may work late today, unless my wife calls to say that the power is back on. Oh, in case you haven't heard: IT'S FECKIN HOT IN FLORIDA IN AUGUST PS-No turns for awhile. Just pretend I'm Joe Shaw and you'll probably not even notice.
  9. Have you tried using the "save" button at the bottom of the screen in the interface area?
  10. Judging by the smell of the Paddock, what you say may be true, but it would appear more likely that you have been rolling in your #2's.
  11. dalem What kind of gibberish are you posting here? I have a few questions for you to answer so you can translate the dalespeak: Now about this impulse modifier die roll, which impulses are you attempting to modify? Your impulse to drink excessively? Your impulse to take a shot at someone? Your impulse to drink and shoot someone at the same time? Now I realise that rolling drunks is considered a profession in Minnesota, but exactly what were you expecting to get from rolling The Bard? Money? Dirty Pictures? His hat? Did you cook something? Why would Papa Khann taste anything that you put before him? Why didn't you roll Papa Khann? Is it possible that he is more of a derelict than Seanachai? So who was actually shot? How come Lars was up early and sober today, the day after his Birthday? Questions, questions, questions. And not an answer in sight.
  12. What kind of Birthday Party did you have? Here you are posting bright and early and with an actual coherent post no less, the DAY AFTER your party. My condolences. Do not despair. As you slowly reach the Age of Illumination (50), you will begin to see the secrets of life unravelling before your eyes in such a way as to make you realize how foolish you have been all your young life. I will be here for you Lars. With advice, counsel, and wisdom to ease the pain of your transistion. Now wipe that ****e eating grin off your face and get back to priming those apartments. Even the ghetto/slums that you own could use a coat of paint every 30 or so years.
  13. Happy Birthday Lars. Don't send a turn tonight. I would feel bad for you to lose our game on your birthday. Like Joe said, you ain't seen nuthin yet, young one.
  14. Has anybody ever "played" Inferno? :confused: Mostly people "endured" or "struggled through" or "suffered the indignity" of Inferno. :mad: :mad: I do NOT recall anybody ever "playing" Inferno. :mad:
  15. Okay, I got this figured out: Dave H = Hoosier Axe2121 = Hoser mike_the_wino123456789 = Boozer Snarker = Loser Yep, that's it.
  16. Well it looks like you have the understanding part down, now work on your patience.
  17. I think you would get a lot farther if you tried some patience and understanding dalem. You are aware that the gnome is a life long practitioner of obstinance?
  18. Okay the time has come to put an end to the lies, distortions, and misleading comments. That's right I'm talking The Home & Garden Network. These people, with their thirty minute remodeling and do it yourself programs have deceived the American people long enough. I say it is time we rise up and put a stop to the madness. Want to put tile down in your kitchen? NO PROBLEM, according to H & G Network! As the show starts we see a lovely kitchen (which IMO is just fine the way it is), but apparently, the linoleum floor is just a bit too white for the appliances and there is severe color clashing going on. This is apparently a very unsettling condition which affects most of the female population in this country. Men apparently are not sensitive to these states of color conflict. The smiling host and his partner, the hostess, open the show dressed in shorts and T-shirts and wearing tool belts that have more tools than your local hardware store would ever dream of stocking. "First we must remove all the appliances so we can begin the simple task of removing the linoleum floor to prepare a solid base and foundation for the new tile" smiles the host. The hostess chirps in, her teeth flashing with a whiteness that your toilet bowl can only dream of having, "Be sure that you unplug all your appliances before moving them!" Cut to next scene: All the appliances have been removed and now the host is gazing at the floor that is to be removed. "Okay, now all we have to do is pull up the old flooring and the base underneath and then we can begin laying some tile!" The hostess seems to be on the verge of some orgasmic moment as she repeats the last line, "That's right, then we can lay some tile!!!. The host, somewhat startled by this outburst is still the consumate professional, "But first, here's a word from our sponser!" Here's the first clue that something is not quite right. As they start to pull up the old flooring, we notice that they are wearing shorts and that through the window streams the sunshine of a hot summer day. When we come back from commercial, we see that the old floor has been totally removed, but for some reason IT'S NOW SNOWING OUTSIDE!!!. I could go on, but I am sure that there are many among us here who have also suffered through this Do It Yourself Divorce programming and hopefully are ready now to step up and move forward in the campaign to force Truth in Broadcasting standards to apply to the evil and despicable H & G Network. I wonder if Berli is a major stockholder? My guess is that this whole concept originated in his devilish mind. Next: The truth about 30 Minute Meals from The Food Network.
  19. Well the genie is outta the bottle now. I tried to warn people about this "gift from the Devil". Did anyone listen? Of course not. Even as they post their multi-color, eye straining drivel, the corruption and degradation begins. That it is an Aussie that is giving pointers and advice on technique should be enough to set off all the warning flags and whistles. But no, you say, the colors are so nice, they make my posts seem worthy, they make me look cool, etc. So sad, but clearly the fires of the Infernal Regions will be burning bright for the near future. The only positive is that it will keep Berli occupied counting all his new disciples.
  20. Things I don't understand: Joe cannot log on to the Forum, so instead of spending the time gainfully playing turns and readying them for transmittal (as clearly his e-mail function was still working), he decides to bombard ALL the unfortunates who found their way into his e-mail address book with his pitiful cries and gnashing of teeth about his horrible misfortune. Say it ain't so Joe, say it ain't so.* *-Courtesy the movie Eight Men Out.
  21. Eliminate all the babbling and pontificating from your posts, peel away the superfluous and irrelevant, then dig down deep to the core of your message and what do we find?
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