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Jim Boggs

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Everything posted by Jim Boggs

  1. Hey rune! You get any feedback from Lurkur yet on that scenario of yours we're testing? Oh, never mind, you are clearly still alive, so the answer would be NO.
  2. Axe was, (the last I heard), being booked on certain moral charges. :eek: As evidenced by his recent appearance on the GF, he is apparently still in denial. Regardless, if you (Dave H) promise NOT to ditch your turn-sending responsibilities for the world of BarneyFifeDumb then I would relish (hold the mayo Snarker) the thought of smacking an Indiana Pantyhoosier in a game of CMAK. :mad: :mad: MAGGOT!!!!!! :mad: :mad:
  3. EWWWWWWWWW!!!!! I knew no good would come of those kilt pictures :mad: :mad: :mad: [edit]-In a fit of logical thinking (temporary I'm sure), the good Snarksalot has decided to bail on his last post and start fresh with a new Thread. [ April 02, 2004, 10:27 AM: Message edited by: Jim Boggs ]
  4. Thanks for that image, Boo. Bastiche. Since we're on the topic of pathetic, where's my setup Boggs? </font>
  5. Sheesh! Lars Don't listen to Boo, unless you want everybody to think you're from Ohio. If so, here's some items the Ohideous One forgot: 1) Make sure you have a big drool stain on the front of your shirt. 2) Your skin should be almost translucent. 3) Always drive slow in the left lane 4) Have sixteen "1948 World Series Champion" decals on your Honda Civic. 5) Always leave a quarter tip to flaunt your wealth. 6) When at the beach, allow your tongue to drag in the sand, as you will see more skin in one day than you have in your entire lifetime.
  6. MY EYES!!!!! Quick, need something else to look at.... Oh....much better....I can see again. NO MORE LOOKING UP KILTS PICTURES!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:
  7. I now know where Stuka has buggered off to. He's flying in the game. I blame rune of course. Hey Boggs, where are you located in the gator swamp? I'm headed to Ratville next month. </font>
  8. No one should be getting out of their kilt unless it's to put on some pants. </font>
  9. Okay, that makes sense. It would take you a couple hours to count to three.
  10. Hey Lurkur! You been posting some really great screen shots of your games! How come you haven't posted any of our game? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
  11. YOU WISH!!! The only pounding your guys are doing is with their FEET. And whar be muh turn you No-Turn Sending, Byzantine Platypuss Lover!!! If you don't understand that, ask A&8's.
  12. Hey Axe, when you come to Florida, I better warn ya that we got signs on our crosswalks here that say "WALK" or "DON'T WALK". If that confuses ya, let me know and I'll try to explain what they mean. BTW-You ever hear of a Canadian band called Out of Kilter?
  13. Wow! :eek: Two nights in a row you haven't sent turns. You really are a puss filled maggot :mad: :mad: Or was that a No-turn Sending Byzantine Platypus? :confused: :confused: Nah, you'll always be a MAGGOT!!!!! :mad: :mad:
  14. YOU STILL OWE ME MAGGOT!!! :mad: From that Beda Fooooooom disaster of a scenario. Even Axe couldn't design a worse on than that one. Send it. An opportunity to review Boo and Axe is just too good to pass up. Plus a chance to kick Snarker's Pennsyltucky Cro-Magnum .44 arse into next week. :mad: I'm seeing: win/win/win A feckin Threefer w00t!!!!!!!!!
  15. Good Morning Wafflers! An item of vital concern for your perusal: Wallybob While I am extemely impressed with your state of the art spam blocker, it has apparently decided that transmitting Radley's scenario would constitute an illegal act and at this point in time no set-up has been received :mad: Rectify!!!! :mad: As far as my e-mailed response to you being slotted in a suspicious file, I would say feel free to ask Axe, Snarker, Dave H, or Soddy and they will surely confirm that my intentions and actions are of the highest caliber. :cool: You don't really need to ask them, you can trust me on this one.
  16. Radley When you awaken from your drunken stupor, send your scenario to Wallybob, who has volunteered to play test it against an unbiased and objective opponent. You better hurry before Wallybob sobers up and realizes what he has done.
  17. You want feedback? You really want feedback??? Well then... 1) You are devoid of human emotion and conscience 2) You think scruples are something you dip your hot-wings in 3) You are an equal-opportunity pain giver 4) Your scenarios cause the same symptoms as painful rectal hemmorroids 5) R is for remorseless 6) U is for unpleasant 7) N is for nausea 8) E is for just plain EVIL Put them all together they spell: Three story buildings blowing up, shooting flaming debris for three blocks, over two rows of buildings into a field on the edge of town. When we finish, I shall send you a personal e-mail with a review which will not be as kind as this feedback I am giving you this morning. PS-need more ammo!!!!!!!!
  18. ---->YOU<----- have the scenario. My addie is in me profile. You may fire when ready :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
  19. Ha ha ha!! Ask Radley about a Three Story Steaming Pile!!! By the way there Lurkur, I commend your gallantry, charging my tanks with those Bren Carriers. Nice Touch! I think maybe rune did mention something about concern over play balance. But I'm sure it wasn't the Italians who were overloaded.
  20. Yeah, I'll bite. Sending you an email to that effect in a minute. Soddy is a little too much into the 5th stage of Drunkeness. </font>
  21. It's 10 PM and I have NO TURNS!!!! This travesty had best be corrected momentarily or certain members of this loose-knit Confederation shall be called to account.
  22. :mad: You strap-on. Push off back to your pit. :mad: I rode your Uncle Harold until his sphincter bled. Yes, I'm back, you stupid dildos, and I hate you more than ever. I hate you all, more than I hate having an itchy helmet frokm having shagged Snarker's great aunt Jezebel. :mad: LAP UP SOME :mad: :mad: :mad: , MAGGOTS!!!!! </font>
  23. Play it through my Peavy Heritage amp and even YOU will sound good. When you come to Florida bring your axe. We be jammin mon!
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